Update .chezmoi.toml
Update .Xresources Update .config/drapeau/catppuccin-frappe.toml Update .config/drapeau/catppuccin-latte.toml Update .config/drapeau/catppuccin-macchiato.toml Update .config/drapeau/catppuccin-mocha.toml Update .config/fish/conf.d/30-fzf.fish Update .config/starship.toml
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 168 additions and 191 deletions
@ -40,32 +40,21 @@ colorscheme = 'catppuccin-macchiato'
# Defaults for when config is regenerated.
# Defaults for when config is regenerated.
name = 'catppuccin'
name = 'catppuccin'
flavor = 'macchiato'
flavor = 'frappe'
rosewater = '#f4dbd6'
base00 = '#303446' # base
flamingo = '#f0c6c6'
base01 = '#292c3c' # mantle
pink = '#f5bde6'
base02 = '#414559' # surface0
mauve = '#c6a0f6'
base03 = '#51576d' # surface1
red = '#ed8796'
base04 = '#626880' # surface2
maroon = '#ee99a0'
base05 = '#c6d0f5' # text
peach = '#f5a97f'
base06 = '#f2d5cf' # rosewater
yellow = '#eed49f'
base07 = '#babbf1' # lavender
green = '#a6da95'
base08 = '#e78284' # red
teal = '#8bd5ca'
base09 = '#ef9f76' # peach
sky = '#91d7e3'
base0A = '#e5c890' # yellow
sapphire = '#7dc4e4'
base0B = '#a6d189' # green
blue = '#8aadf4'
base0C = '#81c8be' # teal
lavender = '#b7bdf8'
base0D = '#8caaee' # blue
base0E = '#ca9ee6' # mauve
text = '#cad3f5'
base0F = '#eebebe' # flamingo
subtext1 = '#b8c0e0'
subtext0 = '#a5adcb'
overlay2 = '#939ab7'
overlay1 = '#8087a2'
overlay0 = '#6e738d'
surface2 = '#5b6078'
surface1 = '#494d64'
surface0 = '#363a4f'
base = '#24273a'
mantle = '#1e2030'
crust = '#181926'
@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
*background: {{ .drapeau.colors.base }}
*background: {{ .drapeau.colors.base00 }}
*foreground: {{ .drapeau.colors.text }}
*foreground: {{ .drapeau.colors.base05 }}
! black
! black
*color0: {{ .drapeau.colors.surface1 }}
*color0: {{ .drapeau.colors.base03 }}
*color8: {{ .drapeau.colors.surface2 }}
*color8: {{ .drapeau.colors.base04 }}
! red
! red
*color1: {{ .drapeau.colors.red }}
*color1: {{ .drapeau.colors.base08 }}
*color9: {{ .drapeau.colors.red }}
*color9: {{ .drapeau.colors.base08 }}
! green
! green
*color2: {{ .drapeau.colors.green }}
*color2: {{ .drapeau.colors.base0B }}
*color10: {{ .drapeau.colors.green }}
*color10: {{ .drapeau.colors.base0B }}
! yellow
! yellow
*color3: {{ .drapeau.colors.yellow }}
*color3: {{ .drapeau.colors.base0A }}
*color11: {{ .drapeau.colors.yellow }}
*color11: {{ .drapeau.colors.base0A }}
! blue
! blue
*color4: {{ .drapeau.colors.blue }}
*color4: {{ .drapeau.colors.base0D }}
*color12: {{ .drapeau.colors.blue }}
*color12: {{ .drapeau.colors.base0D }}
! magenta
! magenta
*color5: {{ .drapeau.colors.pink }}
*color5: {{ .drapeau.colors.base0F }}
*color13: {{ .drapeau.colors.pink }}
*color13: {{ .drapeau.colors.base0F }}
! cyan
! cyan
*color6: {{ .drapeau.colors.teal }}
*color6: {{ .drapeau.colors.base0C }}
*color14: {{ .drapeau.colors.teal }}
*color14: {{ .drapeau.colors.base0C }}
! white
! white
*color7: {{ .drapeau.colors.subtext1 }}
*color7: {{ .drapeau.colors.base05 }}
*color15: {{ .drapeau.colors.subtext0 }}
*color15: {{ .drapeau.colors.base05 }}
{{ if lookPath "rofi" -}}
{{ if lookPath "rofi" -}}
! Make Rofi use fish shell
! Make Rofi use fish shell
@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
name = 'catppuccin'
name = 'catppuccin'
flavor = 'frappe'
flavor = 'frappe'
rosewater = '#f2d5cf'
base00 = '#303446' # base
flamingo = '#eebebe'
base01 = '#292c3c' # mantle
pink = '#f4b8e4'
base02 = '#414559' # surface0
mauve = '#ca9ee6'
base03 = '#51576d' # surface1
red = '#e78284'
base04 = '#626880' # surface2
maroon = '#ea999c'
base05 = '#c6d0f5' # text
peach = '#ef9f76'
base06 = '#f2d5cf' # rosewater
yellow = '#e5c890'
base07 = '#babbf1' # lavender
green = '#a6d189'
base08 = '#e78284' # red
teal = '#81c8be'
base09 = '#ef9f76' # peach
sky = '#99d1db'
base0A = '#e5c890' # yellow
sapphire = '#85c1dc'
base0B = '#a6d189' # green
blue = '#8caaee'
base0C = '#81c8be' # teal
lavender = '#babbf1'
base0D = '#8caaee' # blue
base0E = '#ca9ee6' # mauve
base0F = '#eebebe' # flamingo
text = '#c6d0f5'
# pink = '#f4b8e4'
subtext1 = '#b5bfe2'
# maroon = '#ea999c'
subtext0 = '#a5adce'
# sky = '#99d1db'
overlay2 = '#949cbb'
# sapphire = '#85c1dc'
overlay1 = '#838ba7'
# subtext1 = '#b5bfe2'
overlay0 = '#737994'
# subtext0 = '#a5adce'
surface2 = '#626880'
# overlay2 = '#949cbb'
surface1 = '#51576d'
# overlay1 = '#838ba7'
surface0 = '#414559'
# overlay0 = '#737994'
base = '#303446'
# crust = '#232634'
mantle = '#292c3c'
crust = '#232634'
@ -1,31 +1,30 @@
name = 'catppuccin'
name = 'catppuccin'
flavor = 'latte'
flavor = 'latte'
rosewater = '#dc8a78'
base00 = '#eff1f5' # base
flamingo = '#dd7878'
base01 = '#e6e9ef' # mantle
pink = '#ea76cb'
base02 = '#ccd0da' # surface0
mauve = '#8839ef'
base03 = '#bcc0cc' # surface1
red = '#d20f39'
base04 = '#acb0be' # surface2
maroon = '#e64553'
base05 = '#4c4f69' # text
peach = '#fe640b'
base08 = '#d20f39' # red
yellow = '#df8e1d'
base06 = '#dc8a78' # rosewater
green = '#40a02b'
base07 = '#7287fd' # lavender
teal = '#179299'
base09 = '#fe640b' # peach
sky = '#04a5e5'
base0A = '#df8e1d' # yellow
sapphire = '#209fb5'
base0B = '#40a02b' # green
blue = '#1e66f5'
base0C = '#179299' # teal
lavender = '#7287fd'
base0D = '#1e66f5' # blue
base0E = '#8839ef' # mauve
base0F = '#dd7878' # flamingo
text = '#4c4f69'
# pink = '#ea76cb'
subtext1 = '#5c5f77'
# maroon = '#e64553'
subtext0 = '#6c6f85'
# sky = '#04a5e5'
overlay2 = '#7c7f93'
# sapphire = '#209fb5'
overlay1 = '#8c8fa1'
# subtext1 = '#5c5f77'
overlay0 = '#9ca0b0'
# subtext0 = '#6c6f85'
surface2 = '#acb0be'
# overlay2 = '#7c7f93'
surface1 = '#bcc0cc'
# overlay1 = '#8c8fa1'
surface0 = '#ccd0da'
# overlay0 = '#9ca0b0'
# crust = '#dce0e8'
base = '#eff1f5'
mantle = '#e6e9ef'
crust = '#dce0e8'
@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
name = 'catppuccin'
name = 'catppuccin'
flavor = 'macchiato'
flavor = 'macchiato'
rosewater = '#f4dbd6'
base00 = '#24273a' # base
flamingo = '#f0c6c6'
base01 = '#1e2030' # mantle
pink = '#f5bde6'
base02 = '#363a4f' # surface0
mauve = '#c6a0f6'
base03 = '#494d64' # surface1
red = '#ed8796'
base04 = '#5b6078' # surface2
maroon = '#ee99a0'
base05 = '#cad3f5' # text
peach = '#f5a97f'
base08 = '#ed8796' # red
yellow = '#eed49f'
base09 = '#f5a97f' # peach
green = '#a6da95'
base06 = '#f4dbd6' # rosewater
teal = '#8bd5ca'
base07 = '#b7bdf8' # lavender
sky = '#91d7e3'
base0A = '#eed49f' # yellow
sapphire = '#7dc4e4'
base0B = '#a6da95' # green
blue = '#8aadf4'
base0C = '#8bd5ca' # teal
lavender = '#b7bdf8'
base0D = '#8aadf4' # blue
base0E = '#c6a0f6' # mauve
base0F = '#f0c6c6' # flamingo
text = '#cad3f5'
# pink = '#f5bde6'
subtext1 = '#b8c0e0'
# maroon = '#ee99a0'
subtext0 = '#a5adcb'
# sky = '#91d7e3'
overlay2 = '#939ab7'
# sapphire = '#7dc4e4'
overlay1 = '#8087a2'
# subtext1 = '#b8c0e0'
overlay0 = '#6e738d'
# subtext0 = '#a5adcb'
surface2 = '#5b6078'
# overlay2 = '#939ab7'
surface1 = '#494d64'
# overlay1 = '#8087a2'
surface0 = '#363a4f'
# overlay0 = '#6e738d'
base = '#24273a'
# crust = '#181926'
mantle = '#1e2030'
crust = '#181926'
@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
name = 'catppuccin'
name = 'catppuccin'
flavor = 'mocha'
flavor = 'mocha'
rosewater = '#f5e0dc'
base00 = '#1e1e2e' # base
flamingo = '#f2cdcd'
base01 = '#181825' # mantle
pink = '#f5c2e7'
base02 = '#313244' # surface0
mauve = '#cba6f7'
base03 = '#45475a' # surface1
red = '#f38ba8'
base04 = '#585b70' # surface2
maroon = '#eba0ac'
base05 = '#cdd6f4' # text
peach = '#fab387'
base06 = '#f5e0dc' # rosewater
yellow = '#f9e2af'
base07 = '#b4befe' # lavender
green = '#a6e3a1'
base08 = '#f38ba8' # red
teal = '#94e2d5'
base09 = '#fab387' # peach
sky = '#89dceb'
base0A = '#f9e2af' # yellow
sapphire = '#74c7ec'
base0B = '#a6e3a1' # green
blue = '#89b4fa'
base0C = '#94e2d5' # teal
lavender = '#b4befe'
base0D = '#89b4fa' # blue
base0E = '#cba6f7' # mauve
base0F = '#f2cdcd' # flamingo
text = '#cdd6f4'
# pink = '#f5c2e7'
subtext1 = '#bac2de'
# maroon = '#eba0ac'
subtext0 = '#a6adc8'
# sky = '#89dceb'
overlay2 = '#9399b2'
# sapphire = '#74c7ec'
overlay1 = '#7f849c'
# subtext1 = '#bac2de'
overlay0 = '#6c7086'
# subtext0 = '#a6adc8'
surface2 = '#585b70'
# overlay2 = '#9399b2'
surface1 = '#45475a'
# overlay1 = '#7f849c'
surface0 = '#313244'
# overlay0 = '#6c7086'
base = '#1e1e2e'
# crust = '#11111b'
mantle = '#181825'
crust = '#11111b'
@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ set -gx FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS "\
--prompt=' ' \
--prompt=' ' \
--preview-label-pos='bottom' \
--preview-label-pos='bottom' \
--preview-window='border-sharp' \
--preview-window='border-sharp' \
--color=bg+:{{ .drapeau.colors.surface0 }},bg:{{ .drapeau.colors.base }},spinner:{{ .drapeau.colors.rosewater }},hl:{{ .drapeau.colors.red }} \
--color=bg+:{{ .drapeau.colors.base02 }},bg:{{ .drapeau.colors.base00 }},spinner:{{ .drapeau.colors.base06 }},hl:{{ .drapeau.colors.base08 }} \
--color=fg:{{ .drapeau.colors.text }},header:{{ .drapeau.colors.red }},info:{{ .drapeau.colors.mauve }},pointer:{{ .drapeau.colors.rosewater }} \
--color=fg:{{ .drapeau.colors.base05 }},header:{{ .drapeau.colors.base08 }},info:{{ .drapeau.colors.base0E }},pointer:{{ .drapeau.colors.base06 }} \
--color=marker:{{ .drapeau.colors.rosewater }},fg+:{{ .drapeau.colors.text }},prompt:{{ .drapeau.colors.mauve }},hl+:{{ .drapeau.colors.red }}"
--color=marker:{{ .drapeau.colors.base06 }},fg+:{{ .drapeau.colors.base05 }},prompt:{{ .drapeau.colors.base0E }},hl+:{{ .drapeau.colors.base08 }}"
# fzf.fish
# fzf.fish
set -g fzf_preview_dir_cmd eza --all --color=always --sort=name --group-directories-first
set -g fzf_preview_dir_cmd eza --all --color=always --sort=name --group-directories-first
@ -2,41 +2,30 @@
palette = "default"
palette = "default"
success_symbol = "[[](pink) ](green)"
error_symbol = "[](red)"
vimcmd_symbol = "[](green)"
vimcmd_replace_one_symbol = "[](green)"
vimcmd_replace_symbol = "[](green)"
vimcmd_visual_symbol = "[](peach)"
rosewater = {{ .drapeau.colors.rosewater | quote }}
base00 = {{ .drapeau.colors.base00 | quote }}
flamingo = {{ .drapeau.colors.flamingo | quote }}
base01 = {{ .drapeau.colors.base01 | quote }}
pink = {{ .drapeau.colors.pink | quote }}
base02 = {{ .drapeau.colors.base02 | quote }}
mauve = {{ .drapeau.colors.mauve | quote }}
base03 = {{ .drapeau.colors.base03 | quote }}
red = {{ .drapeau.colors.red | quote }}
base04 = {{ .drapeau.colors.base04 | quote }}
maroon = {{ .drapeau.colors.maroon | quote }}
base05 = {{ .drapeau.colors.base06 | quote }}
peach = {{ .drapeau.colors.peach | quote }}
base06 = {{ .drapeau.colors.base06 | quote }}
yellow = {{ .drapeau.colors.yellow | quote }}
base07 = {{ .drapeau.colors.base07 | quote }}
green = {{ .drapeau.colors.green | quote }}
base08 = {{ .drapeau.colors.base08 | quote }}
teal = {{ .drapeau.colors.teal | quote }}
base09 = {{ .drapeau.colors.base09 | quote }}
sky = {{ .drapeau.colors.sky | quote }}
base0A = {{ .drapeau.colors.base0A | quote }}
sapphire = {{ .drapeau.colors.sapphire | quote }}
base0B = {{ .drapeau.colors.base0B | quote }}
blue = {{ .drapeau.colors.blue | quote }}
base0C = {{ .drapeau.colors.base0C | quote }}
lavender = {{ .drapeau.colors.lavender | quote }}
base0D = {{ .drapeau.colors.base0E | quote }}
text = {{ .drapeau.colors.text | quote }}
base0F = {{ .drapeau.colors.base0F | quote }}
subtext1 = {{ .drapeau.colors.subtext1 | quote }}
subtext0 = {{ .drapeau.colors.subtext0 | quote }}
overlay2 = {{ .drapeau.colors.overlay2 | quote }}
success_symbol = "[[](base0F) ](base0B)"
overlay1 = {{ .drapeau.colors.overlay1 | quote }}
error_symbol = "[](base08)"
overlay0 = {{ .drapeau.colors.overlay0 | quote }}
vimcmd_symbol = "[](base0B)"
surface2 = {{ .drapeau.colors.surface2 | quote }}
vimcmd_replace_one_symbol = "[](base0B)"
surface1 = {{ .drapeau.colors.surface1 | quote }}
vimcmd_replace_symbol = "[](base0B)"
surface0 = {{ .drapeau.colors.surface0 | quote }}
vimcmd_visual_symbol = "[](base09)"
base = {{ .drapeau.colors.base | quote }}
mantle = {{ .drapeau.colors.mantle | quote }}
crust = {{ .drapeau.colors.crust | quote }}
symbol = " "
symbol = " "
@ -94,7 +83,7 @@ symbol = " "
ssh_symbol = " "
ssh_symbol = " "
style = 'bold lavender'
style = 'bold base07'
symbol = " "
symbol = " "
@ -196,7 +185,7 @@ symbol = " "
disabled = false
disabled = false
style = 'red'
style = 'base08'
symbol = '✗'
symbol = '✗'
not_executable_symbol = ''
not_executable_symbol = ''
not_found_symbol = ''
not_found_symbol = ''
@ -205,7 +194,7 @@ signal_symbol = ''
disabled = false
disabled = false
style = 'blue'
style = 'base0D'
symbol = ' '
symbol = ' '
Reference in a new issue