Hello! I go by Addie. That's not my real name, and I'm not putting a picture up because for now I'd like to keep petz seperate from my real life. Someday maybe I'll tell y'all who I really am, but at least while I'm still in high school I probably won't.

Some quick facts:

age: 17
birthday: Sept. 14
lives near: Portland, OR
been in the pc: off and on since 2005ish {2nd Grade ; 8 years old}
had a site since: this is my first site that actually made it online, so 2014, though I've attempted to put a site up off and on since I was 9 or 10ish.
favorite colors: sky blue ; ocean blue ; fire red ; grass green ; the color of the sun filtering through the trees.
real life pets: none, though I've always wanted a dog.
musical tastes: Fall Out Boy ; Bastille ; Imagine Dragons ; Disney ; Macklemore ; pop ; classic rock ; grunge ; punk rock ; country ; christmas ; alternative.
hobbies: site designing ; art ; reading ; writing.
favorite books: Audacious ~ Gabrielle Prendergast ; Fan Art ~ Sarah Tregay ; Beauty Queens ~ Libba Bray ; The Harry Potter Series ~ J.K. Rowling ; there are SO many more but these are just my top four:) I'm a huge book nerd, so if you ever need reccomendations definetely email me or stick a note in the cbox and I'd be happy to suggest some!
favorite tv shows: Sherlock ; Once Upon a Time {I'm only in the middle of the second season though}.
favorite words: audacious ; wanderlust ; sensucht ; aeipathy.
passions: political stuff ; feminism ; travel ; art ; poetry ; making the world a better place.
political views: equality for all regardless of gender/sexual orientation/skin color/financial situation/etc. ; pro-choice ; pro-marriage ; feminist.
what I want to do after high school: travel ; own a bookshop.