FROM alpine:3.11 ARG ATHEME_VERSION=7.2.10-r2 ARG CONFIGURE_ARGS=--enable-contrib ARG ATHEME_UID=10000 RUN adduser -D -h /atheme -u $ATHEME_UID atheme RUN mkdir /atheme-src # Install build-deps RUN apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps \ build-base \ pkgconf \ openssl-dev \ # Used by contrib/ libexecinfo-dev \ git # Runtime deps RUN apk add openssl libexecinfo # Checkout from Git - we need to manually bump the libmowgli snapshot to fix compilation against musl # This will be fixed when 7.3 releases RUN git clone -b v${ATHEME_VERSION} atheme-src --recursive RUN cd /atheme-src/libmowgli-2 && git pull origin master # Configure and build RUN cd /atheme-src && \ ./configure --prefix=/atheme $CONFIGURE_ARGS RUN cd /atheme-src && \ make -j$(nproc) && make install # Remove source dir and build deps RUN rm -rf /atheme-src && apk del .build-deps RUN chown -R atheme /atheme USER atheme # Services config VOLUME /atheme/etc # Services DB VOLUME /atheme/var ENTRYPOINT ["/atheme/bin/atheme-services", "-n"]