const { set: lodashSet } = require("@11ty/lodash-custom"); const debug = require("debug")("Eleventy:ComputedDataTemplateString"); /* Calculates computed data in Template Strings. * Ideally we would use the Proxy approach but it doesn’t work * in some template languages that visit all available data even if * it isn’t used in the template (Nunjucks) */ class ComputedDataTemplateString { constructor(computedKeys) { if (Array.isArray(computedKeys)) { this.computedKeys = new Set(computedKeys); } else { this.computedKeys = computedKeys; } // is this ¯\_(lisp)_/¯ // must be strings that won’t be escaped by template languages this.prefix = "(((11ty((("; this.suffix = ")))11ty)))"; } getProxyData() { let proxyData = {}; // use these special strings as a workaround to check the rendered output // can’t use proxies here as some template languages trigger proxy for all // keys in data for (let key of this.computedKeys) { // TODO don’t allow to set other disallowed computed things? lodashSet(proxyData, key, this.prefix + key + this.suffix); } return proxyData; } findVarsInOutput(output = "") { let vars = new Set(); let splits = output.split(this.prefix); for (let split of splits) { let varName = split.slice(0, split.indexOf(this.suffix) < 0 ? 0 : split.indexOf(this.suffix)); if (varName) { vars.add(varName); } } return Array.from(vars); } async findVarsUsed(fn) { let proxyData = this.getProxyData(); let output; // Mitigation for #1061, errors with filters in the first pass shouldn’t fail the whole thing. try { output = await fn(proxyData); } catch (e) { debug("Computed Data first pass data resolution error: %o", e); } // page.outputPath on serverless urls returns false. if (typeof output === "string") { return this.findVarsInOutput(output); } return []; } } module.exports = ComputedDataTemplateString;