module.exports = function(options) { const relevantTags = Array.from(options.elements); if(relevantTags.includes('form')) { relevantTags.push('button'); } // AST = Abstract Syntax Tree from HTML Parser return function(AST) { // Plugin is 'turned off' if(!options.noreferrer && !options.noopener) { return AST; } // List of relevant elements to be iterated over const elements = { a: [], area: [], form: [], button: [] }; AST.walk(node => { const tag = node.tag && node.tag.toLowerCase(); if(tag && relevantTags.includes(tag)) { elements[tag].push(node); } return node; }); makeLinksSafe(elements, options); makeFormsSafe(elements, options, AST); return AST; }; } function makeLinksSafe(elements, options) { elements['a'].concat(elements['area']).forEach(node => { if(node.attrs) { const state = { done: false, hasNoopener: false, hasUnsafeLink: false, hasUnsafeTarget: false } const rel = node.attrs[getAttributeKey('rel', node.attrs)]; if(hasWord('(?:noreferrer|opener)', rel)) { // No need to add a rel attribute return; } else if(hasWord('noopener', rel)) { state.hasNoopener = true; } const link = node.attrs[getAttributeKey('href', node.attrs)]; const target = node.attrs[getAttributeKey('target', node.attrs)]; updateUnsafeStatus(link, target, state, node, options); } }) } function makeFormsSafe(elements, options, tree) { elements['form'].forEach(form => { const state = { done: false, hasNoopener: false, hasUnsafeLink: false, hasUnsafeTarget: false } // Action attribute contains the URL on forms if(form.attrs) { const rel = form.attrs[getAttributeKey('rel', form.attrs)]; if(hasWord('(?:noreferrer|opener)', rel)) { // No need to add a rel attribute return; } else if(hasWord('noopener', rel)) { state.hasNoopener = true; } const link = form.attrs[getAttributeKey('action', form.attrs)]; const target = form.attrs[getAttributeKey('target', form.attrs)]; updateUnsafeStatus(link, target, state, form, options); } if(state.done) { return; } // Check for nested buttons or inputs in the form with an overriding formaction/formtarget attribute, formChild => { if(state.done || !formChild.tag || !formChild.attrs) { return formChild; } const tag = formChild.tag.toLowerCase(); const type = formChild.attrs[getAttributeKey('type', formChild.attrs)]; const hasTypeButton = type && type.trim().toLowerCase() === 'button'; const hasTypeReset = type && type.trim().toLowerCase() === 'reset'; const hasTypeImage = type && type.trim().toLowerCase() === 'image'; const hasTypeSubmit = type && type.trim().toLowerCase() === 'submit'; const isRelevantButton = tag === 'button' && !hasTypeButton && !hasTypeReset; const isRelevantInput = tag === 'input' && (hasTypeImage || hasTypeSubmit); if(isRelevantButton || isRelevantInput) { if(!state.hasUnsafeLink) { const link = formChild.attrs[getAttributeKey('formaction', formChild.attrs)]; updateUnsafeStatus(link, null, state, form, options); } if(!state.hasUnsafeTarget) { const target = formChild.attrs[getAttributeKey('formtarget', formChild.attrs)]; updateUnsafeStatus(null, target, state, form, options); } } return formChild; }) if(state.done) { return; } // If form has an ID, check for buttons anywhere in the document with an overriding formaction/formtarget attribute const formID = form.attrs && form.attrs[getAttributeKey('id', form.attrs)]; if(!formID) { return; } for(let button of elements['button']) { if(!button.attrs) { continue; } const formAttribute = button.attrs[getAttributeKey('form', button.attrs)]; const hasReleventFormAttribute = formAttribute && formAttribute.trim() === formID; const type = button.attrs[getAttributeKey('type', button.attrs)]; const hasButtonType = type && type.trim().toLowerCase() === 'button'; const hasResetType = type && type.trim().toLowerCase() === 'reset'; if(hasReleventFormAttribute && !hasButtonType && !hasResetType) { if(!state.hasUnsafeLink) { const link = button.attrs[getAttributeKey('formaction', button.attrs)]; updateUnsafeStatus(link, null, state, form, options); } if(!state.hasUnsafeTarget) { const target = button.attrs[getAttributeKey('formtarget', button.attrs)]; updateUnsafeStatus(null, target, state, form, options); } } if(state.done) { break; } } }) } function getAttributeKey(attribute, attributes) { if(!attributes) { return undefined; } // Can't access key directly because of case sensitivity for(const key of Object.keys(attributes)) { if(key.toLowerCase() === attribute.toLowerCase()) { return key; } } } function hasWord(word, string) { // Regex = start of string or whitespace + word + end of string or whitespace return new RegExp(String.raw`(?:^|\s)${word}(?:$|\s)`, 'i').test(string); } function getUnsafeTargetStatus(target) { if(target) { const safeTargets = ['_parent', '_self', '_top']; target = !safeTargets.includes(target.trim().toLowerCase()); } return target; } function updateUnsafeStatus(link, target, state, node, options) { if(link && !state.hasUnsafeLink) { const hasExternalLink = getExternalLinkStatus(link); const isIgnored = options.ignore && options.ignore.test(link); if(hasExternalLink && !isIgnored) { state.hasUnsafeLink = true; } } if(state.hasUnsafeLink && options.noreferrer) { addRel(node, options, state); return; } if(target && !state.hasUnsafeTarget) { state.hasUnsafeTarget = getUnsafeTargetStatus(target); } if(state.hasUnsafeLink && options.noopener && !state.hasNoopener && state.hasUnsafeTarget) { addRel(node, options, state); return; } function addRel(node, options, state) { if(!node.attrs) { node.attrs = {}; } addRelAttribute(node.attrs, options); state.done = true; } } function getExternalLinkStatus(link) { if(link) { link = link.trim(); // Ensure that an existing link on the page isn't matched const randomDomain = 'automaticnoopenerplugin' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 89999 + 10000); const isInternalLink = new URL(link, `https://${randomDomain}.com/`).host === `${randomDomain}.com`; link = !isInternalLink; } return link; } function addRelAttribute(attributes, options) { const relKey = getAttributeKey('rel', attributes); let newValue; if(options.noreferrer) { newValue = 'noreferrer'; } else if(options.noopener) { newValue = 'noopener'; } if(!relKey) { attributes.rel = newValue; } else { // Regex = non-whitespace at end of string if(/\S$/.test(attributes[relKey])) { newValue = ' ' + newValue; } attributes[relKey] += newValue; } }