
1380 lines
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2023-12-09 22:19:03 -08:00
'use strict'
/* eslint-disable no-new-wrappers, no-eval, camelcase, operator-linebreak */
module.exports = makeParserClass(require('./parser.js'))
module.exports.makeParserClass = makeParserClass
class TomlError extends Error {
constructor (msg) {
this.name = 'TomlError'
/* istanbul ignore next */
if (Error.captureStackTrace) Error.captureStackTrace(this, TomlError)
this.fromTOML = true
this.wrapped = null
TomlError.wrap = err => {
const terr = new TomlError(err.message)
terr.code = err.code
terr.wrapped = err
return terr
module.exports.TomlError = TomlError
const createDateTime = require('./create-datetime.js')
const createDateTimeFloat = require('./create-datetime-float.js')
const createDate = require('./create-date.js')
const createTime = require('./create-time.js')
const CTRL_I = 0x09
const CTRL_J = 0x0A
const CTRL_M = 0x0D
const CTRL_CHAR_BOUNDARY = 0x1F // the last non-character in the latin1 region of unicode, except DEL
const CHAR_SP = 0x20
const CHAR_QUOT = 0x22
const CHAR_NUM = 0x23
const CHAR_APOS = 0x27
const CHAR_PLUS = 0x2B
const CHAR_COMMA = 0x2C
const CHAR_HYPHEN = 0x2D
const CHAR_PERIOD = 0x2E
const CHAR_0 = 0x30
const CHAR_1 = 0x31
const CHAR_7 = 0x37
const CHAR_9 = 0x39
const CHAR_COLON = 0x3A
const CHAR_EQUALS = 0x3D
const CHAR_A = 0x41
const CHAR_E = 0x45
const CHAR_F = 0x46
const CHAR_T = 0x54
const CHAR_U = 0x55
const CHAR_Z = 0x5A
const CHAR_LOWBAR = 0x5F
const CHAR_a = 0x61
const CHAR_b = 0x62
const CHAR_e = 0x65
const CHAR_f = 0x66
const CHAR_i = 0x69
const CHAR_l = 0x6C
const CHAR_n = 0x6E
const CHAR_o = 0x6F
const CHAR_r = 0x72
const CHAR_s = 0x73
const CHAR_t = 0x74
const CHAR_u = 0x75
const CHAR_x = 0x78
const CHAR_z = 0x7A
const CHAR_LCUB = 0x7B
const CHAR_RCUB = 0x7D
const CHAR_LSQB = 0x5B
const CHAR_BSOL = 0x5C
const CHAR_RSQB = 0x5D
const CHAR_DEL = 0x7F
const SURROGATE_FIRST = 0xD800
const escapes = {
[CHAR_b]: '\u0008',
[CHAR_t]: '\u0009',
[CHAR_n]: '\u000A',
[CHAR_f]: '\u000C',
[CHAR_r]: '\u000D',
[CHAR_QUOT]: '\u0022',
[CHAR_BSOL]: '\u005C'
function isDigit (cp) {
return cp >= CHAR_0 && cp <= CHAR_9
function isHexit (cp) {
return (cp >= CHAR_A && cp <= CHAR_F) || (cp >= CHAR_a && cp <= CHAR_f) || (cp >= CHAR_0 && cp <= CHAR_9)
function isBit (cp) {
return cp === CHAR_1 || cp === CHAR_0
function isOctit (cp) {
return (cp >= CHAR_0 && cp <= CHAR_7)
function isAlphaNumQuoteHyphen (cp) {
return (cp >= CHAR_A && cp <= CHAR_Z)
|| (cp >= CHAR_a && cp <= CHAR_z)
|| (cp >= CHAR_0 && cp <= CHAR_9)
|| cp === CHAR_APOS
|| cp === CHAR_QUOT
|| cp === CHAR_LOWBAR
|| cp === CHAR_HYPHEN
function isAlphaNumHyphen (cp) {
return (cp >= CHAR_A && cp <= CHAR_Z)
|| (cp >= CHAR_a && cp <= CHAR_z)
|| (cp >= CHAR_0 && cp <= CHAR_9)
|| cp === CHAR_LOWBAR
|| cp === CHAR_HYPHEN
const _type = Symbol('type')
const _declared = Symbol('declared')
const hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty
const defineProperty = Object.defineProperty
const descriptor = {configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value: undefined}
function hasKey (obj, key) {
if (hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) return true
if (key === '__proto__') defineProperty(obj, '__proto__', descriptor)
return false
const INLINE_TABLE = Symbol('inline-table')
function InlineTable () {
return Object.defineProperties({}, {
[_type]: {value: INLINE_TABLE}
function isInlineTable (obj) {
if (obj === null || typeof (obj) !== 'object') return false
return obj[_type] === INLINE_TABLE
const TABLE = Symbol('table')
function Table () {
return Object.defineProperties({}, {
[_type]: {value: TABLE},
[_declared]: {value: false, writable: true}
function isTable (obj) {
if (obj === null || typeof (obj) !== 'object') return false
return obj[_type] === TABLE
const _contentType = Symbol('content-type')
const INLINE_LIST = Symbol('inline-list')
function InlineList (type) {
return Object.defineProperties([], {
[_type]: {value: INLINE_LIST},
[_contentType]: {value: type}
function isInlineList (obj) {
if (obj === null || typeof (obj) !== 'object') return false
return obj[_type] === INLINE_LIST
const LIST = Symbol('list')
function List () {
return Object.defineProperties([], {
[_type]: {value: LIST}
function isList (obj) {
if (obj === null || typeof (obj) !== 'object') return false
return obj[_type] === LIST
// in an eval, to let bundlers not slurp in a util proxy
let _custom
try {
const utilInspect = eval("require('util').inspect")
_custom = utilInspect.custom
} catch (_) {
/* eval require not available in transpiled bundle */
/* istanbul ignore next */
const _inspect = _custom || 'inspect'
class BoxedBigInt {
constructor (value) {
try {
this.value = global.BigInt.asIntN(64, value)
} catch (_) {
/* istanbul ignore next */
this.value = null
Object.defineProperty(this, _type, {value: INTEGER})
isNaN () {
return this.value === null
/* istanbul ignore next */
toString () {
return String(this.value)
/* istanbul ignore next */
[_inspect] () {
return `[BigInt: ${this.toString()}]}`
valueOf () {
return this.value
const INTEGER = Symbol('integer')
function Integer (value) {
let num = Number(value)
// -0 is a float thing, not an int thing
if (Object.is(num, -0)) num = 0
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (global.BigInt && !Number.isSafeInteger(num)) {
return new BoxedBigInt(value)
} else {
/* istanbul ignore next */
return Object.defineProperties(new Number(num), {
isNaN: {value: function () { return isNaN(this) }},
[_type]: {value: INTEGER},
[_inspect]: {value: () => `[Integer: ${value}]`}
function isInteger (obj) {
if (obj === null || typeof (obj) !== 'object') return false
return obj[_type] === INTEGER
const FLOAT = Symbol('float')
function Float (value) {
/* istanbul ignore next */
return Object.defineProperties(new Number(value), {
[_type]: {value: FLOAT},
[_inspect]: {value: () => `[Float: ${value}]`}
function isFloat (obj) {
if (obj === null || typeof (obj) !== 'object') return false
return obj[_type] === FLOAT
function tomlType (value) {
const type = typeof value
if (type === 'object') {
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (value === null) return 'null'
if (value instanceof Date) return 'datetime'
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (_type in value) {
switch (value[_type]) {
case INLINE_TABLE: return 'inline-table'
case INLINE_LIST: return 'inline-list'
/* istanbul ignore next */
case TABLE: return 'table'
/* istanbul ignore next */
case LIST: return 'list'
case FLOAT: return 'float'
case INTEGER: return 'integer'
return type
function makeParserClass (Parser) {
class TOMLParser extends Parser {
constructor () {
this.ctx = this.obj = Table()
atEndOfWord () {
return this.char === CHAR_NUM || this.char === CTRL_I || this.char === CHAR_SP || this.atEndOfLine()
atEndOfLine () {
return this.char === Parser.END || this.char === CTRL_J || this.char === CTRL_M
parseStart () {
if (this.char === Parser.END) {
return null
} else if (this.char === CHAR_LSQB) {
return this.call(this.parseTableOrList)
} else if (this.char === CHAR_NUM) {
return this.call(this.parseComment)
} else if (this.char === CTRL_J || this.char === CHAR_SP || this.char === CTRL_I || this.char === CTRL_M) {
return null
} else if (isAlphaNumQuoteHyphen(this.char)) {
return this.callNow(this.parseAssignStatement)
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError(`Unknown character "${this.char}"`))
// HELPER, this strips any whitespace and comments to the end of the line
// then RETURNS. Last state in a production.
parseWhitespaceToEOL () {
if (this.char === CHAR_SP || this.char === CTRL_I || this.char === CTRL_M) {
return null
} else if (this.char === CHAR_NUM) {
return this.goto(this.parseComment)
} else if (this.char === Parser.END || this.char === CTRL_J) {
return this.return()
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Unexpected character, expected only whitespace or comments till end of line'))
/* ASSIGNMENT: key = value */
parseAssignStatement () {
return this.callNow(this.parseAssign, this.recordAssignStatement)
recordAssignStatement (kv) {
let target = this.ctx
let finalKey = kv.key.pop()
for (let kw of kv.key) {
if (hasKey(target, kw) && (!isTable(target[kw]) || target[kw][_declared])) {
throw this.error(new TomlError("Can't redefine existing key"))
target = target[kw] = target[kw] || Table()
if (hasKey(target, finalKey)) {
throw this.error(new TomlError("Can't redefine existing key"))
// unbox our numbers
if (isInteger(kv.value) || isFloat(kv.value)) {
target[finalKey] = kv.value.valueOf()
} else {
target[finalKey] = kv.value
return this.goto(this.parseWhitespaceToEOL)
/* ASSSIGNMENT expression, key = value possibly inside an inline table */
parseAssign () {
return this.callNow(this.parseKeyword, this.recordAssignKeyword)
recordAssignKeyword (key) {
if (this.state.resultTable) {
} else {
this.state.resultTable = [key]
return this.goto(this.parseAssignKeywordPreDot)
parseAssignKeywordPreDot () {
if (this.char === CHAR_PERIOD) {
return this.next(this.parseAssignKeywordPostDot)
} else if (this.char !== CHAR_SP && this.char !== CTRL_I) {
return this.goto(this.parseAssignEqual)
parseAssignKeywordPostDot () {
if (this.char !== CHAR_SP && this.char !== CTRL_I) {
return this.callNow(this.parseKeyword, this.recordAssignKeyword)
parseAssignEqual () {
if (this.char === CHAR_EQUALS) {
return this.next(this.parseAssignPreValue)
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Invalid character, expected "="'))
parseAssignPreValue () {
if (this.char === CHAR_SP || this.char === CTRL_I) {
return null
} else {
return this.callNow(this.parseValue, this.recordAssignValue)
recordAssignValue (value) {
return this.returnNow({key: this.state.resultTable, value: value})
/* COMMENTS: #...eol */
parseComment () {
do {
if (this.char === Parser.END || this.char === CTRL_J) {
return this.return()
} while (this.nextChar())
/* TABLES AND LISTS, [foo] and [[foo]] */
parseTableOrList () {
if (this.char === CHAR_LSQB) {
} else {
return this.goto(this.parseTable)
/* TABLE [foo.bar.baz] */
parseTable () {
this.ctx = this.obj
return this.goto(this.parseTableNext)
parseTableNext () {
if (this.char === CHAR_SP || this.char === CTRL_I) {
return null
} else {
return this.callNow(this.parseKeyword, this.parseTableMore)
parseTableMore (keyword) {
if (this.char === CHAR_SP || this.char === CTRL_I) {
return null
} else if (this.char === CHAR_RSQB) {
if (hasKey(this.ctx, keyword) && (!isTable(this.ctx[keyword]) || this.ctx[keyword][_declared])) {
throw this.error(new TomlError("Can't redefine existing key"))
} else {
this.ctx = this.ctx[keyword] = this.ctx[keyword] || Table()
this.ctx[_declared] = true
return this.next(this.parseWhitespaceToEOL)
} else if (this.char === CHAR_PERIOD) {
if (!hasKey(this.ctx, keyword)) {
this.ctx = this.ctx[keyword] = Table()
} else if (isTable(this.ctx[keyword])) {
this.ctx = this.ctx[keyword]
} else if (isList(this.ctx[keyword])) {
this.ctx = this.ctx[keyword][this.ctx[keyword].length - 1]
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError("Can't redefine existing key"))
return this.next(this.parseTableNext)
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Unexpected character, expected whitespace, . or ]'))
/* LIST [[a.b.c]] */
parseList () {
this.ctx = this.obj
return this.goto(this.parseListNext)
parseListNext () {
if (this.char === CHAR_SP || this.char === CTRL_I) {
return null
} else {
return this.callNow(this.parseKeyword, this.parseListMore)
parseListMore (keyword) {
if (this.char === CHAR_SP || this.char === CTRL_I) {
return null
} else if (this.char === CHAR_RSQB) {
if (!hasKey(this.ctx, keyword)) {
this.ctx[keyword] = List()
if (isInlineList(this.ctx[keyword])) {
throw this.error(new TomlError("Can't extend an inline array"))
} else if (isList(this.ctx[keyword])) {
const next = Table()
this.ctx = next
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError("Can't redefine an existing key"))
return this.next(this.parseListEnd)
} else if (this.char === CHAR_PERIOD) {
if (!hasKey(this.ctx, keyword)) {
this.ctx = this.ctx[keyword] = Table()
} else if (isInlineList(this.ctx[keyword])) {
throw this.error(new TomlError("Can't extend an inline array"))
} else if (isInlineTable(this.ctx[keyword])) {
throw this.error(new TomlError("Can't extend an inline table"))
} else if (isList(this.ctx[keyword])) {
this.ctx = this.ctx[keyword][this.ctx[keyword].length - 1]
} else if (isTable(this.ctx[keyword])) {
this.ctx = this.ctx[keyword]
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError("Can't redefine an existing key"))
return this.next(this.parseListNext)
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Unexpected character, expected whitespace, . or ]'))
parseListEnd (keyword) {
if (this.char === CHAR_RSQB) {
return this.next(this.parseWhitespaceToEOL)
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Unexpected character, expected whitespace, . or ]'))
/* VALUE string, number, boolean, inline list, inline object */
parseValue () {
if (this.char === Parser.END) {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Key without value'))
} else if (this.char === CHAR_QUOT) {
return this.next(this.parseDoubleString)
} if (this.char === CHAR_APOS) {
return this.next(this.parseSingleString)
} else if (this.char === CHAR_HYPHEN || this.char === CHAR_PLUS) {
return this.goto(this.parseNumberSign)
} else if (this.char === CHAR_i) {
return this.next(this.parseInf)
} else if (this.char === CHAR_n) {
return this.next(this.parseNan)
} else if (isDigit(this.char)) {
return this.goto(this.parseNumberOrDateTime)
} else if (this.char === CHAR_t || this.char === CHAR_f) {
return this.goto(this.parseBoolean)
} else if (this.char === CHAR_LSQB) {
return this.call(this.parseInlineList, this.recordValue)
} else if (this.char === CHAR_LCUB) {
return this.call(this.parseInlineTable, this.recordValue)
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Unexpected character, expecting string, number, datetime, boolean, inline array or inline table'))
recordValue (value) {
return this.returnNow(value)
parseInf () {
if (this.char === CHAR_n) {
return this.next(this.parseInf2)
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Unexpected character, expected "inf", "+inf" or "-inf"'))
parseInf2 () {
if (this.char === CHAR_f) {
if (this.state.buf === '-') {
return this.return(-Infinity)
} else {
return this.return(Infinity)
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Unexpected character, expected "inf", "+inf" or "-inf"'))
parseNan () {
if (this.char === CHAR_a) {
return this.next(this.parseNan2)
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Unexpected character, expected "nan"'))
parseNan2 () {
if (this.char === CHAR_n) {
return this.return(NaN)
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Unexpected character, expected "nan"'))
/* KEYS, barewords or basic, literal, or dotted */
parseKeyword () {
if (this.char === CHAR_QUOT) {
return this.next(this.parseBasicString)
} else if (this.char === CHAR_APOS) {
return this.next(this.parseLiteralString)
} else {
return this.goto(this.parseBareKey)
/* KEYS: barewords */
parseBareKey () {
do {
if (this.char === Parser.END) {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Key ended without value'))
} else if (isAlphaNumHyphen(this.char)) {
} else if (this.state.buf.length === 0) {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Empty bare keys are not allowed'))
} else {
return this.returnNow()
} while (this.nextChar())
/* STRINGS, single quoted (literal) */
parseSingleString () {
if (this.char === CHAR_APOS) {
return this.next(this.parseLiteralMultiStringMaybe)
} else {
return this.goto(this.parseLiteralString)
parseLiteralString () {
do {
if (this.char === CHAR_APOS) {
return this.return()
} else if (this.atEndOfLine()) {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Unterminated string'))
} else if (this.char === CHAR_DEL || (this.char <= CTRL_CHAR_BOUNDARY && this.char !== CTRL_I)) {
throw this.errorControlCharInString()
} else {
} while (this.nextChar())
parseLiteralMultiStringMaybe () {
if (this.char === CHAR_APOS) {
return this.next(this.parseLiteralMultiString)
} else {
return this.returnNow()
parseLiteralMultiString () {
if (this.char === CTRL_M) {
return null
} else if (this.char === CTRL_J) {
return this.next(this.parseLiteralMultiStringContent)
} else {
return this.goto(this.parseLiteralMultiStringContent)
parseLiteralMultiStringContent () {
do {
if (this.char === CHAR_APOS) {
return this.next(this.parseLiteralMultiEnd)
} else if (this.char === Parser.END) {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Unterminated multi-line string'))
} else if (this.char === CHAR_DEL || (this.char <= CTRL_CHAR_BOUNDARY && this.char !== CTRL_I && this.char !== CTRL_J && this.char !== CTRL_M)) {
throw this.errorControlCharInString()
} else {
} while (this.nextChar())
parseLiteralMultiEnd () {
if (this.char === CHAR_APOS) {
return this.next(this.parseLiteralMultiEnd2)
} else {
this.state.buf += "'"
return this.goto(this.parseLiteralMultiStringContent)
parseLiteralMultiEnd2 () {
if (this.char === CHAR_APOS) {
return this.return()
} else {
this.state.buf += "''"
return this.goto(this.parseLiteralMultiStringContent)
/* STRINGS double quoted */
parseDoubleString () {
if (this.char === CHAR_QUOT) {
return this.next(this.parseMultiStringMaybe)
} else {
return this.goto(this.parseBasicString)
parseBasicString () {
do {
if (this.char === CHAR_BSOL) {
return this.call(this.parseEscape, this.recordEscapeReplacement)
} else if (this.char === CHAR_QUOT) {
return this.return()
} else if (this.atEndOfLine()) {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Unterminated string'))
} else if (this.char === CHAR_DEL || (this.char <= CTRL_CHAR_BOUNDARY && this.char !== CTRL_I)) {
throw this.errorControlCharInString()
} else {
} while (this.nextChar())
recordEscapeReplacement (replacement) {
this.state.buf += replacement
return this.goto(this.parseBasicString)
parseMultiStringMaybe () {
if (this.char === CHAR_QUOT) {
return this.next(this.parseMultiString)
} else {
return this.returnNow()
parseMultiString () {
if (this.char === CTRL_M) {
return null
} else if (this.char === CTRL_J) {
return this.next(this.parseMultiStringContent)
} else {
return this.goto(this.parseMultiStringContent)
parseMultiStringContent () {
do {
if (this.char === CHAR_BSOL) {
return this.call(this.parseMultiEscape, this.recordMultiEscapeReplacement)
} else if (this.char === CHAR_QUOT) {
return this.next(this.parseMultiEnd)
} else if (this.char === Parser.END) {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Unterminated multi-line string'))
} else if (this.char === CHAR_DEL || (this.char <= CTRL_CHAR_BOUNDARY && this.char !== CTRL_I && this.char !== CTRL_J && this.char !== CTRL_M)) {
throw this.errorControlCharInString()
} else {
} while (this.nextChar())
errorControlCharInString () {
let displayCode = '\\u00'
if (this.char < 16) {
displayCode += '0'
displayCode += this.char.toString(16)
return this.error(new TomlError(`Control characters (codes < 0x1f and 0x7f) are not allowed in strings, use ${displayCode} instead`))
recordMultiEscapeReplacement (replacement) {
this.state.buf += replacement
return this.goto(this.parseMultiStringContent)
parseMultiEnd () {
if (this.char === CHAR_QUOT) {
return this.next(this.parseMultiEnd2)
} else {
this.state.buf += '"'
return this.goto(this.parseMultiStringContent)
parseMultiEnd2 () {
if (this.char === CHAR_QUOT) {
return this.return()
} else {
this.state.buf += '""'
return this.goto(this.parseMultiStringContent)
parseMultiEscape () {
if (this.char === CTRL_M || this.char === CTRL_J) {
return this.next(this.parseMultiTrim)
} else if (this.char === CHAR_SP || this.char === CTRL_I) {
return this.next(this.parsePreMultiTrim)
} else {
return this.goto(this.parseEscape)
parsePreMultiTrim () {
if (this.char === CHAR_SP || this.char === CTRL_I) {
return null
} else if (this.char === CTRL_M || this.char === CTRL_J) {
return this.next(this.parseMultiTrim)
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError("Can't escape whitespace"))
parseMultiTrim () {
// explicitly whitespace here, END should follow the same path as chars
if (this.char === CTRL_J || this.char === CHAR_SP || this.char === CTRL_I || this.char === CTRL_M) {
return null
} else {
return this.returnNow()
parseEscape () {
if (this.char in escapes) {
return this.return(escapes[this.char])
} else if (this.char === CHAR_u) {
return this.call(this.parseSmallUnicode, this.parseUnicodeReturn)
} else if (this.char === CHAR_U) {
return this.call(this.parseLargeUnicode, this.parseUnicodeReturn)
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Unknown escape character: ' + this.char))
parseUnicodeReturn (char) {
try {
const codePoint = parseInt(char, 16)
if (codePoint >= SURROGATE_FIRST && codePoint <= SURROGATE_LAST) {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Invalid unicode, character in range 0xD800 - 0xDFFF is reserved'))
return this.returnNow(String.fromCodePoint(codePoint))
} catch (err) {
throw this.error(TomlError.wrap(err))
parseSmallUnicode () {
if (!isHexit(this.char)) {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Invalid character in unicode sequence, expected hex'))
} else {
if (this.state.buf.length >= 4) return this.return()
parseLargeUnicode () {
if (!isHexit(this.char)) {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Invalid character in unicode sequence, expected hex'))
} else {
if (this.state.buf.length >= 8) return this.return()
parseNumberSign () {
return this.next(this.parseMaybeSignedInfOrNan)
parseMaybeSignedInfOrNan () {
if (this.char === CHAR_i) {
return this.next(this.parseInf)
} else if (this.char === CHAR_n) {
return this.next(this.parseNan)
} else {
return this.callNow(this.parseNoUnder, this.parseNumberIntegerStart)
parseNumberIntegerStart () {
if (this.char === CHAR_0) {
return this.next(this.parseNumberIntegerExponentOrDecimal)
} else {
return this.goto(this.parseNumberInteger)
parseNumberIntegerExponentOrDecimal () {
if (this.char === CHAR_PERIOD) {
return this.call(this.parseNoUnder, this.parseNumberFloat)
} else if (this.char === CHAR_E || this.char === CHAR_e) {
return this.next(this.parseNumberExponentSign)
} else {
return this.returnNow(Integer(this.state.buf))
parseNumberInteger () {
if (isDigit(this.char)) {
} else if (this.char === CHAR_LOWBAR) {
return this.call(this.parseNoUnder)
} else if (this.char === CHAR_E || this.char === CHAR_e) {
return this.next(this.parseNumberExponentSign)
} else if (this.char === CHAR_PERIOD) {
return this.call(this.parseNoUnder, this.parseNumberFloat)
} else {
const result = Integer(this.state.buf)
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (result.isNaN()) {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Invalid number'))
} else {
return this.returnNow(result)
parseNoUnder () {
if (this.char === CHAR_LOWBAR || this.char === CHAR_PERIOD || this.char === CHAR_E || this.char === CHAR_e) {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Unexpected character, expected digit'))
} else if (this.atEndOfWord()) {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Incomplete number'))
return this.returnNow()
parseNoUnderHexOctBinLiteral () {
if (this.char === CHAR_LOWBAR || this.char === CHAR_PERIOD) {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Unexpected character, expected digit'))
} else if (this.atEndOfWord()) {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Incomplete number'))
return this.returnNow()
parseNumberFloat () {
if (this.char === CHAR_LOWBAR) {
return this.call(this.parseNoUnder, this.parseNumberFloat)
} else if (isDigit(this.char)) {
} else if (this.char === CHAR_E || this.char === CHAR_e) {
return this.next(this.parseNumberExponentSign)
} else {
return this.returnNow(Float(this.state.buf))
parseNumberExponentSign () {
if (isDigit(this.char)) {
return this.goto(this.parseNumberExponent)
} else if (this.char === CHAR_HYPHEN || this.char === CHAR_PLUS) {
this.call(this.parseNoUnder, this.parseNumberExponent)
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Unexpected character, expected -, + or digit'))
parseNumberExponent () {
if (isDigit(this.char)) {
} else if (this.char === CHAR_LOWBAR) {
return this.call(this.parseNoUnder)
} else {
return this.returnNow(Float(this.state.buf))
parseNumberOrDateTime () {
if (this.char === CHAR_0) {
return this.next(this.parseNumberBaseOrDateTime)
} else {
return this.goto(this.parseNumberOrDateTimeOnly)
parseNumberOrDateTimeOnly () {
// note, if two zeros are in a row then it MUST be a date
if (this.char === CHAR_LOWBAR) {
return this.call(this.parseNoUnder, this.parseNumberInteger)
} else if (isDigit(this.char)) {
if (this.state.buf.length > 4) this.next(this.parseNumberInteger)
} else if (this.char === CHAR_E || this.char === CHAR_e) {
return this.next(this.parseNumberExponentSign)
} else if (this.char === CHAR_PERIOD) {
return this.call(this.parseNoUnder, this.parseNumberFloat)
} else if (this.char === CHAR_HYPHEN) {
return this.goto(this.parseDateTime)
} else if (this.char === CHAR_COLON) {
return this.goto(this.parseOnlyTimeHour)
} else {
return this.returnNow(Integer(this.state.buf))
parseDateTimeOnly () {
if (this.state.buf.length < 4) {
if (isDigit(this.char)) {
return this.consume()
} else if (this.char === CHAR_COLON) {
return this.goto(this.parseOnlyTimeHour)
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Expected digit while parsing year part of a date'))
} else {
if (this.char === CHAR_HYPHEN) {
return this.goto(this.parseDateTime)
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Expected hyphen (-) while parsing year part of date'))
parseNumberBaseOrDateTime () {
if (this.char === CHAR_b) {
return this.call(this.parseNoUnderHexOctBinLiteral, this.parseIntegerBin)
} else if (this.char === CHAR_o) {
return this.call(this.parseNoUnderHexOctBinLiteral, this.parseIntegerOct)
} else if (this.char === CHAR_x) {
return this.call(this.parseNoUnderHexOctBinLiteral, this.parseIntegerHex)
} else if (this.char === CHAR_PERIOD) {
return this.goto(this.parseNumberInteger)
} else if (isDigit(this.char)) {
return this.goto(this.parseDateTimeOnly)
} else {
return this.returnNow(Integer(this.state.buf))
parseIntegerHex () {
if (isHexit(this.char)) {
} else if (this.char === CHAR_LOWBAR) {
return this.call(this.parseNoUnderHexOctBinLiteral)
} else {
const result = Integer(this.state.buf)
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (result.isNaN()) {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Invalid number'))
} else {
return this.returnNow(result)
parseIntegerOct () {
if (isOctit(this.char)) {
} else if (this.char === CHAR_LOWBAR) {
return this.call(this.parseNoUnderHexOctBinLiteral)
} else {
const result = Integer(this.state.buf)
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (result.isNaN()) {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Invalid number'))
} else {
return this.returnNow(result)
parseIntegerBin () {
if (isBit(this.char)) {
} else if (this.char === CHAR_LOWBAR) {
return this.call(this.parseNoUnderHexOctBinLiteral)
} else {
const result = Integer(this.state.buf)
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (result.isNaN()) {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Invalid number'))
} else {
return this.returnNow(result)
parseDateTime () {
// we enter here having just consumed the year and about to consume the hyphen
if (this.state.buf.length < 4) {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Years less than 1000 must be zero padded to four characters'))
this.state.result = this.state.buf
this.state.buf = ''
return this.next(this.parseDateMonth)
parseDateMonth () {
if (this.char === CHAR_HYPHEN) {
if (this.state.buf.length < 2) {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Months less than 10 must be zero padded to two characters'))
this.state.result += '-' + this.state.buf
this.state.buf = ''
return this.next(this.parseDateDay)
} else if (isDigit(this.char)) {
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Incomplete datetime'))
parseDateDay () {
if (this.char === CHAR_T || this.char === CHAR_SP) {
if (this.state.buf.length < 2) {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Days less than 10 must be zero padded to two characters'))
this.state.result += '-' + this.state.buf
this.state.buf = ''
return this.next(this.parseStartTimeHour)
} else if (this.atEndOfWord()) {
return this.returnNow(createDate(this.state.result + '-' + this.state.buf))
} else if (isDigit(this.char)) {
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Incomplete datetime'))
parseStartTimeHour () {
if (this.atEndOfWord()) {
return this.returnNow(createDate(this.state.result))
} else {
return this.goto(this.parseTimeHour)
parseTimeHour () {
if (this.char === CHAR_COLON) {
if (this.state.buf.length < 2) {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Hours less than 10 must be zero padded to two characters'))
this.state.result += 'T' + this.state.buf
this.state.buf = ''
return this.next(this.parseTimeMin)
} else if (isDigit(this.char)) {
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Incomplete datetime'))
parseTimeMin () {
if (this.state.buf.length < 2 && isDigit(this.char)) {
} else if (this.state.buf.length === 2 && this.char === CHAR_COLON) {
this.state.result += ':' + this.state.buf
this.state.buf = ''
return this.next(this.parseTimeSec)
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Incomplete datetime'))
parseTimeSec () {
if (isDigit(this.char)) {
if (this.state.buf.length === 2) {
this.state.result += ':' + this.state.buf
this.state.buf = ''
return this.next(this.parseTimeZoneOrFraction)
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Incomplete datetime'))
parseOnlyTimeHour () {
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (this.char === CHAR_COLON) {
if (this.state.buf.length < 2) {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Hours less than 10 must be zero padded to two characters'))
this.state.result = this.state.buf
this.state.buf = ''
return this.next(this.parseOnlyTimeMin)
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Incomplete time'))
parseOnlyTimeMin () {
if (this.state.buf.length < 2 && isDigit(this.char)) {
} else if (this.state.buf.length === 2 && this.char === CHAR_COLON) {
this.state.result += ':' + this.state.buf
this.state.buf = ''
return this.next(this.parseOnlyTimeSec)
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Incomplete time'))
parseOnlyTimeSec () {
if (isDigit(this.char)) {
if (this.state.buf.length === 2) {
return this.next(this.parseOnlyTimeFractionMaybe)
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Incomplete time'))
parseOnlyTimeFractionMaybe () {
this.state.result += ':' + this.state.buf
if (this.char === CHAR_PERIOD) {
this.state.buf = ''
} else {
return this.return(createTime(this.state.result))
parseOnlyTimeFraction () {
if (isDigit(this.char)) {
} else if (this.atEndOfWord()) {
if (this.state.buf.length === 0) throw this.error(new TomlError('Expected digit in milliseconds'))
return this.returnNow(createTime(this.state.result + '.' + this.state.buf))
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Unexpected character in datetime, expected period (.), minus (-), plus (+) or Z'))
parseTimeZoneOrFraction () {
if (this.char === CHAR_PERIOD) {
} else if (this.char === CHAR_HYPHEN || this.char === CHAR_PLUS) {
} else if (this.char === CHAR_Z) {
return this.return(createDateTime(this.state.result + this.state.buf))
} else if (this.atEndOfWord()) {
return this.returnNow(createDateTimeFloat(this.state.result + this.state.buf))
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Unexpected character in datetime, expected period (.), minus (-), plus (+) or Z'))
parseDateTimeFraction () {
if (isDigit(this.char)) {
} else if (this.state.buf.length === 1) {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Expected digit in milliseconds'))
} else if (this.char === CHAR_HYPHEN || this.char === CHAR_PLUS) {
} else if (this.char === CHAR_Z) {
return this.return(createDateTime(this.state.result + this.state.buf))
} else if (this.atEndOfWord()) {
return this.returnNow(createDateTimeFloat(this.state.result + this.state.buf))
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Unexpected character in datetime, expected period (.), minus (-), plus (+) or Z'))
parseTimeZoneHour () {
if (isDigit(this.char)) {
// FIXME: No more regexps
if (/\d\d$/.test(this.state.buf)) return this.next(this.parseTimeZoneSep)
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Unexpected character in datetime, expected digit'))
parseTimeZoneSep () {
if (this.char === CHAR_COLON) {
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Unexpected character in datetime, expected colon'))
parseTimeZoneMin () {
if (isDigit(this.char)) {
if (/\d\d$/.test(this.state.buf)) return this.return(createDateTime(this.state.result + this.state.buf))
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Unexpected character in datetime, expected digit'))
parseBoolean () {
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (this.char === CHAR_t) {
return this.next(this.parseTrue_r)
} else if (this.char === CHAR_f) {
return this.next(this.parseFalse_a)
parseTrue_r () {
if (this.char === CHAR_r) {
return this.next(this.parseTrue_u)
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Invalid boolean, expected true or false'))
parseTrue_u () {
if (this.char === CHAR_u) {
return this.next(this.parseTrue_e)
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Invalid boolean, expected true or false'))
parseTrue_e () {
if (this.char === CHAR_e) {
return this.return(true)
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Invalid boolean, expected true or false'))
parseFalse_a () {
if (this.char === CHAR_a) {
return this.next(this.parseFalse_l)
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Invalid boolean, expected true or false'))
parseFalse_l () {
if (this.char === CHAR_l) {
return this.next(this.parseFalse_s)
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Invalid boolean, expected true or false'))
parseFalse_s () {
if (this.char === CHAR_s) {
return this.next(this.parseFalse_e)
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Invalid boolean, expected true or false'))
parseFalse_e () {
if (this.char === CHAR_e) {
return this.return(false)
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Invalid boolean, expected true or false'))
parseInlineList () {
if (this.char === CHAR_SP || this.char === CTRL_I || this.char === CTRL_M || this.char === CTRL_J) {
return null
} else if (this.char === Parser.END) {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Unterminated inline array'))
} else if (this.char === CHAR_NUM) {
return this.call(this.parseComment)
} else if (this.char === CHAR_RSQB) {
return this.return(this.state.resultArr || InlineList())
} else {
return this.callNow(this.parseValue, this.recordInlineListValue)
recordInlineListValue (value) {
if (this.state.resultArr) {
const listType = this.state.resultArr[_contentType]
const valueType = tomlType(value)
if (listType !== valueType) {
throw this.error(new TomlError(`Inline lists must be a single type, not a mix of ${listType} and ${valueType}`))
} else {
this.state.resultArr = InlineList(tomlType(value))
if (isFloat(value) || isInteger(value)) {
// unbox now that we've verified they're ok
} else {
return this.goto(this.parseInlineListNext)
parseInlineListNext () {
if (this.char === CHAR_SP || this.char === CTRL_I || this.char === CTRL_M || this.char === CTRL_J) {
return null
} else if (this.char === CHAR_NUM) {
return this.call(this.parseComment)
} else if (this.char === CHAR_COMMA) {
return this.next(this.parseInlineList)
} else if (this.char === CHAR_RSQB) {
return this.goto(this.parseInlineList)
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Invalid character, expected whitespace, comma (,) or close bracket (])'))
parseInlineTable () {
if (this.char === CHAR_SP || this.char === CTRL_I) {
return null
} else if (this.char === Parser.END || this.char === CHAR_NUM || this.char === CTRL_J || this.char === CTRL_M) {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Unterminated inline array'))
} else if (this.char === CHAR_RCUB) {
return this.return(this.state.resultTable || InlineTable())
} else {
if (!this.state.resultTable) this.state.resultTable = InlineTable()
return this.callNow(this.parseAssign, this.recordInlineTableValue)
recordInlineTableValue (kv) {
let target = this.state.resultTable
let finalKey = kv.key.pop()
for (let kw of kv.key) {
if (hasKey(target, kw) && (!isTable(target[kw]) || target[kw][_declared])) {
throw this.error(new TomlError("Can't redefine existing key"))
target = target[kw] = target[kw] || Table()
if (hasKey(target, finalKey)) {
throw this.error(new TomlError("Can't redefine existing key"))
if (isInteger(kv.value) || isFloat(kv.value)) {
target[finalKey] = kv.value.valueOf()
} else {
target[finalKey] = kv.value
return this.goto(this.parseInlineTableNext)
parseInlineTableNext () {
if (this.char === CHAR_SP || this.char === CTRL_I) {
return null
} else if (this.char === Parser.END || this.char === CHAR_NUM || this.char === CTRL_J || this.char === CTRL_M) {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Unterminated inline array'))
} else if (this.char === CHAR_COMMA) {
return this.next(this.parseInlineTable)
} else if (this.char === CHAR_RCUB) {
return this.goto(this.parseInlineTable)
} else {
throw this.error(new TomlError('Invalid character, expected whitespace, comma (,) or close bracket (])'))
return TOMLParser