punkfairie 205a88358f
Add .config/packages/Brewfile
Add .config/packages/
Change attributes of .chezmoiscripts/
2024-04-21 17:12:54 -07:00

78 lines
2.5 KiB

tap "dart-lang/dart"
tap "homebrew/bundle"
tap "homebrew/services"
tap "shivammathur/php"
# GNU File, Shell, and Text utilities
brew "coreutils"
# Extendable version manager with support for Ruby, Node.js, Erlang & more
brew "asdf"
# Clone of cat(1) with syntax highlighting and Git integration
brew "bat"
# Secure and free password manager for all of your devices
brew "bitwarden-cli"
# Resource monitor. C++ version and continuation of bashtop and bpytop
brew "btop"
# Manage your dotfiles across multiple diverse machines, securely
brew "chezmoi"
# Statistics utility to count lines of code
brew "cloc"
# Configurable talking characters in ASCII art
brew "cowsay"
# Lightweight DNS forwarder and DHCP server
brew "dnsmasq"
# Modern, maintained replacement for ls
brew "eza"
# Simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find
brew "fd"
# User-friendly command-line shell for UNIX-like operating systems
brew "fish"
# Infamous electronic fortune-cookie generator
brew "fortune"
# GitHub command-line tool
brew "gh"
# Syntax-highlighting pager for git and diff output
brew "git-delta"
# GNU Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) package
brew "gnupg"
# Open source programming language to build simple/reliable/efficient software
brew "go"
# Tool for glamorous shell scripts
brew "gum"
# Command-line interface for SQLite
brew "sqlite"
# Fast, highly customisable system info script with LGBTQ+ pride flags
brew "hyfetch"
# Filter JSON and JSON Lines data with Python syntax
brew "jello"
# Simple terminal UI for git commands
brew "lazygit"
# Rainbows and unicorns in your console!
brew "lolcat"
# Web and API based SMTP testing tool
brew "mailhog", restart_service: true
# Ultra relevant, instant and typo-tolerant full-text search API
brew "meilisearch", restart_service: true
# Open source relational database management system
brew "mysql"
# Ambitious Vim-fork focused on extensibility and agility
brew "neovim"
# HTTP(S) server and reverse proxy, and IMAP/POP3 proxy server
brew "nginx", restart_service: true
# General-purpose scripting language
brew "php", restart_service: true
# Pinentry for GPG on Mac
brew "pinentry-mac"
# Execute binaries from Python packages in isolated environments
brew "pipx"
# Ruby version manager
brew "rbenv"
# Search tool like grep and The Silver Searcher
brew "ripgrep"
# Safe, concurrent, practical language
brew "rust"
# Cross-shell prompt for astronauts
brew "starship"
# Internet file retriever
brew "wget"
# GPU-accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer
cask "wezterm"