local util = require("conform.util") return { { "stevearc/conform.nvim", -- @class ConformOpts opts = { formatters_by_ft = { {{ if not .isServer -}} -- lua lua = { "stylua" }, {{ end -}} -- data/conf json = { "prettier" }, toml = { "taplo" }, yaml = { "prettier" }, -- web html = { "prettier" }, liquid = { "prettier" }, css = { {{ if not .isServer }}"stylelint", {{ end }}"prettier" }, scss = { {{ if not .isServer }}"stylelint", {{ end }}"prettier" }, javascript = { {{ if not .isServer }}"eslint", {{ end }}"prettier" }, typescript = { {{ if not .isServer }}"eslint", {{ end }}"prettier" }, vue = { {{ if not .isServer }}"eslint", {{ end }}"prettier" }, markdown = { "prettier" }, {{ if not .isServer -}} -- php php = { "pint" }, blade = { "blade-formatter", "rustywind" }, {{ end -}} -- shell sh = { "shellcheck", "shfmt" }, fish = { "fish_indent" }, -- misc ruby = { "prettier" }, }, formatters = { shfmt = { prepend_args = { "--indent=2", "--case-indent", "--binary-next-line", "--func-next-line" }, }, {{ if not .isServer -}} pint = { meta = { url = "https://github.com/laravel/pint", description = "Laravel Pint is an opinionated PHP code style fixer for minimalists. Pint is built on top of PHP-CS-Fixer and makes it simple to ensure that your code style stays clean and consistent.", }, command = util.find_executable({ vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/mason/bin/pint", "vendor/bin/pint", }, "pint"), args = { "$FILENAME" }, stdin = false, }, {{ end -}} }, }, }, }