include-file = ~/.config/polybar/colors.ini [global/wm] margin-top = 0 margin-bottom = 0 [wm] name = i3 ########################## ### Bars ########################## [bar/first] # Postioning and stuff top = true fixed-center = true width = 20% height = 30 wm-restack = ${} override-redirect = true #Offsets offset-x = 2% offset-y = 5 #Colors background = ${colors.background} foreground = ${colors.foreground} #Font font-0 = FairiesevkaSans Nerd Font Propo;2 font-1 = FairiesevkaSans Nerd Font Propo;4 line-size = 3 line-color = ${colors.primary} #Borders border-size = 2 border-color = ${colors.background} radius = 10.0 #Padding padding-left = 10px padding-right = 25px #Modules module-margin-left = 10px module-margin-right = 10px #modules-left = xworkspaces #modules-center = cpu memory player songname #modules-right = battery date pulseaudio modules-left = launcher modules-center = xworkspaces modules-right = date [bar/second] offset-x = 30% offset-y = 5 width = 12% # Postioning and stuff top = true fixed-center = true height = 30 wm-restack = ${} override-redirect = true #Colors background = ${colors.background} foreground = ${colors.foreground} #Font font-0 = FairiesevkaSans Nerd Font Propo;2 line-size = 3 line-color = ${colors.primary} #Borders border-size = 2 border-color = ${colors.background} radius = 10.0 #Padding padding-left = 10px padding-right = 25px #Modules module-margin-left = 10px module-margin-right = 10px modules-center = cpu memory #modules-left = xworkspaces #modules-center = cpu memory player songname #modules-right = battery date pulseaudio [bar/third] # Postioning and stuff top = true fixed-center = true width = 20% height = 30 wm-restack = ${} override-redirect = true #Offsets offset-x = 49% offset-y = 5 #Colors background = ${colors.background} foreground = ${colors.foreground} #Font font-0 = FairiesevkaSans Nerd Font Propo;2 line-size = 3 line-color = ${colors.primary} #Borders border-size = 2 border-color = ${colors.background} radius = 10.0 #Padding padding-left = 25px padding-right = 25px #Modules module-margin-left = 10px module-margin-right = 10px #modules-left = xworkspaces #modules-center = cpu memory player songname #modules-right = battery date pulseaudio modules-center = player songname [bar/fourth] # Postioning and stuff top = true fixed-center = true width = 20% height = 30 wm-restack = ${} override-redirect = true #Offsets offset-x = 78% offset-y = 5 #Colors background = ${colors.background} foreground = ${colors.foreground} #Font font-0 = FairiesevkaSans Nerd Font Propo;2 font-1 = FairiesevkaSans Nerd Font Propo;4 line-size = 3 line-color = ${colors.primary} #Borders border-size = 2 border-color = ${colors.background} radius = 10.0 #Padding padding-left = 30px padding-right = 25px #Modules module-margin-left = 10px module-margin-right = 10px #modules-left = xworkspaces #modules-center = cpu memory player songname #modules-right = battery date alsa modules-left = pulseaudio modules-center = brightness modules-right = wifi powermenu ############################################################################ ## ALL MODULES ############################################################## ############################################################################## [module/xworkspaces] type= internal/xworkspaces label-active = %name% label-active-foreground = ${colors.primary} label-active-padding = 5px label-active-underline = ${colors.primary} label-active-background = ${colors.background} label-occupied = %name% label-occupied-padding = 5px label-urgent = %name% label-urgent-background = ${colors.background} label-urgent-padding = 5px label-empty = %name% label-empty-foreground = ${colors.disabled} label-empty-padding = 5px [module/cpu] type = internal/cpu interval = 2 warn-percentage = 95 ;label =  %percentage%% format =