local awful = require "awful" local gears = require "gears" local wibox = require "wibox" local beautiful = require "beautiful" local user_vars = require "user_variables" local microphone = user_vars.widget.mic.name local vol_sc = 'pamixer --source ' ..microphone.. ' --get-volume' local mute_sc = 'pamixer --source ' ..microphone.. ' --get-mute' local function get_vol() awful.spawn.easy_async_with_shell(vol_sc, function(vol) awful.spawn.easy_async_with_shell(mute_sc, function(mute) if mute:match("false") then muted = false else muted = true end awesome.emit_signal("signal::mic", vol, muted) end) end) end awesome.connect_signal("widget::update_mic", function() -- Needs to be Updated if muted! For Mute in Sidebar Widget get_vol() end) --gears.timer { -- timeout = 10, -- call_now = true, -- autostart = true, -- callback = function() -- get_vol() -- end --} get_vol()