389 lines
11 KiB
389 lines
11 KiB
'use strict';
* @typedef {import('../lib/types').PathDataItem} PathDataItem
* @typedef {import('../lib/types').XastElement} XastElement
const { collectStylesheet, computeStyle } = require('../lib/style.js');
const {
} = require('./_transforms.js');
const { path2js } = require('./_path.js');
const {
} = require('../lib/svgo/tools.js');
const { referencesProps, attrsGroupsDefaults } = require('./_collections.js');
* @typedef {Array<PathDataItem>} PathData
* @typedef {Array<number>} Matrix
const regNumericValues = /[-+]?(\d*\.\d+|\d+\.?)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?/g;
* Apply transformation(s) to the Path data.
* @type {import('../lib/types').Plugin<{
* transformPrecision: number,
* applyTransformsStroked: boolean,
* }>}
const applyTransforms = (root, params) => {
const stylesheet = collectStylesheet(root);
return {
element: {
enter: (node) => {
if (node.attributes.d == null) {
// stroke and stroke-width can be redefined with <use>
if (node.attributes.id != null) {
// if there are no 'stroke' attr and references to other objects such as
// gradients or clip-path which are also subjects to transform.
if (
node.attributes.transform == null ||
node.attributes.transform === '' ||
// styles are not considered when applying transform
// can be fixed properly with new style engine
node.attributes.style != null ||
([name, value]) =>
referencesProps.includes(name) && includesUrlReference(value)
) {
const computedStyle = computeStyle(stylesheet, node);
const transformStyle = computedStyle.transform;
// Transform overridden in <style> tag which is not considered
if (
transformStyle.type === 'static' &&
transformStyle.value !== node.attributes.transform
) {
const matrix = transformsMultiply(
const stroke =
computedStyle.stroke?.type === 'static'
? computedStyle.stroke.value
: null;
const strokeWidth =
computedStyle['stroke-width']?.type === 'static'
? computedStyle['stroke-width'].value
: null;
const transformPrecision = params.transformPrecision;
if (
computedStyle.stroke?.type === 'dynamic' ||
computedStyle['stroke-width']?.type === 'dynamic'
) {
const scale = Number(
matrix.data[0] * matrix.data[0] + matrix.data[1] * matrix.data[1]
if (stroke && stroke != 'none') {
if (!params.applyTransformsStroked) {
// stroke cannot be transformed with different vertical and horizontal scale or skew
if (
(matrix.data[0] !== matrix.data[3] ||
matrix.data[1] !== -matrix.data[2]) &&
(matrix.data[0] !== -matrix.data[3] ||
matrix.data[1] !== matrix.data[2])
) {
// apply transform to stroke-width, stroke-dashoffset and stroke-dasharray
if (scale !== 1) {
if (node.attributes['vector-effect'] !== 'non-scaling-stroke') {
node.attributes['stroke-width'] = (
strokeWidth || attrsGroupsDefaults.presentation['stroke-width']
.replace(regNumericValues, (num) =>
removeLeadingZero(Number(num) * scale)
if (node.attributes['stroke-dashoffset'] != null) {
node.attributes['stroke-dashoffset'] = node.attributes[
.replace(regNumericValues, (num) =>
removeLeadingZero(Number(num) * scale)
if (node.attributes['stroke-dasharray'] != null) {
node.attributes['stroke-dasharray'] = node.attributes[
.replace(regNumericValues, (num) =>
removeLeadingZero(Number(num) * scale)
const pathData = path2js(node);
applyMatrixToPathData(pathData, matrix.data);
// remove transform attr
delete node.attributes.transform;
exports.applyTransforms = applyTransforms;
* @type {(matrix: Matrix, x: number, y: number) => [number, number]}
const transformAbsolutePoint = (matrix, x, y) => {
const newX = matrix[0] * x + matrix[2] * y + matrix[4];
const newY = matrix[1] * x + matrix[3] * y + matrix[5];
return [newX, newY];
* @type {(matrix: Matrix, x: number, y: number) => [number, number]}
const transformRelativePoint = (matrix, x, y) => {
const newX = matrix[0] * x + matrix[2] * y;
const newY = matrix[1] * x + matrix[3] * y;
return [newX, newY];
* @type {(pathData: PathData, matrix: Matrix) => void}
const applyMatrixToPathData = (pathData, matrix) => {
* @type {[number, number]}
const start = [0, 0];
* @type {[number, number]}
const cursor = [0, 0];
for (const pathItem of pathData) {
let { command, args } = pathItem;
// moveto (x y)
if (command === 'M') {
cursor[0] = args[0];
cursor[1] = args[1];
start[0] = cursor[0];
start[1] = cursor[1];
const [x, y] = transformAbsolutePoint(matrix, args[0], args[1]);
args[0] = x;
args[1] = y;
if (command === 'm') {
cursor[0] += args[0];
cursor[1] += args[1];
start[0] = cursor[0];
start[1] = cursor[1];
const [x, y] = transformRelativePoint(matrix, args[0], args[1]);
args[0] = x;
args[1] = y;
// horizontal lineto (x)
// convert to lineto to handle two-dimentional transforms
if (command === 'H') {
command = 'L';
args = [args[0], cursor[1]];
if (command === 'h') {
command = 'l';
args = [args[0], 0];
// vertical lineto (y)
// convert to lineto to handle two-dimentional transforms
if (command === 'V') {
command = 'L';
args = [cursor[0], args[0]];
if (command === 'v') {
command = 'l';
args = [0, args[0]];
// lineto (x y)
if (command === 'L') {
cursor[0] = args[0];
cursor[1] = args[1];
const [x, y] = transformAbsolutePoint(matrix, args[0], args[1]);
args[0] = x;
args[1] = y;
if (command === 'l') {
cursor[0] += args[0];
cursor[1] += args[1];
const [x, y] = transformRelativePoint(matrix, args[0], args[1]);
args[0] = x;
args[1] = y;
// curveto (x1 y1 x2 y2 x y)
if (command === 'C') {
cursor[0] = args[4];
cursor[1] = args[5];
const [x1, y1] = transformAbsolutePoint(matrix, args[0], args[1]);
const [x2, y2] = transformAbsolutePoint(matrix, args[2], args[3]);
const [x, y] = transformAbsolutePoint(matrix, args[4], args[5]);
args[0] = x1;
args[1] = y1;
args[2] = x2;
args[3] = y2;
args[4] = x;
args[5] = y;
if (command === 'c') {
cursor[0] += args[4];
cursor[1] += args[5];
const [x1, y1] = transformRelativePoint(matrix, args[0], args[1]);
const [x2, y2] = transformRelativePoint(matrix, args[2], args[3]);
const [x, y] = transformRelativePoint(matrix, args[4], args[5]);
args[0] = x1;
args[1] = y1;
args[2] = x2;
args[3] = y2;
args[4] = x;
args[5] = y;
// smooth curveto (x2 y2 x y)
if (command === 'S') {
cursor[0] = args[2];
cursor[1] = args[3];
const [x2, y2] = transformAbsolutePoint(matrix, args[0], args[1]);
const [x, y] = transformAbsolutePoint(matrix, args[2], args[3]);
args[0] = x2;
args[1] = y2;
args[2] = x;
args[3] = y;
if (command === 's') {
cursor[0] += args[2];
cursor[1] += args[3];
const [x2, y2] = transformRelativePoint(matrix, args[0], args[1]);
const [x, y] = transformRelativePoint(matrix, args[2], args[3]);
args[0] = x2;
args[1] = y2;
args[2] = x;
args[3] = y;
// quadratic Bézier curveto (x1 y1 x y)
if (command === 'Q') {
cursor[0] = args[2];
cursor[1] = args[3];
const [x1, y1] = transformAbsolutePoint(matrix, args[0], args[1]);
const [x, y] = transformAbsolutePoint(matrix, args[2], args[3]);
args[0] = x1;
args[1] = y1;
args[2] = x;
args[3] = y;
if (command === 'q') {
cursor[0] += args[2];
cursor[1] += args[3];
const [x1, y1] = transformRelativePoint(matrix, args[0], args[1]);
const [x, y] = transformRelativePoint(matrix, args[2], args[3]);
args[0] = x1;
args[1] = y1;
args[2] = x;
args[3] = y;
// smooth quadratic Bézier curveto (x y)
if (command === 'T') {
cursor[0] = args[0];
cursor[1] = args[1];
const [x, y] = transformAbsolutePoint(matrix, args[0], args[1]);
args[0] = x;
args[1] = y;
if (command === 't') {
cursor[0] += args[0];
cursor[1] += args[1];
const [x, y] = transformRelativePoint(matrix, args[0], args[1]);
args[0] = x;
args[1] = y;
// elliptical arc (rx ry x-axis-rotation large-arc-flag sweep-flag x y)
if (command === 'A') {
transformArc(cursor, args, matrix);
cursor[0] = args[5];
cursor[1] = args[6];
// reduce number of digits in rotation angle
if (Math.abs(args[2]) > 80) {
const a = args[0];
const rotation = args[2];
args[0] = args[1];
args[1] = a;
args[2] = rotation + (rotation > 0 ? -90 : 90);
const [x, y] = transformAbsolutePoint(matrix, args[5], args[6]);
args[5] = x;
args[6] = y;
if (command === 'a') {
transformArc([0, 0], args, matrix);
cursor[0] += args[5];
cursor[1] += args[6];
// reduce number of digits in rotation angle
if (Math.abs(args[2]) > 80) {
const a = args[0];
const rotation = args[2];
args[0] = args[1];
args[1] = a;
args[2] = rotation + (rotation > 0 ? -90 : 90);
const [x, y] = transformRelativePoint(matrix, args[5], args[6]);
args[5] = x;
args[6] = y;
// closepath
if (command === 'z' || command === 'Z') {
cursor[0] = start[0];
cursor[1] = start[1];
pathItem.command = command;
pathItem.args = args;