describe('expand', function () { it('should expand shorthand to an array', function () { SC.expand('list-style') .should.eql([ 'list-style-type', 'list-style-position', 'list-style-image' ]); }); it('should expand non-shorthand props as themselves in an array', function () { SC.expand('color').should.eql(['color']); }); it('should return an array with all scalar props as array', function () { SC.expand('border') .should.eql([ 'border-top-width', 'border-right-width', 'border-bottom-width', 'border-left-width', 'border-top-style', 'border-right-style', 'border-bottom-style', 'border-left-style', 'border-top-color', 'border-right-color', 'border-bottom-color', 'border-left-color' ]); }); it('should return an array with scalar properties as array by middle', function () { SC.expand('border-width') .should.eql([ 'border-top-width', 'border-right-width', 'border-bottom-width', 'border-left-width' ]); }); it('should return shorthands for border shorthand property without recursive flag', function () { SC.expand('border', false) .should.eql(['border-width', 'border-style', 'border-color']); }); });