import {expect, it} from '@jest/globals'; import {Body} from '../src/models/Body'; import {Safari} from '../src/models/Safari'; import {Journal} from '../src/models/Journal'; import {System} from '../src/models/System'; import {writeFileSync} from 'node:fs'; const appRoot = require('app-root-path'); const journalFolder = `${appRoot}/test_journals`; describe('Journal', () => { describe('constructor()', () => { it('should create new Journal', () => { const journal = Safari.start(false, true).journal; expect(journal).toBeInstanceOf(Journal); }); it('should set location to a System', () => { const journal = Safari.start(false, true).journal; expect(journal.location).toBeInstanceOf(System); }); it('should set navRoute to an array', () => { const journal = Safari.start(false, true).journal; expect(Array.isArray(journal.navRoute)).toBe(true); }); it('should get last FSDJump', (done) => { const journal = new Journal(`${journalFolder}/hasFSDJump.log`); journal.on('ENTERED_NEW_SYSTEM', () => { try { expect('Unknown'); done(); } catch (err) { done(err); } }); }); it('should get Location if no FSDJump was found', (done) => { const journal = new Journal(`${journalFolder}/noFSDJump.log`); journal.on('ENTERED_NEW_SYSTEM', () => { try { expect('Unknown'); done(); } catch (err) { done(err); } }); }); it('should get scanned bodies', (done) => { const journal = new Journal(`${journalFolder}/hasScannedBodies.log`); journal.on('BUILD_BODY_LIST', () => { try { expect(journal.location.bodies.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); expect(journal.location.bodies[0]).toBeInstanceOf(Body); done(); } catch (err) { done(err); } }); }); }); describe('API', () => { it('should get nav route', (done) => { const journal = new Journal(`${journalFolder}/NavRoute/Journal.log`); journal.on('SET_NAV_ROUTE', () => { try { expect(journal.navRoute.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); expect(journal.navRoute[0]).toBeInstanceOf(System); done(); } catch (err) { done(err); } }); }); it("should not get nav route when there isn't one", (done) => { const journal = new Journal(`${journalFolder}/NoNavRoute/Journal.log`); journal.on('SET_NAV_ROUTE', () => { try { expect(journal.navRoute.length).toBe(0); done(); } catch (err) { done(err); } }); }); describe('Journal events', () => { it('should detect start of hyperspace jump', (done) => { const path = `${journalFolder}/Events/StartJump/Journal.log`; const journal = new Journal(path); journal.on('SET_NAV_ROUTE', () => {; const data = '{ "timestamp":"2023-05-08T19:11:12Z", "event":"StartJump", "JumpType":"Hyperspace", "StarSystem":"LHS 6427", "SystemAddress":22660650116513, "StarClass":"M" }\n'; writeFileSync(path, data, {flag: 'a'}); journal.on('ENTERING_WITCH_SPACE', () => { journal.shutdown(); done(); }); }); }, 6000); it('should detect FSDJump', (done) => { const path = `${journalFolder}/Events/FSDJump/Journal.log`; const journal = new Journal(path); journal.on('SET_NAV_ROUTE', () => {; const data = '{ "timestamp":"2023-05-08T19:13:52Z", "event":"FSDJump", "Taxi":false, "Multicrew":false, "StarSystem":"LHS 119", "SystemAddress":18262603605409, "StarPos":[-30.15625,-21.87500,-17.25000], "SystemAllegiance":"", "SystemEconomy":"$economy_None;", "SystemEconomy_Localised":"None", "SystemSecondEconomy":"$economy_None;", "SystemSecondEconomy_Localised":"None", "SystemGovernment":"$government_None;", "SystemGovernment_Localised":"None", "SystemSecurity":"$GAlAXY_MAP_INFO_state_anarchy;", "SystemSecurity_Localised":"Anarchy", "Population":0, "Body":"LHS 119 A", "BodyID":1, "BodyType":"Star", "JumpDist":8.575, "FuelUsed":0.982384, "FuelLevel":127.017616 }\n'; writeFileSync(path, data, {flag: 'a'}); journal.on('ENTERED_NEW_SYSTEM', () => { journal.shutdown(); done(); }); }); }, 6000); it('should detect Scan', (done) => { const path = `${journalFolder}/Events/Scan/Journal.log`; const journal = new Journal(path); journal.on('SET_NAV_ROUTE', () => {; const data = '{ "timestamp":"2023-05-08T20:38:19Z", "event":"Scan", "ScanType":"AutoScan", "BodyName":"Aten B A Belt Cluster 2", "BodyID":45, "Parents":[ {"Ring":43}, {"Star":2}, {"Null":0} ], "StarSystem":"Aten", "SystemAddress":16063580284321, "DistanceFromArrivalLS":79972.251687, "WasDiscovered":true, "WasMapped":false }\n'; writeFileSync(path, data, {flag: 'a'}); journal.on('BODY_SCANNED', () => { journal.shutdown(); done(); }) }); }, 6000); it('should detect NavRoute', (done) => { const path = `${journalFolder}/Events/NavRoute/Journal.log`; const journal = new Journal(path); journal.on('SET_NAV_ROUTE', () => {; const data = '{ "timestamp":"2023-05-09T23:12:00Z", "event":"NavRoute" }\n'; writeFileSync(path, data, {flag: 'a'}); journal.on('SET_NAV_ROUTE', () => { journal.shutdown(); done(); }); }); }, 6000); it('should detect NavRouteClear', (done) => { const path = `${journalFolder}/Events/NavRouteClear/Journal.log`; const journal = new Journal(path); journal.on('SET_NAV_ROUTE', () => {; const data = '{ "timestamp":"2023-04-15T04:09:39Z", "event":"NavRouteClear" }\n'; writeFileSync(path, data, {flag: 'a'}); journal.on('SET_NAV_ROUTE', () => { journal.shutdown(); done(); }); }); }, 6000); }); }); describe('shutdown()', () => { it('should shutdown', () => { const journal = Safari.start(false, true).journal; expect(() => { journal.shutdown(); }).not.toThrow(); }); }); });