punkfairie b183bcc9c0
Use GPG to sign git commits
I've automated as much as possible, and tucked the setup in it's own
script which the user is prompted to run if no keys exist.
2024-02-04 20:28:59 -08:00

29 lines
925 B
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env fish
source "$DOT/script/"
source "$DOT/homebrew/"
source "$DOT/node/"
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
print_subtitle Fish
brew_install "GNU Core Utilities" coreutils
execute "ln -sf '$(brew --prefix)/bin/gsha256sum' '$(brew --prefix)/bin/sha256sum'" \
"Use brew installed GNU Core Utils by default"
brew_install wget wget --with-iri
brew_install cURL curl
brew_install grep grep
brew_install OpenSSH openssh
brew_install ImageMagick imagemagick
brew_install ssh-copy-id ssh-copy-id
execute "fisher install catppuccin/fish" catppuccin/fish
execute "fisher install decors/fish-colored-man" fish-colored-man
brew_install "FiraCode Nerd Font" font-fira-code-nerd-font "" homebrew/cask-fonts
brew_install "Starship Prompt" starship
brew_install "The Fuck" thefuck
npm_install "tldr pages" tldr
brew_install eza eza