## Title: gitmoji-fuzzy-hook-init
## Brief: It opens a fuzzy searcher with gitmojis, to allow the git commit
##        caller to select one. For git commit visual mode
##        it adds a description of the selected emoji.
## Args:
##      $1: File of the commit message
##      $2: Commit type
##      $3: Commit Hash
## Returns:
##      Prepends a selectable gitmoji to the git commit message.
## Source: https://gitlab.com/raabf/gitmoji-fuzzy-hook
## Author: Fabian Raab <fabian@raab.link>
## Dependencies: gitmoji-fuzzy-hook

[ -t 1 ]  # checks if this script is called from a terminal
emoji="$(/home/marley/.config/git/gitmoji-fuzzy-hook/bin/gitmoji-fuzzy-hook-exec.sh $? $@)"

msg="$(cat "$msg_file")"

# Do here whatever you want with the commit message before prepending the emoji
# to it and writing the message to the commit file.

if [ ! -z "${emoji}" ]; then  # surpress the space if there is no emoji
	msg="${emoji} ${msg}"
echo -e "$msg" > "$msg_file"