
297 lines
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2023-12-09 22:19:03 -08:00
'use strict'
module.exports = stringify
module.exports.value = stringifyInline
function stringify (obj) {
if (obj === null) throw typeError('null')
if (obj === void (0)) throw typeError('undefined')
if (typeof obj !== 'object') throw typeError(typeof obj)
if (typeof obj.toJSON === 'function') obj = obj.toJSON()
if (obj == null) return null
const type = tomlType(obj)
if (type !== 'table') throw typeError(type)
return stringifyObject('', '', obj)
function typeError (type) {
return new Error('Can only stringify objects, not ' + type)
function arrayOneTypeError () {
return new Error("Array values can't have mixed types")
function getInlineKeys (obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).filter(key => isInline(obj[key]))
function getComplexKeys (obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).filter(key => !isInline(obj[key]))
function toJSON (obj) {
let nobj = Array.isArray(obj) ? [] : Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, '__proto__') ? {['__proto__']: undefined} : {}
for (let prop of Object.keys(obj)) {
if (obj[prop] && typeof obj[prop].toJSON === 'function' && !('toISOString' in obj[prop])) {
nobj[prop] = obj[prop].toJSON()
} else {
nobj[prop] = obj[prop]
return nobj
function stringifyObject (prefix, indent, obj) {
obj = toJSON(obj)
var inlineKeys
var complexKeys
inlineKeys = getInlineKeys(obj)
complexKeys = getComplexKeys(obj)
var result = []
var inlineIndent = indent || ''
inlineKeys.forEach(key => {
var type = tomlType(obj[key])
if (type !== 'undefined' && type !== 'null') {
result.push(inlineIndent + stringifyKey(key) + ' = ' + stringifyAnyInline(obj[key], true))
if (result.length > 0) result.push('')
var complexIndent = prefix && inlineKeys.length > 0 ? indent + ' ' : ''
complexKeys.forEach(key => {
result.push(stringifyComplex(prefix, complexIndent, key, obj[key]))
return result.join('\n')
function isInline (value) {
switch (tomlType(value)) {
case 'undefined':
case 'null':
case 'integer':
case 'nan':
case 'float':
case 'boolean':
case 'string':
case 'datetime':
return true
case 'array':
return value.length === 0 || tomlType(value[0]) !== 'table'
case 'table':
return Object.keys(value).length === 0
/* istanbul ignore next */
return false
function tomlType (value) {
if (value === undefined) {
return 'undefined'
} else if (value === null) {
return 'null'
/* eslint-disable valid-typeof */
} else if (typeof value === 'bigint' || (Number.isInteger(value) && !Object.is(value, -0))) {
return 'integer'
} else if (typeof value === 'number') {
return 'float'
} else if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
return 'boolean'
} else if (typeof value === 'string') {
return 'string'
} else if ('toISOString' in value) {
return isNaN(value) ? 'undefined' : 'datetime'
} else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return 'array'
} else {
return 'table'
function stringifyKey (key) {
var keyStr = String(key)
if (/^[-A-Za-z0-9_]+$/.test(keyStr)) {
return keyStr
} else {
return stringifyBasicString(keyStr)
function stringifyBasicString (str) {
return '"' + escapeString(str).replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"'
function stringifyLiteralString (str) {
return "'" + str + "'"
function numpad (num, str) {
while (str.length < num) str = '0' + str
return str
function escapeString (str) {
return str.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\')
.replace(/[\b]/g, '\\b')
.replace(/\t/g, '\\t')
.replace(/\n/g, '\\n')
.replace(/\f/g, '\\f')
.replace(/\r/g, '\\r')
/* eslint-disable no-control-regex */
.replace(/([\u0000-\u001f\u007f])/, c => '\\u' + numpad(4, c.codePointAt(0).toString(16)))
/* eslint-enable no-control-regex */
function stringifyMultilineString (str) {
let escaped = str.split(/\n/).map(str => {
return escapeString(str).replace(/"(?="")/g, '\\"')
if (escaped.slice(-1) === '"') escaped += '\\\n'
return '"""\n' + escaped + '"""'
function stringifyAnyInline (value, multilineOk) {
let type = tomlType(value)
if (type === 'string') {
if (multilineOk && /\n/.test(value)) {
type = 'string-multiline'
} else if (!/[\b\t\n\f\r']/.test(value) && /"/.test(value)) {
type = 'string-literal'
return stringifyInline(value, type)
function stringifyInline (value, type) {
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (!type) type = tomlType(value)
switch (type) {
case 'string-multiline':
return stringifyMultilineString(value)
case 'string':
return stringifyBasicString(value)
case 'string-literal':
return stringifyLiteralString(value)
case 'integer':
return stringifyInteger(value)
case 'float':
return stringifyFloat(value)
case 'boolean':
return stringifyBoolean(value)
case 'datetime':
return stringifyDatetime(value)
case 'array':
return stringifyInlineArray(value.filter(_ => tomlType(_) !== 'null' && tomlType(_) !== 'undefined' && tomlType(_) !== 'nan'))
case 'table':
return stringifyInlineTable(value)
/* istanbul ignore next */
throw typeError(type)
function stringifyInteger (value) {
/* eslint-disable security/detect-unsafe-regex */
return String(value).replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, '_')
function stringifyFloat (value) {
if (value === Infinity) {
return 'inf'
} else if (value === -Infinity) {
return '-inf'
} else if (Object.is(value, NaN)) {
return 'nan'
} else if (Object.is(value, -0)) {
return '-0.0'
var chunks = String(value).split('.')
var int = chunks[0]
var dec = chunks[1] || 0
return stringifyInteger(int) + '.' + dec
function stringifyBoolean (value) {
return String(value)
function stringifyDatetime (value) {
return value.toISOString()
function isNumber (type) {
return type === 'float' || type === 'integer'
function arrayType (values) {
var contentType = tomlType(values[0])
if (values.every(_ => tomlType(_) === contentType)) return contentType
// mixed integer/float, emit as floats
if (values.every(_ => isNumber(tomlType(_)))) return 'float'
return 'mixed'
function validateArray (values) {
const type = arrayType(values)
if (type === 'mixed') {
throw arrayOneTypeError()
return type
function stringifyInlineArray (values) {
values = toJSON(values)
const type = validateArray(values)
var result = '['
var stringified = values.map(_ => stringifyInline(_, type))
if (stringified.join(', ').length > 60 || /\n/.test(stringified)) {
result += '\n ' + stringified.join(',\n ') + '\n'
} else {
result += ' ' + stringified.join(', ') + (stringified.length > 0 ? ' ' : '')
return result + ']'
function stringifyInlineTable (value) {
value = toJSON(value)
var result = []
Object.keys(value).forEach(key => {
result.push(stringifyKey(key) + ' = ' + stringifyAnyInline(value[key], false))
return '{ ' + result.join(', ') + (result.length > 0 ? ' ' : '') + '}'
function stringifyComplex (prefix, indent, key, value) {
var valueType = tomlType(value)
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (valueType === 'array') {
return stringifyArrayOfTables(prefix, indent, key, value)
} else if (valueType === 'table') {
return stringifyComplexTable(prefix, indent, key, value)
} else {
throw typeError(valueType)
function stringifyArrayOfTables (prefix, indent, key, values) {
values = toJSON(values)
var firstValueType = tomlType(values[0])
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (firstValueType !== 'table') throw typeError(firstValueType)
var fullKey = prefix + stringifyKey(key)
var result = ''
values.forEach(table => {
if (result.length > 0) result += '\n'
result += indent + '[[' + fullKey + ']]\n'
result += stringifyObject(fullKey + '.', indent, table)
return result
function stringifyComplexTable (prefix, indent, key, value) {
var fullKey = prefix + stringifyKey(key)
var result = ''
if (getInlineKeys(value).length > 0) {
result += indent + '[' + fullKey + ']\n'
return result + stringifyObject(fullKey + '.', indent, value)