# Elite Matrix A (very) small library for working with the Elite Dangerous color matrix in javascript. Types included! Adapted from [EDScout's color adjuster][ed-scout]. # Usage `npm i elite-matrix` The input matrix is stored in an EliteMatrix object, and must be passed in as three arrays, one for each line in the matrix, each containing three numbers. A GraphicsConfiguration.xml that looks like this: ```xml 1, 0, 0 0, 1, 0 0, 0, 1 ``` Would need to be translated into this and passed to EliteMatrix: ```javascript import { EliteMatrix } from 'elite-matrix'; const matrixRed = [1, 0, 0]; const matrixGreen = [0, 1, 0]; const matrixBlue = [0, 0, 1]; const matrix = new EliteMatrix(matrixRed, matrixGreen, matrixBlue); ``` From there you can use the `EliteMatrix` object to apply color filters. `filterColor` accepts either a string hex color, or an RGB array. It will return in a matching format. [ed-scout]: https://github.com/joncage/ed-scout/blob/master/EDScoutWebUI/HudColourAdjuster.py#L37