# PostCSS OKLab Function [PostCSS Logo][postcss] [npm version][npm-url] [CSS Standard Status][css-url] [Build Status][cli-url] [Discord][discord] [PostCSS OKLab Function] lets you use `oklab` and `oklch` color functions in CSS, following the [CSS Color] specification. ```pcss .test-oklab { color: oklab(40% 0.001236 0.0039); } .test-oklch { color: oklch(40% 0.268735435 34.568626); } /* becomes */ .test-oklab { color: rgb(73, 71, 69); color: color(display-p3 0.28515 0.27983 0.27246); } .test-oklch { color: rgb(131, 28, 0); color: color(display-p3 0.49163 0.11178 0.00000); } ``` ## Usage Add [PostCSS OKLab Function] to your project: ```bash npm install postcss @csstools/postcss-oklab-function --save-dev ``` Use it as a [PostCSS] plugin: ```js const postcss = require('postcss'); const postcssOKLabFunction = require('@csstools/postcss-oklab-function'); postcss([ postcssOKLabFunction(/* pluginOptions */) ]).process(YOUR_CSS /*, processOptions */); ``` [PostCSS OKLab Function] runs in all Node environments, with special instructions for: | [Node](INSTALL.md#node) | [PostCSS CLI](INSTALL.md#postcss-cli) | [Webpack](INSTALL.md#webpack) | [Gulp](INSTALL.md#gulp) | [Grunt](INSTALL.md#grunt) | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ## Options ### preserve The `preserve` option determines whether the original notation is preserved. By default, it is not preserved. ```js postcssOKLabFunction({ preserve: true }) ``` ```pcss .test-oklab { color: oklab(40% 0.001236 0.0039); } .test-oklch { color: oklch(40% 0.268735435 34.568626); } /* becomes */ .test-oklab { color: rgb(73, 71, 69); color: color(display-p3 0.28515 0.27983 0.27246); color: oklab(40% 0.001236 0.0039); } .test-oklch { color: rgb(131, 28, 0); color: color(display-p3 0.49163 0.11178 0.00000); color: oklch(40% 0.268735435 34.568626); } ``` ### enableProgressiveCustomProperties The `enableProgressiveCustomProperties` option determines whether the original notation is wrapped with `@supports` when used in Custom Properties. By default, it is enabled. ⚠️ We only recommend disabling this when you set `preserve` to `false` or if you bring your own fix for Custom Properties. See what the plugin does in its [README](https://github.com/csstools/postcss-plugins/tree/main/plugins/postcss-progressive-custom-properties#readme). ```js postcssOKLabFunction({ enableProgressiveCustomProperties: false }) ``` ```pcss :root { --firebrick: oklab(40% 0.234 0.39); } /* becomes */ :root { --firebrick: rgb(133, 0, 67); /* will never be used, not even in older browser */ --firebrick: color(display-p3 0.49890 0.00000 0.25954); /* will never be used, not even in older browser */ --firebrick: oklab(40% 0.234 0.39); } ``` ### subFeatures #### displayP3 The `subFeatures.displayP3` option determines if `color(display-p3 ...)` is used as a fallback.
By default, it is enabled. `display-p3` can display wider gamut colors than `rgb` on some devices. ```js postcssOKLabFunction({ subFeatures: { displayP3: false } }) ``` ```pcss .test-oklab { color: oklab(40% 0.001236 0.0039); } .test-oklch { color: oklch(40% 0.268735435 34.568626); } /* becomes */ .test-oklab { color: rgb(73, 71, 69); } .test-oklch { color: rgb(131, 28, 0); } ``` ## Copyright : color conversions This software or document includes material copied from or derived from https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/tree/main/css-color-4. Copyright © 2022 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio, Beihang). [cli-url]: https://github.com/csstools/postcss-plugins/actions/workflows/test.yml?query=workflow/test [css-url]: https://cssdb.org/#oklab-function [discord]: https://discord.gg/bUadyRwkJS [npm-url]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@csstools/postcss-oklab-function [CSS Color]: https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/#specifying-oklab-oklch [Gulp PostCSS]: https://github.com/postcss/gulp-postcss [Grunt PostCSS]: https://github.com/nDmitry/grunt-postcss [PostCSS]: https://github.com/postcss/postcss [PostCSS Loader]: https://github.com/postcss/postcss-loader [PostCSS OKLab Function]: https://github.com/csstools/postcss-plugins/tree/main/plugins/postcss-oklab-function