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2023-12-09 22:19:03 -08:00
declare namespace slugify {
interface Options {
@default '-'
import slugify = require('@sindresorhus/slugify');
slugify('BAR and baz');
//=> 'bar-and-baz'
slugify('BAR and baz', {separator: '_'});
//=> 'bar_and_baz'
slugify('BAR and baz', {separator: ''});
//=> 'barandbaz'
readonly separator?: string;
Make the slug lowercase.
@default true
import slugify = require('@sindresorhus/slugify');
slugify('Déjà Vu!');
//=> 'deja-vu'
slugify('Déjà Vu!', {lowercase: false});
//=> 'Deja-Vu'
readonly lowercase?: boolean;
Convert camelcase to separate words. Internally it does `fooBar` `foo bar`.
@default true
import slugify = require('@sindresorhus/slugify');
//=> 'foo-bar'
slugify('fooBar', {decamelize: false});
//=> 'foobar'
readonly decamelize?: boolean;
Add your own custom replacements.
The replacements are run on the original string before any other transformations.
This only overrides a default replacement if you set an item with the same key, like `&`.
Add a leading and trailing space to the replacement to have it separated by dashes.
@default [ ['&', ' and '], ['🦄', ' unicorn '], ['♥', ' love '] ]
import slugify = require('@sindresorhus/slugify');
slugify('Foo@unicorn', {
customReplacements: [
['@', 'at']
//=> 'fooatunicorn'
slugify('foo@unicorn', {
customReplacements: [
['@', ' at ']
//=> 'foo-at-unicorn'
slugify('I love 🐶', {
customReplacements: [
['🐶', 'dogs']
//=> 'i-love-dogs'
readonly customReplacements?: ReadonlyArray<[string, string]>;
If your string starts with an underscore, it will be preserved in the slugified string.
Sometimes leading underscores are intentional, for example, filenames representing hidden paths on a website.
@default false
import slugify = require('@sindresorhus/slugify');
//=> 'foo-bar'
slugify('_foo_bar', {preserveLeadingUnderscore: true});
//=> '_foo-bar'
readonly preserveLeadingUnderscore?: boolean;
declare const slugify: {
Returns a new instance of `slugify(string, options?)` with a counter to handle multiple occurences of the same string.
@param string - String to slugify.
import slugify = require('@sindresorhus/slugify');
const countableSlugify = slugify.counter();
countableSlugify('foo bar');
//=> 'foo-bar'
countableSlugify('foo bar');
//=> 'foo-bar-2'
countableSlugify('foo bar');
//=> 'foo-bar'
__Use case example of counter__
If, for example, you have a document with multiple sections where each subsection has an example.
## Section 1
### Example
## Section 2
### Example
You can then use `slugify.counter()` to generate unique HTML `id`'s to ensure anchors will link to the right headline.
counter: () => {
Reset the counter.
import slugify = require('@sindresorhus/slugify');
const countableSlugify = slugify.counter();
countableSlugify('foo bar');
//=> 'foo-bar'
countableSlugify('foo bar');
//=> 'foo-bar-2'
countableSlugify('foo bar');
//=> 'foo-bar'
reset: () => void;
string: string,
options?: slugify.Options
): string;
Slugify a string.
@param string - String to slugify.
import slugify = require('@sindresorhus/slugify');
slugify('I ♥ Dogs');
//=> 'i-love-dogs'
slugify(' Déjà Vu! ');
//=> 'deja-vu'
slugify('fooBar 123 $#%');
//=> 'foo-bar-123'
slugify('я люблю единорогов');
//=> 'ya-lyublyu-edinorogov'
string: string,
options?: slugify.Options
): string;
export = slugify;