# Changes to Selector Specificity ### 3.0.0 _July 3, 2023_ - Change license to `MIT-0` ([read more about this change in the blog post](https://preset-env.cssdb.org/blog/license-change/)) ### 2.2.0 _March 21, 2023_ - Improve case insensitive string matching. - Add support for: - `::view-transition` - `::view-transition-group(*)` and `::view-transition-group(name)` - `::view-transition-image-par(*)` and `::view-transition-image-par(name)` - `::view-transition-old(*)` and `::view-transition-old(name)` - `::view-transition-new(*)` and `::view-transition-new(name)` ### 2.1.1 _January 28, 2023_ - Improve `types` declaration in `package.json` ### 2.1.0 _January 19, 2023_ - Add support for `::slotted` - Add support for `:host` - Add support for `:host-context` ### 2.0.2 _July 8, 2022_ - Fix case insensitive matching. ### 2.0.1 _June 10, 2022_ - Fixed: Exception on `:nth-child` without arguments. [#439](https://github.com/csstools/postcss-plugins/issues/439) ### 2.0.0 _June 4, 2022_ - Breaking: use only named exports instead of `default` - Added: `compare(a, b)` function to compare selectors by specificity ```diff - `import selectorSpecificity from '@csstools/selector-specificity';` + `import { selectorSpecificity } from '@csstools/selector-specificity';` ``` ### 1.0.0 _April 26, 2022_ - Initial version