Updates Archive

17 Feb 2022

New layout is done! I'm super in love with all the pixels, it's so cuuutee.
I've kept all my old petz in the layout for now because they're so freakin' adorable, and it's kind of a nice memorial since they're all long gone by now, lost to the graveyard of past computers. Plus I haven't got a chance to breed anymore cuties yet, and I want to try to breed every pet I have from scratch as a challenge :)

What else? I've checked all the links, most were broken/inactive so my next project is filling the links page back up again. If anyone wants to be sisters lmk in the chat box!
Adoptions will be up as soon as I can get some breed :)

15 Feb 2022

HELLO wow I can't BELIEVE I'm writing here, but by a wonderful stroke of luck Megan/Xoops (this site's host) found me on Petz Discord and got me the FTP login info for this site, which I'd lost LONG ago.
So here I am! This site will be totally updated sometime in the next few weeks, I'm giddy with excitement that I'm able to :D I'd totally written off this site as lost forever!

I play Petz 4 now, so this site will switch over to that game mostly. Maybe some Babyz in the future. I've read that Petz 5 tends to be really, really buggy on newer systems and I built my computer last year!

29 May 2015

School is ending soon, which means I'm going to have a lot more time on my hands! I'm planning on making a new layout, so watch for that soon!

to do list:

*new litters
*new layout

26 Jan 2015

I know there haven't been any updates but I swear Epiphany is still active! Don't expect a lot of updates during the school year. During the summers I will update more. And of course I am always sending out adoptions! Those don't take much work so that is the only part of Epiphany that will be attended to on a regular basis.

16 Dec 2014

Epiphany is officially online! Thank you Megan for hosting!! I've got a few litters up, and I've just recieved a few more adoptions so expect more in the near future!

to do list:

*finish the cliques page