function man --wraps man --description 'Format and display manual pages' set -q man_blink; and set -l blink (set_color $man_blink); or set -l blink (set_color -o red) set -q man_bold; and set -l bold (set_color $man_bold); or set -l bold (set_color -o 5fafd7) set -q man_standout; and set -l standout (set_color $man_standout); or set -l standout (set_color 949494) set -q man_underline; and set -l underline (set_color $man_underline); or set -l underline (set_color -u afafd7) set -l end (printf "\e[0m") set -lx LESS_TERMCAP_mb $blink set -lx LESS_TERMCAP_md $bold set -lx LESS_TERMCAP_me $end set -lx LESS_TERMCAP_so $standout set -lx LESS_TERMCAP_se $end set -lx LESS_TERMCAP_us $underline set -lx LESS_TERMCAP_ue $end set -lx LESS '-R -s' set -lx GROFF_NO_SGR yes # fedora set -lx MANPATH (string join : $MANPATH) if test -z "$MANPATH" type -q manpath and set MANPATH (command manpath) end # Check data dir for Fish 2.x compatibility set -l fish_data_dir if set -q __fish_data_dir set fish_data_dir $__fish_data_dir else set fish_data_dir $__fish_datadir end set -l fish_manpath (dirname $fish_data_dir)/fish/man if test -d "$fish_manpath" -a -n "$MANPATH" set MANPATH "$fish_manpath":$MANPATH command man $argv return end command man $argv end