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2023-12-09 22:48:07 -08:00
'use strict';
const beforeBlockString = require('../../utils/beforeBlockString');
const hasBlock = require('../../utils/hasBlock');
const optionsMatches = require('../../utils/optionsMatches');
const report = require('../../utils/report');
const ruleMessages = require('../../utils/ruleMessages');
const styleSearch = require('style-search');
const validateOptions = require('../../utils/validateOptions');
const { isAtRule, isDeclaration, isRoot, isRule } = require('../../utils/typeGuards');
const { isBoolean, isNumber, isString, assertString } = require('../../utils/validateTypes');
const ruleName = 'indentation';
const messages = ruleMessages(ruleName, {
expected: (x) => `Expected indentation of ${x}`,
const meta = {
url: 'https://stylelint.io/user-guide/rules/indentation',
fixable: true,
deprecated: true,
/** @type {import('stylelint').Rule} */
const rule = (primary, secondaryOptions = {}, context) => {
return (root, result) => {
const validOptions = validateOptions(
actual: primary,
possible: [isNumber, 'tab'],
actual: secondaryOptions,
possible: {
baseIndentLevel: [isNumber, 'auto'],
except: ['block', 'value', 'param'],
ignore: ['value', 'param', 'inside-parens'],
indentInsideParens: ['twice', 'once-at-root-twice-in-block'],
indentClosingBrace: [isBoolean],
optional: true,
if (!validOptions) {
const spaceCount = isNumber(primary) ? primary : null;
const indentChar = spaceCount == null ? '\t' : ' '.repeat(spaceCount);
const warningWord = primary === 'tab' ? 'tab' : 'space';
/** @type {number | 'auto'} */
const baseIndentLevel = secondaryOptions.baseIndentLevel;
/** @type {boolean} */
const indentClosingBrace = secondaryOptions.indentClosingBrace;
* @param {number} level
const legibleExpectation = (level) => {
const count = spaceCount == null ? level : level * spaceCount;
const quantifiedWarningWord = count === 1 ? warningWord : `${warningWord}s`;
return `${count} ${quantifiedWarningWord}`;
// Cycle through all nodes using walk.
root.walk((node) => {
if (isRoot(node)) {
// Ignore nested template literals root in css-in-js lang
const nodeLevel = indentationLevel(node);
// Cut out any * and _ hacks from `before`
const before = (node.raws.before || '').replace(/[*_]$/, '');
const after = typeof node.raws.after === 'string' ? node.raws.after : '';
const parent = node.parent;
if (!parent) throw new Error('A parent node must be present');
const expectedOpeningBraceIndentation = indentChar.repeat(nodeLevel);
// Only inspect the spaces before the node
// if this is the first node in root
// or there is a newline in the `before` string.
// (If there is no newline before a node,
// there is no "indentation" to check.)
const isFirstChild = parent.type === 'root' && parent.first === node;
const lastIndexOfNewline = before.lastIndexOf('\n');
// Inspect whitespace in the `before` string that is
// *after* the *last* newline character,
// because anything besides that is not indentation for this node:
// it is some other kind of separation, checked by some separate rule
if (
(lastIndexOfNewline !== -1 ||
(isFirstChild &&
(!getDocument(parent) ||
(parent.raws.codeBefore && parent.raws.codeBefore.endsWith('\n'))))) &&
before.slice(lastIndexOfNewline + 1) !== expectedOpeningBraceIndentation
) {
if (context.fix) {
if (isFirstChild && isString(node.raws.before)) {
node.raws.before = node.raws.before.replace(
/^[ \t]*(?=\S|$)/,
node.raws.before = fixIndentation(node.raws.before, expectedOpeningBraceIndentation);
} else {
message: messages.expected(legibleExpectation(nodeLevel)),
// Only blocks have the `after` string to check.
// Only inspect `after` strings that start with a newline;
// otherwise there's no indentation involved.
// And check `indentClosingBrace` to see if it should be indented an extra level.
const closingBraceLevel = indentClosingBrace ? nodeLevel + 1 : nodeLevel;
const expectedClosingBraceIndentation = indentChar.repeat(closingBraceLevel);
if (
(isRule(node) || isAtRule(node)) &&
hasBlock(node) &&
after &&
after.includes('\n') &&
after.slice(after.lastIndexOf('\n') + 1) !== expectedClosingBraceIndentation
) {
if (context.fix) {
node.raws.after = fixIndentation(node.raws.after, expectedClosingBraceIndentation);
} else {
message: messages.expected(legibleExpectation(closingBraceLevel)),
index: node.toString().length - 1,
// If this is a declaration, check the value
if (isDeclaration(node)) {
checkValue(node, nodeLevel);
// If this is a rule, check the selector
if (isRule(node)) {
checkSelector(node, nodeLevel);
// If this is an at rule, check the params
if (isAtRule(node)) {
checkAtRuleParams(node, nodeLevel);
* @param {import('postcss').Node} node
* @param {number} level
* @returns {number}
function indentationLevel(node, level = 0) {
if (!node.parent) throw new Error('A parent node must be present');
if (isRoot(node.parent)) {
return level + getRootBaseIndentLevel(node.parent, baseIndentLevel, primary);
let calculatedLevel;
// Indentation level equals the ancestor nodes
// separating this node from root; so recursively
// run this operation
calculatedLevel = indentationLevel(node.parent, level + 1);
// If `secondaryOptions.except` includes "block",
// blocks are taken down one from their calculated level
// (all blocks are the same level as their parents)
if (
optionsMatches(secondaryOptions, 'except', 'block') &&
(isRule(node) || isAtRule(node)) &&
) {
return calculatedLevel;
* @param {import('postcss').Declaration} decl
* @param {number} declLevel
function checkValue(decl, declLevel) {
if (!decl.value.includes('\n')) {
if (optionsMatches(secondaryOptions, 'ignore', 'value')) {
const declString = decl.toString();
const valueLevel = optionsMatches(secondaryOptions, 'except', 'value')
? declLevel
: declLevel + 1;
checkMultilineBit(declString, valueLevel, decl);
* @param {import('postcss').Rule} ruleNode
* @param {number} ruleLevel
function checkSelector(ruleNode, ruleLevel) {
const selector = ruleNode.selector;
// Less mixins have params, and they should be indented extra
// @ts-expect-error -- TS2339: Property 'params' does not exist on type 'Rule'.
if (ruleNode.params) {
ruleLevel += 1;
checkMultilineBit(selector, ruleLevel, ruleNode);
* @param {import('postcss').AtRule} atRule
* @param {number} ruleLevel
function checkAtRuleParams(atRule, ruleLevel) {
if (optionsMatches(secondaryOptions, 'ignore', 'param')) {
// @nest and SCSS's @at-root rules should be treated like regular rules, not expected
// to have their params (selectors) indented
const paramLevel =
optionsMatches(secondaryOptions, 'except', 'param') ||
atRule.name === 'nest' ||
atRule.name === 'at-root'
? ruleLevel
: ruleLevel + 1;
checkMultilineBit(beforeBlockString(atRule).trim(), paramLevel, atRule);
* @param {string} source
* @param {number} newlineIndentLevel
* @param {import('postcss').Node} node
function checkMultilineBit(source, newlineIndentLevel, node) {
if (!source.includes('\n')) {
// Data for current node fixing
/** @type {Array<{ expectedIndentation: string, currentIndentation: string, startIndex: number }>} */
const fixPositions = [];
// `outsideParens` because function arguments and also non-standard parenthesized stuff like
// Sass maps are ignored to allow for arbitrary indentation
let parentheticalDepth = 0;
const ignoreInsideParans = optionsMatches(secondaryOptions, 'ignore', 'inside-parens');
target: '\n',
// @ts-expect-error -- The `outsideParens` option is unsupported. Why?
outsideParens: ignoreInsideParans,
(match, matchCount) => {
const precedesClosingParenthesis = /^[ \t]*\)/.test(source.slice(match.startIndex + 1));
if (ignoreInsideParans && (precedesClosingParenthesis || match.insideParens)) {
let expectedIndentLevel = newlineIndentLevel;
// Modififications for parenthetical content
if (!ignoreInsideParans && match.insideParens) {
// If the first match in is within parentheses, reduce the parenthesis penalty
if (matchCount === 1) parentheticalDepth -= 1;
// Account for windows line endings
let newlineIndex = match.startIndex;
if (source[match.startIndex - 1] === '\r') {
const followsOpeningParenthesis = /\([ \t]*$/.test(source.slice(0, newlineIndex));
if (followsOpeningParenthesis) {
parentheticalDepth += 1;
const followsOpeningBrace = /\{[ \t]*$/.test(source.slice(0, newlineIndex));
if (followsOpeningBrace) {
parentheticalDepth += 1;
const startingClosingBrace = /^[ \t]*\}/.test(source.slice(match.startIndex + 1));
if (startingClosingBrace) {
parentheticalDepth -= 1;
expectedIndentLevel += parentheticalDepth;
// Past this point, adjustments to parentheticalDepth affect next line
if (precedesClosingParenthesis) {
parentheticalDepth -= 1;
switch (secondaryOptions.indentInsideParens) {
case 'twice':
if (!precedesClosingParenthesis || indentClosingBrace) {
expectedIndentLevel += 1;
case 'once-at-root-twice-in-block':
if (node.parent === node.root()) {
if (precedesClosingParenthesis && !indentClosingBrace) {
expectedIndentLevel -= 1;
if (!precedesClosingParenthesis || indentClosingBrace) {
expectedIndentLevel += 1;
if (precedesClosingParenthesis && !indentClosingBrace) {
expectedIndentLevel -= 1;
// Starting at the index after the newline, we want to
// check that the whitespace characters (excluding newlines) before the first
// non-whitespace character equal the expected indentation
const afterNewlineSpaceMatches = /^([ \t]*)\S/.exec(source.slice(match.startIndex + 1));
if (!afterNewlineSpaceMatches) {
const afterNewlineSpace = afterNewlineSpaceMatches[1] || '';
const expectedIndentation = indentChar.repeat(
expectedIndentLevel > 0 ? expectedIndentLevel : 0,
if (afterNewlineSpace !== expectedIndentation) {
if (context.fix) {
// Adding fixes position in reverse order, because if we change indent in the beginning of the string it will break all following fixes for that string
currentIndentation: afterNewlineSpace,
startIndex: match.startIndex,
} else {
message: messages.expected(legibleExpectation(expectedIndentLevel)),
index: match.startIndex + afterNewlineSpace.length + 1,
if (fixPositions.length) {
if (isRule(node)) {
for (const fixPosition of fixPositions) {
node.selector = replaceIndentation(
if (isDeclaration(node)) {
const declProp = node.prop;
const declBetween = node.raws.between;
if (!isString(declBetween)) {
throw new TypeError('The `between` property must be a string');
for (const fixPosition of fixPositions) {
if (fixPosition.startIndex < declProp.length + declBetween.length) {
node.raws.between = replaceIndentation(
fixPosition.startIndex - declProp.length,
} else {
node.value = replaceIndentation(
fixPosition.startIndex - declProp.length - declBetween.length,
if (isAtRule(node)) {
const atRuleName = node.name;
const atRuleAfterName = node.raws.afterName;
const atRuleParams = node.params;
if (!isString(atRuleAfterName)) {
throw new TypeError('The `afterName` property must be a string');
for (const fixPosition of fixPositions) {
// 1 — it's a @ length
if (fixPosition.startIndex < 1 + atRuleName.length + atRuleAfterName.length) {
node.raws.afterName = replaceIndentation(
fixPosition.startIndex - atRuleName.length - 1,
} else {
node.params = replaceIndentation(
fixPosition.startIndex - atRuleName.length - atRuleAfterName.length - 1,
* @param {import('postcss').Root} root
* @param {number | 'auto'} baseIndentLevel
* @param {string} space
* @returns {number}
function getRootBaseIndentLevel(root, baseIndentLevel, space) {
const document = getDocument(root);
if (!document) {
return 0;
if (!root.source) {
throw new Error('The root node must have a source');
/** @type {import('postcss').Source & { baseIndentLevel?: number }} */
const source = root.source;
const indentLevel = source.baseIndentLevel;
if (isNumber(indentLevel) && Number.isSafeInteger(indentLevel)) {
return indentLevel;
const newIndentLevel = inferRootIndentLevel(root, baseIndentLevel, () =>
inferDocIndentSize(document, space),
source.baseIndentLevel = newIndentLevel;
return newIndentLevel;
* @param {import('postcss').Node} node
function getDocument(node) {
// @ts-expect-error -- TS2339: Property 'document' does not exist on type 'Node'.
const document = node.document;
if (document) {
return document;
const root = node.root();
// @ts-expect-error -- TS2339: Property 'document' does not exist on type 'Node'.
return root && root.document;
* @param {import('postcss').Document} document
* @param {string} space
* returns {number}
function inferDocIndentSize(document, space) {
if (!document.source) throw new Error('The document node must have a source');
/** @type {import('postcss').Source & { indentSize?: number }} */
const docSource = document.source;
let indentSize = docSource.indentSize;
if (isNumber(indentSize) && Number.isSafeInteger(indentSize)) {
return indentSize;
const source = document.source.input.css;
const indents = source.match(/^ *(?=\S)/gm);
if (indents) {
/** @type {Map<number, number>} */
const scores = new Map();
let lastIndentSize = 0;
let lastLeadingSpacesLength = 0;
* @param {number} leadingSpacesLength
const vote = (leadingSpacesLength) => {
if (leadingSpacesLength) {
lastIndentSize = Math.abs(leadingSpacesLength - lastLeadingSpacesLength) || lastIndentSize;
if (lastIndentSize > 1) {
const score = scores.get(lastIndentSize);
if (score) {
scores.set(lastIndentSize, score + 1);
} else {
scores.set(lastIndentSize, 1);
} else {
lastIndentSize = 0;
lastLeadingSpacesLength = leadingSpacesLength;
for (const leadingSpaces of indents) {
let bestScore = 0;
for (const [indentSizeDate, score] of scores.entries()) {
if (score > bestScore) {
bestScore = score;
indentSize = indentSizeDate;
indentSize =
Number(indentSize) || (indents && indents[0] && indents[0].length) || Number(space) || 2;
docSource.indentSize = indentSize;
return indentSize;
* @param {import('postcss').Root} root
* @param {number | 'auto'} baseIndentLevel
* @param {() => number} indentSize
* @returns {number}
function inferRootIndentLevel(root, baseIndentLevel, indentSize) {
* @param {string} indent
function getIndentLevel(indent) {
const tabMatch = indent.match(/\t/g);
const tabCount = tabMatch ? tabMatch.length : 0;
const spaceMatch = indent.match(/ /g);
const spaceCount = spaceMatch ? Math.round(spaceMatch.length / indentSize()) : 0;
return tabCount + spaceCount;
let newBaseIndentLevel = 0;
if (!isNumber(baseIndentLevel) || !Number.isSafeInteger(baseIndentLevel)) {
if (!root.source) throw new Error('The root node must have a source');
let source = root.source.input.css;
source = source.replace(/^[^\r\n]+/, (firstLine) => {
const match = root.raws.codeBefore && /(?:^|\n)([ \t]*)$/.exec(root.raws.codeBefore);
if (match) {
return match[1] + firstLine;
return '';
const indents = source.match(/^[ \t]*(?=\S)/gm);
if (indents) {
return Math.min(...indents.map((indent) => getIndentLevel(indent)));
newBaseIndentLevel = 1;
} else {
newBaseIndentLevel = baseIndentLevel;
const indents = [];
const foundIndents = root.raws.codeBefore && /(?:^|\n)([ \t]*)\S/m.exec(root.raws.codeBefore);
// The indent level of the CSS code block in non-CSS-like files is determined by the shortest indent of non-empty line.
if (foundIndents) {
let shortest = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
let i = 0;
while (++i < foundIndents.length) {
const foundIndent = foundIndents[i];
const current = getIndentLevel(foundIndent);
if (current < shortest) {
shortest = current;
if (shortest === 0) {
if (shortest !== Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
indents.push(new Array(shortest).fill(' ').join(''));
const after = root.raws.after;
if (after) {
let afterEnd;
if (after.endsWith('\n')) {
// @ts-expect-error -- TS2339: Property 'document' does not exist on type 'Root'.
const document = root.document;
if (document) {
const nextRoot = document.nodes[document.nodes.indexOf(root) + 1];
afterEnd = nextRoot ? nextRoot.raws.codeBefore : document.raws.codeAfter;
} else {
// Nested root node in css-in-js lang
const parent = root.parent;
if (!parent) throw new Error('The root node must have a parent');
const nextRoot = parent.nodes[parent.nodes.indexOf(root) + 1];
afterEnd = nextRoot ? nextRoot.raws.codeBefore : root.raws.codeAfter;
} else {
afterEnd = after;
if (afterEnd) indents.push(afterEnd.match(/^[ \t]*/)[0]);
if (indents.length) {
return Math.max(...indents.map((indent) => getIndentLevel(indent))) + newBaseIndentLevel;
return newBaseIndentLevel;
* @param {string | undefined} str
* @param {string} whitespace
function fixIndentation(str, whitespace) {
if (!isString(str)) {
return str;
return str.replace(/\n[ \t]*(?=\S|$)/g, `\n${whitespace}`);
* @param {string} input
* @param {string} searchString
* @param {string} replaceString
* @param {number} startIndex
function replaceIndentation(input, searchString, replaceString, startIndex) {
const offset = startIndex + 1;
const stringStart = input.slice(0, offset);
const stringEnd = input.slice(offset + searchString.length);
return stringStart + replaceString + stringEnd;
rule.ruleName = ruleName;
rule.messages = messages;
rule.meta = meta;
module.exports = rule;