{"version":3,"file":"index.umd.js","sources":["../src/defaults.ts","../src/lib/validation.ts","../src/index.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import type { Node, Root } from 'stylelint/node_modules/postcss';\n\n/**\n * Rule Name.\n */\nexport const ruleName = 'scale-unlimited/declaration-strict-value';\n\n/**\n * A hash of CSS properties to ignore variables or functions.\n */\nexport interface IgnoreVariableOrFunctionHash {\n [key: string]: boolean;\n}\n/**\n * Possible config for `ignoreVariables` and `ignoreFunctions` option.\n */\nexport type IgnoreVariableOrFunctionConfig =\n | boolean\n | IgnoreVariableOrFunctionHash;\n/**\n * A Regular Expression string to match a CSS property or value.\n */\nexport type RegExpString = string;\n/**\n * A CSS value to be ignored.\n */\nexport type IgnoreValue = number | string | RegExpString;\n/**\n * A list of CSS values to be ignored.\n */\nexport type IgnoreValueList = Array;\n/**\n * A hash of CSS properties with ignored values.\n * - `''` key applies to all configured CSS properties.\n * - key can also be a Regular Expression string.\n */\nexport interface IgnoreValueHash {\n '': IgnoreValue | IgnoreValueList;\n [CSSPropertyName: string]: IgnoreValue | IgnoreValueList;\n // [CSSPropertyName: TRegExpString]: TIgnoreValue | TIgnoreValueList;\n}\n/**\n * @internal\n */\nexport const isIIgnoreValueHash = (\n key: unknown,\n value: unknown\n): key is IgnoreValueHash =>\n typeof key === 'object' && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(key, value);\n/**\n * Possible config for `ignoreValues` and ~~`ignoreKeywords`~~ option.\n */\nexport type IgnoreValueConfig =\n | null\n | IgnoreValue\n | IgnoreValueList\n | IgnoreValueHash;\n/**\n * Result of CSS value validation.\n */\nexport interface DeclarationStrictValueResult {\n /**\n * Whether or not variable is valid.\n */\n validVar: boolean;\n\n /**\n * Whether or not function is valid.\n */\n validFunc: boolean;\n\n /**\n * Whether or not keyword is valid.\n */\n validKeyword: boolean;\n\n /**\n * Whether or not value is valid.\n */\n validValue: boolean;\n\n /**\n * Longhand CSS Property, if expanded.\n */\n longhandProp?: string;\n\n /**\n * Longhand CSS value, if expanded.\n */\n longhandValue?: string;\n}\n/**\n * A autofix function.\n */\nexport type AutoFixFunc = (\n node: Node,\n result: DeclarationStrictValueResult,\n root: Root,\n config: SecondaryOptions\n) => string;\n/**\n * Path to autofix function module.\n */\nexport type AutoFixModule = string;\n/**\n * Possible config for `autoFixFunc` option.\n */\nexport type AutoFixFuncConfig = null | undefined | AutoFixModule | AutoFixFunc;\n\n/**\n * Plugin secondary options.\n */\nexport interface SecondaryOptions {\n /**\n * Whether or not to ignore variables.\n *\n * @defaultValue true\n */\n ignoreVariables?: IgnoreVariableOrFunctionConfig;\n\n /**\n * Whether or not to ignore function.\n *\n * @defaultValue true\n */\n ignoreFunctions?: IgnoreVariableOrFunctionConfig;\n\n /**\n * An ignored keywords config.\n *\n * @defaultValue null\n * @deprecated use `ignoreValues` option.\n */\n ignoreKeywords?: IgnoreValueConfig;\n\n /**\n * An ignored values config.\n *\n * @defaultValue null\n */\n ignoreValues?: IgnoreValueConfig;\n\n /**\n * Whether or not to expand shorthand CSS properties.\n *\n * @defaultValue false\n */\n expandShorthand?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * Whether or not to expand longhand CSS properties recursivly - this is only useful for the `border` property.\n *\n * @defaultValue false\n */\n recurseLonghand?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * Adjust severity of the rule, `'warning'` or `'error'` (default).\n *\n * @defaultValue 'error'\n */\n severity?: string;\n\n /**\n * A custom message when a rule is violated, interpolated with `${types}`, `${value}` and `${property}`.\n *\n * @defaultValue undefined\n */\n message?: string;\n\n /**\n * Don't auto-fix if `--fix` option is applied.\n *\n * @defaultValue false\n */\n disableFix?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * By default no auto-fix feature.\n *\n * @defaultValue null\n */\n autoFixFunc?: AutoFixFuncConfig;\n}\n\nconst defaults: SecondaryOptions = {\n ignoreVariables: true,\n ignoreFunctions: true,\n ignoreKeywords: null,\n ignoreValues: null,\n expandShorthand: false,\n recurseLonghand: false,\n severity: 'error',\n message: undefined,\n disableFix: false,\n autoFixFunc: null,\n};\n\nexport default defaults;\n","import path from 'path';\n\nimport defaults, {\n ruleName,\n SecondaryOptions,\n IgnoreValue,\n IgnoreValueList,\n IgnoreValueHash,\n IgnoreVariableOrFunctionConfig,\n IgnoreVariableOrFunctionHash,\n IgnoreValueConfig,\n AutoFixFunc,\n AutoFixFuncConfig,\n isIIgnoreValueHash,\n} from '../defaults';\n\n/**\n * Check if type is either `number` or `string`.\n *\n * @internal\n * @param value - Any value.\n *\n * @returns Returns `true` if `value`'s type is either `number` or `string`, else `false`.\n */\nfunction isNumberOrString(value: unknown): value is IgnoreValue {\n const type = typeof value;\n\n return type === 'string' || type === 'number';\n}\n\n/**\n * Validate primary options of stylelint plugin config.\n *\n * @internal\n * @param actual - The actual config to validate.\n *\n * @returns Returns `true` if primary options are valid, else `false`.\n */\nexport function validProperties(\n actual: unknown\n): actual is IgnoreValue | IgnoreValueList {\n return (\n isNumberOrString(actual) ||\n (Array.isArray(actual) && actual.every((item) => isNumberOrString(item)))\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * Validate optional hash keyword config.\n *\n * @internal\n * @param actual - A keyword config.\n *\n * @returns Returns `true` if hash keyword config is valid, else `false`.\n */\nfunction validHash(actual: unknown): actual is IgnoreValueHash {\n if (typeof actual !== 'object' || !actual) return false;\n\n return Object.keys(actual).every((key) =>\n validProperties((actual as IgnoreValueHash)[key as keyof IgnoreValueHash])\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * Validate optional boolean hash variable/function config.\n *\n * @internal\n * @param actual - A variable/function config.\n *\n * @returns Returns `true` if hash variable/function config is valid, else `false`.\n */\nfunction validBooleanHash(\n actual: unknown\n): actual is IgnoreVariableOrFunctionHash {\n if (typeof actual !== 'object' || !actual) return false;\n\n return Object.keys(actual).every(\n (key) =>\n typeof (actual as IgnoreVariableOrFunctionHash)[\n key as keyof IgnoreVariableOrFunctionHash\n ] === 'boolean'\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * Validate optional secondary options of stylelint plugin config.\n *\n * @internal\n * @param actual - The actual config to validate.\n *\n * @returns Returns `true` if secondary options are valid, else `false`.\n */\nexport function validOptions(actual: SecondaryOptions): boolean {\n if (typeof actual !== 'object') return false;\n\n const allowedKeys = Object.keys(defaults);\n if (!Object.keys(actual).every((key) => allowedKeys.indexOf(key) > -1))\n return false;\n\n if (\n 'ignoreVariables' in actual &&\n typeof actual.ignoreVariables !== 'boolean' &&\n !validBooleanHash(actual.ignoreVariables) &&\n actual.ignoreVariables !== null\n )\n return false;\n\n if (\n 'ignoreFunctions' in actual &&\n typeof actual.ignoreFunctions !== 'boolean' &&\n !validBooleanHash(actual.ignoreFunctions) &&\n actual.ignoreFunctions !== null\n )\n return false;\n\n if (\n 'severity' in actual &&\n typeof actual.severity !== 'string' &&\n actual.severity !== null\n )\n return false;\n\n if (\n 'ignoreKeywords' in actual &&\n !validProperties(actual.ignoreKeywords) &&\n !validHash(actual.ignoreKeywords)\n )\n return false;\n\n if (\n 'ignoreValues' in actual &&\n !validProperties(actual.ignoreValues) &&\n !validHash(actual.ignoreValues)\n )\n return false;\n\n if (\n 'expandShorthand' in actual &&\n typeof actual.expandShorthand !== 'boolean' &&\n actual.expandShorthand !== null\n )\n return false;\n\n if (\n 'recurseLonghand' in actual &&\n typeof actual.recurseLonghand !== 'boolean' &&\n actual.recurseLonghand !== null\n )\n return false;\n\n if (\n 'message' in actual &&\n typeof actual.message !== 'string' &&\n actual.message !== null\n )\n return false;\n\n if (\n 'disableFix' in actual &&\n typeof actual.disableFix !== 'boolean' &&\n actual.disableFix !== null\n )\n return false;\n\n if (\n 'autoFixFunc' in actual &&\n typeof actual.autoFixFunc !== 'function' &&\n typeof actual.autoFixFunc !== 'string' &&\n actual.autoFixFunc !== null\n )\n return false;\n\n return true;\n}\n\n/**\n * Expected type of CSS value, available by configuration.\n * @internal\n */\ntype ExpectedType = 'variable' | 'function' | 'keyword';\n/**\n * Expected types of CSS value, as configured.\n * @internal\n */\ntype ExpectedTypes = Array;\n\n/**\n * Build expected message for stylelint report.\n *\n * @internal\n * @param types - Either `variable`, `function` and/or `keyword`.\n *\n * @returns Returns an expected types message for stylelint report.\n */\nexport function expectedTypes(types: ExpectedType | ExpectedTypes): string {\n let typesMessage: string;\n\n if (Array.isArray(types)) {\n const typesLast = types.pop();\n\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign\n typesMessage = types.length\n ? `${types.join(', ')} or ${typesLast}`\n : (typesLast as string);\n } else {\n typesMessage = types;\n }\n\n return typesMessage;\n}\n\n/**\n * Build expected message for stylelint report.\n *\n * @internal\n * @param typesMessage - An expected types message for stylelint report.\n * @param value - The CSS declaration's value.\n * @param property - The CSS declaration's property.\n *\n * @returns Returns an expected message for stylelint report.\n */\nexport function expected(\n typesMessage: string,\n value: string,\n property: string\n): string {\n return `Expected ${typesMessage} for \"${value}\" of \"${property}\"`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Build custom expected message for stylelint report.\n *\n * @internal\n * @param typesMessage - An expected types message for stylelint report.\n * @param value - The CSS declaration's value.\n * @param property - The CSS declaration's property.\n * @param customMessage - A custom message to be delivered upon error interpolated with `${types}`, `${value}` and `${property}`.\n *\n * @returns Returns a custom expected message for stylelint report.\n */\nexport function customExpected(\n typesMessage: string,\n value: string,\n property: string,\n customMessage: string\n): string {\n /* eslint-disable no-template-curly-in-string */\n return customMessage\n .replace('${types}', typesMessage)\n .replace('${value}', value)\n .replace('${property}', property);\n /* eslint-enable no-template-curly-in-string */\n}\n\n/**\n * Build failed-to-fix message for stylelint report.\n *\n * @internal\n * @param error - An expression to `throw`.\n * @param value - The CSS declaration's value.\n * @param property - The CSS declaration's property.\n *\n * @returns Returns an failed-to-fix message for stylelint report.\n */\nexport function failedToFix(\n error: unknown,\n value: string,\n property: string\n): string {\n if (error && (typeof error === 'string' || error instanceof Error)) {\n return typeof error === 'string' ? error : error.message;\n }\n\n return `Property \"${property}\" with value \"${value}\" can't be autofixed`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Get configured types for stylelint report message.\n *\n * @internal\n * @param config - The secondary stylelint-plugin config.\n * @param property - The specific CSS declaration's property of the current iteration.\n *\n * @returns Returns a list of configured types.\n */\nexport function getTypes(\n config: SecondaryOptions,\n property: string\n): ExpectedTypes {\n const { ignoreVariables, ignoreFunctions, ignoreKeywords, ignoreValues } =\n config;\n const types: ExpectedTypes = [];\n\n if (ignoreVariables) {\n types.push('variable');\n }\n\n if (ignoreFunctions) {\n types.push('function');\n }\n\n if (ignoreKeywords && getIgnoredKeywords(ignoreKeywords, property)) {\n types.push('keyword');\n }\n\n if (\n types.indexOf('keyword') === -1 &&\n ignoreValues &&\n getIgnoredValues(ignoreValues, property)\n ) {\n types.push('keyword');\n }\n\n return types;\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the correct ignored variable or function for a specific CSS declaration's property\n * out of a complex `ignoreVariablesOrFunctions` config hash or boolean.\n *\n * @internal\n * @param ignoreVariablesOrFunctions - The variables or functions to ignore.\n * @param property - The specific CSS declaration's property of the current iteration.\n *\n * @returns Returns ignored variable or function for a specific CSS property.\n */\nexport function getIgnoredVariablesOrFunctions(\n ignoreVariablesOrFunctions: IgnoreVariableOrFunctionConfig,\n property: string\n): boolean {\n // @see: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/41627\n // const type = typeof ignoreVariablesOrFunctions\n\n if (typeof ignoreVariablesOrFunctions === 'boolean') {\n return ignoreVariablesOrFunctions;\n }\n\n if (\n typeof ignoreVariablesOrFunctions === 'object' &&\n ignoreVariablesOrFunctions &&\n {}.hasOwnProperty.call(ignoreVariablesOrFunctions, property)\n ) {\n return ignoreVariablesOrFunctions[property];\n }\n\n return !!ignoreVariablesOrFunctions;\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the correct ignored keywords for a specific CSS declaration's property\n * out of a complex `ignoreKeywords` config hash or array.\n *\n * @internal\n * @param ignoreKeywords - The keyword/-s to ignore.\n * @param property - The specific CSS declaration's property of the current iteration.\n *\n * @returns Returns ignored keywords for a specific CSS property, or `null`.\n */\nexport function getIgnoredKeywords(\n ignoreKeywords: IgnoreValueConfig,\n property: string\n): null | IgnoreValueList {\n if (!ignoreKeywords) return null;\n\n let keywords = ignoreKeywords;\n\n if (isIIgnoreValueHash(keywords, property)) {\n keywords = keywords[property];\n } else if (isIIgnoreValueHash(keywords, '')) {\n keywords = keywords[''];\n }\n\n return Array.isArray(keywords) ? keywords : [keywords];\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the correct ignored values for a specific CSS declaration's property\n * out of a complex `ignoreValues` config hash or array.\n *\n * @internal\n * @param ignoreValues - The values/-s to ignore.\n * @param property - The specific CSS declaration's property of the current iteration.\n * @returns Returns ignored values for a specific CSS property, or `null`.\n */\nexport function getIgnoredValues(\n ignoreValues: IgnoreValueConfig,\n property: string\n): null | IgnoreValueList {\n if (!ignoreValues) return null;\n\n let values = ignoreValues;\n\n if (isIIgnoreValueHash(values, property)) {\n values = values[property];\n } else if (isIIgnoreValueHash(values, '')) {\n values = values[''];\n }\n\n return Array.isArray(values) ? values : [values];\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the auto-fix function either by a function directly or from a source file.\n *\n * @internal\n * @param autoFixFunc - A JavaScript function or a module path to resolve it, also from `cwd`.\n *\n * @returns Returns the auto-fix function if found, else `null`.\n */\nexport function getAutoFixFunc(\n autoFixFunc: AutoFixFuncConfig,\n disableFix?: boolean,\n contextFix?: boolean\n): null | AutoFixFunc {\n // @see: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/41627\n // const type = typeof autoFixFunc\n\n if (typeof autoFixFunc === 'function') {\n return autoFixFunc;\n }\n\n if (typeof autoFixFunc === 'string') {\n let resolveAutoFixfunc;\n\n try {\n resolveAutoFixfunc = require.resolve(autoFixFunc);\n } catch (error) {\n resolveAutoFixfunc = require.resolve(\n path.join(process.cwd(), autoFixFunc)\n );\n }\n\n // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-dynamic-require, global-require\n return require(resolveAutoFixfunc);\n }\n\n if (!disableFix && contextFix) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-console\n console.warn(\n `No \\`autoFix\\` function provided, consider using \\`disableFix\\` for \"${ruleName}\"`\n );\n }\n\n return null;\n}\n","import type { Declaration, Root, AtRule } from 'stylelint/node_modules/postcss';\nimport stylelint, { PostcssResult, Rule } from 'stylelint';\nimport shortCSS from 'shortcss';\nimport list from 'shortcss/lib/list';\nimport cssValues from 'css-values';\n\nimport {\n validProperties,\n validOptions,\n expectedTypes,\n customExpected,\n expected,\n getTypes,\n getIgnoredVariablesOrFunctions,\n getIgnoredKeywords,\n getIgnoredValues,\n getAutoFixFunc,\n failedToFix,\n} from './lib/validation';\nimport defaults, {\n ruleName,\n SecondaryOptions,\n IgnoreValue,\n RegExpString,\n} from './defaults';\n\nconst { utils } = stylelint;\nconst messages = utils.ruleMessages(ruleName, {\n expected,\n customExpected,\n failedToFix,\n});\n/**\n * RegExp to skip non-CSS properties.\n *\n * @internal\n */\nconst reSkipProp = /^(?:@|\\$|--).+$/;\n/**\n * RegExp to parse CSS, SCSS and less variables.\n * - allowing CSS variables to be multi line\n * - Sass namespaces and CSS supported\n *\n * @internal\n * @see https://github.com/sass/sass/blob/master/accepted/module-system.md#member-references\n * @see https://drafts.csswg.org/css-syntax-3/#ident-token-diagram\n */\n// eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex\nconst reVar =\n /^-?(?:@.+|(?:(?:[a-zA-Z_-]|[^\\x20-\\x7F])+(?:[a-zA-Z0-9_-]|[^\\x20-\\x7F])*\\.)?\\$.+|var\\(\\s*--[\\s\\S]+\\))$/;\n/**\n * RegExp to parse functions.\n * - irgnoring CSS variables `var(--*)`\n * - allow multi line arguments\n *\n * @internal\n */\nconst reFunc = /^(?!var\\(\\s*--)[\\s\\S]+\\([\\s\\S]*\\)$/;\n/**\n * RegExp to parse regular expressions.\n * - supporting patterns\n * - and optional flags\n *\n * @internal\n */\nconst reRegex = /^\\/(.*)\\/([a-zA-Z]*)$/;\n/**\n * @internal\n */\nconst reColorProp = /color/;\ntype RegExpArray = [string, string?];\n/**\n * Checks if string is a Regular Expression.\n *\n * @internal\n * @param value - Any string.\n */\nconst checkCssValue = (prop: string, value: string) =>\n (reColorProp.test(prop) && value === 'transparent') ||\n reVar.test(value) ||\n reFunc.test(value) ||\n cssValues(prop, value);\nconst isRegexString = (value: string): value is RegExpString =>\n reRegex.test(value);\n/**\n * Get pattern and flags of a Regular Expression string.\n *\n * @internal\n * @param value - Any string representing a Regular Expression.\n * @returns An Array of pattern and flags of a Regular Expression string.\n */\nconst getRegexString = (value: string): RegExpArray =>\n value.match(reRegex)!.slice(1) as RegExpArray;\n/**\n * Convert a Regular Expression string to an RegExp object.\n *\n * @internal\n * @param value - Any string representing a Regular Expression.\n * @returns A Regular Expression object.\n */\nconst stringToRegex = (value: RegExpString) => {\n const [pattern, flags] = getRegexString(value);\n return new RegExp(pattern, flags);\n};\n/**\n * Map ignored value config to a Regular expression.\n *\n * @internal\n * @param ignoreValue - A ignored value property.\n * @returns A Regular Expression to match ignored values.\n */\nconst mapIgnoreValue = (ignoreValue: IgnoreValue) =>\n isRegexString(`${ignoreValue}`)\n ? stringToRegex(`${ignoreValue}`)\n : new RegExp(`^${ignoreValue}$`);\n\n/**\n * A string or regular expression matching a CSS property name.\n */\ntype CSSPropertyName = string | RegExpString;\n\n/**\n * Primary options, a CSS property or list of CSS properties to lint.\n * - Regular Expression strings are supported\n */\ntype PrimaryOptions = CSSPropertyName | CSSPropertyName[];\n\ntype RuleContext = {\n fix?: boolean | undefined;\n newline?: string | undefined;\n};\n\n/**\n * Stylelint declaration strict value rule function.\n *\n * @see https://stylelint.io/developer-guide/plugins\n * @param properties - Primary options, a CSS property or list of CSS properties to lint.\n * @param options- Secondary options, configure edge cases.\n * @param context - Only used for autofixing.\n *\n * @returns Returns a PostCSS Plugin.\n */\ntype StylelintPlugin

= Rule;\n\nconst ruleFunction: StylelintPlugin =\n (\n properties: PrimaryOptions,\n options: SecondaryOptions,\n context: RuleContext = {}\n ) =>\n (root: Root, result: PostcssResult) => {\n // fix #142\n // @see https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint/pull/672/files#diff-78f1c80ffb2836008dd194b3b0ca28f9b46e4897b606f0b3d25a29e57a8d3e61R74\n // @see https://stylelint.io/user-guide/configure#message\n /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */\n if (\n result &&\n (result as any).stylelint &&\n (result as any).stylelint.customMessages &&\n (result as any).stylelint.customMessages[ruleName]\n ) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign\n delete (result as any).stylelint.customMessages[ruleName];\n }\n /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */\n\n // validate stylelint plugin options\n const hasValidOptions = utils.validateOptions(\n result,\n ruleName,\n {\n actual: properties,\n possible: validProperties,\n },\n {\n actual: options,\n possible: validOptions,\n optional: true,\n }\n );\n\n if (!hasValidOptions) return;\n\n // normalize options\n if (!Array.isArray(properties)) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign\n properties = [properties];\n }\n\n const config: SecondaryOptions = {\n ...defaults,\n ...options,\n };\n const {\n ignoreVariables,\n ignoreFunctions,\n ignoreKeywords,\n ignoreValues,\n message,\n disableFix,\n autoFixFunc,\n expandShorthand,\n recurseLonghand,\n } = config;\n const autoFixFuncNormalized = getAutoFixFunc(\n autoFixFunc,\n disableFix,\n context.fix\n );\n /**\n * A hash of regular expression to ignore for a CSS properties.\n * @internal\n */\n interface RegExpMap {\n // [key: CSSPropertyName]: RegExp;\n [key: string]: RegExp;\n }\n /**\n * A hash of regular expression to ignore for a CSS properties or `null`.\n * @internal\n */\n type RegExpKeywordMap = null | RegExpMap;\n /**\n * A hash of regular expression lists to ignore for a CSS property.\n * @internal\n */\n interface RegExpList {\n // [key: CSSPropertyName]: RegExp[];\n [key: string]: RegExp[];\n }\n /**\n * A hash of regular expression lists to ignore for a CSS property or `null`.\n * @internal\n */\n type RegExpValuesList = null | RegExpList;\n const reKeywords: RegExpKeywordMap = ignoreKeywords ? {} : null;\n const reValues: RegExpValuesList = ignoreValues ? {} : null;\n let cssLoaderValues: RegExp;\n\n if (ignoreVariables) {\n const cssLoaderValuesNames: string[] = [];\n root.walkAtRules('value', (rule: AtRule) => {\n const { params } = rule;\n const name = params.split(':')[0].trim();\n\n cssLoaderValuesNames.push(name);\n });\n\n cssLoaderValues = new RegExp(`^-?(:?${cssLoaderValuesNames.join('|')})$`);\n }\n\n // loop through all properties\n properties.forEach((property) => {\n let propFilter: string | RegExp = property;\n\n // parse RegExp\n if (isRegexString(propFilter)) {\n propFilter = stringToRegex(propFilter);\n }\n\n // walk through all declarations filtered by configured properties\n root.walkDecls(filterDecl);\n\n /**\n * Filter declarations for matching properties and expand shorthand properties.\n *\n * @internal\n * @param node - A Declaration-Node from PostCSS AST-Parser.\n */\n function filterDecl(node: Declaration) {\n const { value, prop } = node;\n\n // skip variable declarations\n if (reSkipProp.test(prop)) return;\n\n const isShortHand = expandShorthand && shortCSS.isShorthand(prop);\n\n if (\n prop === propFilter ||\n (!isShortHand &&\n propFilter instanceof RegExp &&\n propFilter.test(prop))\n ) {\n const values: string[] = list.space(value);\n\n // handle multi-value props, like scrollbar-color\n if (values.length > 1) {\n let failedFlag = false;\n\n values.forEach((valueItem) => {\n if (!failedFlag) {\n failedFlag = lintDeclStrictValue(node, prop, valueItem);\n }\n });\n } else {\n lintDeclStrictValue(node);\n }\n } else if (isShortHand) {\n const expandedProps = shortCSS.expand(prop, value, recurseLonghand);\n let failedFlag = false;\n\n Object.keys(expandedProps).forEach((longhandProp) => {\n const longhandValue = expandedProps[longhandProp];\n\n if (\n !failedFlag &&\n (longhandProp === propFilter ||\n (propFilter instanceof RegExp && propFilter.test(longhandProp)))\n ) {\n failedFlag = lintDeclStrictValue(\n node,\n longhandProp,\n longhandValue,\n true\n );\n }\n });\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Lint usages of declarations values against, variables, functions\n * or custom keywords - as configured.\n *\n * @internal\n * @param node - A Declaration-Node from PostCSS AST-Parser.\n * @param longhandProp - A Declaration-Node from PostCSS AST-Parser.\n * @param longhandValue - A Declaration-Node from PostCSS AST-Parser.\n * @param isExpanded - Whether or not this declaration was expanded.\n * @returns Returns `true` if invalid declaration found, else `false`.\n */\n function lintDeclStrictValue(\n node: Declaration,\n longhandProp?: string,\n longhandValue?: string,\n isExpanded = false\n ) {\n const { value: nodeValue, prop: nodeProp } = node;\n const value = longhandValue || nodeValue;\n\n // falsify everything by default\n let validVar = false;\n let validFunc = false;\n let validKeyword = false;\n let validValue = false;\n\n // test variable\n if (ignoreVariables) {\n // @TODO: deviant regexes to primary options need to be evaluated\n const ignoreVariable = getIgnoredVariablesOrFunctions(\n ignoreVariables,\n property\n );\n\n if (ignoreVariable) {\n validVar = reVar.test(value) || cssLoaderValues.test(value);\n }\n }\n\n // test function\n if (ignoreFunctions && !validVar) {\n // @TODO: deviant regexes to primary options need to be evaluated\n const ignoreFunction = getIgnoredVariablesOrFunctions(\n ignoreFunctions,\n property\n );\n\n if (ignoreFunction) {\n validFunc = reFunc.test(value);\n }\n }\n\n // test expanded shorthands are valid\n if (\n isExpanded &&\n (!ignoreVariables || (ignoreVariables && !validVar)) &&\n (!ignoreFunctions || (ignoreFunctions && !validFunc)) &&\n checkCssValue(longhandProp!, longhandValue!) !== true\n ) {\n return false;\n }\n\n // test keywords\n if (ignoreKeywords && (!validVar || !validFunc)) {\n let reKeyword = reKeywords![property];\n\n if (!reKeyword) {\n const ignoreKeyword = getIgnoredKeywords(ignoreKeywords, property);\n\n if (ignoreKeyword) {\n reKeyword = new RegExp(`^${ignoreKeyword.join('$|^')}$`);\n reKeywords![property] = reKeyword;\n }\n }\n\n if (reKeyword) {\n validKeyword = reKeyword.test(value);\n }\n }\n\n if (ignoreValues && (!validVar || !validFunc || !validKeyword)) {\n let reValueList = reValues![property];\n\n if (!reValueList) {\n const ignoreValue = getIgnoredValues(ignoreValues, property);\n\n if (ignoreValue) {\n reValueList = ignoreValue.map(mapIgnoreValue);\n reValues![property] = reValueList;\n }\n }\n\n if (reValueList) {\n validValue =\n reValueList.filter((reValue) => reValue.test(value)).length > 0;\n }\n }\n\n // report only if all failed\n if (!validVar && !validFunc && !validKeyword && !validValue) {\n const types = getTypes(config, property);\n\n // support auto fixing\n if (context.fix && !disableFix && autoFixFuncNormalized) {\n try {\n const fixedValue = autoFixFuncNormalized(\n node,\n {\n validVar,\n validFunc,\n validKeyword,\n validValue,\n longhandProp,\n longhandValue,\n },\n root,\n config\n );\n\n // apply fixed value if returned\n if (fixedValue) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign\n node.value = fixedValue;\n }\n } catch (error) {\n const { raws } = node;\n // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring\n const start = node.source!.start;\n\n utils.report({\n ruleName,\n result,\n node,\n line: start!.line,\n column: start!.column + nodeProp.length + raws.between!.length,\n message: messages.failedToFix(error, value, nodeProp),\n } as any);\n }\n } else {\n const { raws } = node;\n // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring\n const start = node.source!.start;\n\n utils.report({\n ruleName,\n result,\n node,\n line: start!.line,\n column: start!.column + nodeProp.length + raws.between!.length,\n message: message\n ? messages.customExpected(\n expectedTypes(types),\n value,\n nodeProp,\n message\n )\n : messages.expected(expectedTypes(types), value, nodeProp),\n } as any);\n }\n\n return true;\n }\n\n return false;\n }\n });\n };\n\nruleFunction.primaryOptionArray = true;\nruleFunction.ruleName = ruleName;\nruleFunction.messages = messages;\n\nconst declarationStrictValuePlugin = stylelint.createPlugin(\n ruleName,\n ruleFunction\n);\n\nexport default declarationStrictValuePlugin;\nexport { ruleName, messages };\n"],"names":["key","value","Object","hasOwnProperty","call","ignoreVariables","ignoreFunctions","ignoreKeywords","ignoreValues","expandShorthand","recurseLonghand","severity","message","undefined","disableFix","autoFixFunc","type","actual","Array","isArray","every","item","isNumberOrString","keys","validProperties","defaults","allowedKeys","indexOf","validBooleanHash","validHash","types","pop","typesMessage","length","join","typesLast","ignoreVariablesOrFunctions","property","isIIgnoreValueHash","keywords","values","utils","stylelint","ruleMessages","ruleName","expected","customExpected","customMessage","replace","failedToFix","error","reRegex","test","pattern","flags","match","slice","getRegexString","ignoreValue","isRegexString","stringToRegex","properties","options","context","root","result","customMessages","validateOptions","possible","validOptions","optional","config","contextFix","resolveAutoFixfunc","require","resolve","path","process","cwd","console","warn","getAutoFixFunc","fix","walkAtRules","rule","params","split","trim","cssLoaderValuesNames","push","name","cssLoaderValues","forEach","node","longhandProp","longhandValue","isExpanded","nodeValue","prop","nodeProp","getIgnoredVariablesOrFunctions","validVar","reVar","validFunc","reFunc","reColorProp","cssValues","checkCssValue","reKeywords","reKeyword","getIgnoredKeywords","ignoreKeyword","validKeyword","reValues","reValueList","getIgnoredValues","map","mapIgnoreValue","validValue","filter","reValue","getTypes","autoFixFuncNormalized","fixedValue","raws","source","start","report","line","column","between","messages","expectedTypes","propFilter","walkDecls","reSkipProp","shortCSS","isShorthand","isShortHand","list","space","valueItem","failedFlag","lintDeclStrictValue","expand","expandedProps","ruleFunction","primaryOptionArray","createPlugin"],"mappings":"4wBAKwB,6CAuCU,CAChCA,EACAC,IAEe,oBAAYC,OAAOC,eAAeC,KAAKJ,EAAKC,KAyI1B,CACjCI,iBAAiB,EACjBC,iBAAiB,EACjBC,eAAgB,KAChBC,aAAc,KACdC,iBAAiB,EACjBC,iBAAiB,EACjBC,SAAU,QACVC,aAASC,EACTC,YAAY,EACZC,YAAa,MC3Kf,WAA0Bd,GACxB,iBAEA,MAAgB,cAAqB,WAATe,EAW9B,WACEC,GAEA,SACmBA,IAChBC,MAAMC,QAAQF,IAAWA,EAAOG,MAAOC,GAASC,EAAiBD,IAYtE,WAAmBJ,GACjB,QAAsB,qBAAaA,WAErBM,KAAKN,GAAQG,MAAOpB,GAChCwB,EAAiBP,EAA2BjB,KAYhD,WACEiB,GAEA,QAAsB,qBAAaA,WAErBM,KAAKN,GAAQG,MACxBpB,GAGO,oBADJA,eAaqBiB,GAC3B,GAAsB,mBAAU,SAEhC,QAAoBf,OAAOqB,KAAKE,GAChC,SAAKvB,OAAOqB,KAAKN,GAAQG,MAAOpB,GAAQ0B,EAAYC,QAAQ3B,IAAQ,IAIlE,uBACkC,oBAApBK,kBACbuB,EAAiBX,EAAOZ,kBACE,OAA3BY,EAAOZ,iBAKP,uBACkC,oBAApBC,kBACbsB,EAAiBX,EAAOX,kBACE,OAA3BW,EAAOX,iBAKP,gBAC2B,mBAAbK,UACM,OAApBM,EAAON,UAKP,uBACCa,EAAgBP,EAAOV,kBACvBsB,EAAUZ,EAAOV,iBAKlB,qBACCiB,EAAgBP,EAAOT,gBACvBqB,EAAUZ,EAAOT,eAKlB,uBACkC,oBAApBC,iBACa,OAA3BQ,EAAOR,iBAKP,uBACkC,oBAApBC,iBACa,OAA3BO,EAAOP,iBAKP,eAC0B,mBAAZE,SACK,OAAnBK,EAAOL,SAKP,kBAC6B,oBAAfE,YACQ,OAAtBG,EAAOH,YAKP,mBAC8B,qBAAhBC,aACgB,mBAAhBA,aACS,OAAvBE,EAAOF,aA0BX,WAA8Be,GAC5B,MAEA,GAAIZ,MAAMC,QAAQW,GAAQ,CACxB,QAAkBA,EAAMC,MAGxBC,EAAeF,EAAMG,UACdH,EAAMI,KAAK,YAAYC,IACzBA,OAELH,EAAeF,EAGjB,SAsHF,WACEM,EACAC,GAKA,MAA0C,sBAKF,oBACtCD,GACA,GAAGjC,eAAeC,KAAKgC,EAA4BC,KAEjBA,KAG3BD,EAaX,WACE7B,EACA8B,GAEA,IAAK9B,EAAgB,YAErB,MAAeA,EAQf,OANI+B,EAAmBC,EAAUF,GAC/BE,EAAWA,EAASF,GACXC,EAAmBC,EAAU,MACtCA,EAAWA,EAAS,WAGTpB,QAAQoB,GAAYA,EAAW,CAACA,GAY/C,WACE/B,EACA6B,GAEA,IAAK7B,EAAc,YAEnB,MAAaA,EAQb,OANI8B,EAAmBE,EAAQH,GAC7BG,EAASA,EAAOH,GACPC,EAAmBE,EAAQ,MACpCA,EAASA,EAAO,WAGLrB,QAAQqB,GAAUA,EAAS,CAACA,GCpX3C,MAAMC,MAAEA,GAAUC,IACDD,EAAME,aAAaC,EAAU,CAC5CC,kBDkMAb,EACA/B,EACAoC,GAEA,kBAAmBL,UAAqB/B,UAAcoC,MCrMtDS,wBDoNAd,EACA/B,EACAoC,EACAU,GAGA,SACGC,QAAQ,WAAYhB,GACpBgB,QAAQ,WAAY/C,GACpB+C,QAAQ,cAAeX,IC5N1BY,YD0OF,SACEC,EACAjD,EACAoC,GAEA,OAAIa,IAA2B,oBAAYA,oBACjB,mBAAWA,EAAQA,EAAMtC,qBAG/ByB,kBAAyBpC,6BC5O5B,oBAYjB,2GAQa,uCAQC,0BAII,UAaGA,GACrBkD,EAAQC,KAAKnD,KAiBQA,IACrB,MAAOoD,EAASC,GAVMrD,CAAAA,GACtBA,EAAMsD,MAAMJ,GAAUK,MAAM,GASHC,CAAexD,GACxC,kBAAkBoD,EAASC,MASLI,GACtBC,KAAiBD,GACbE,KAAiBF,GACjB,eAAeA,QA+BnB,CACEG,EACAC,EACAC,EAAuB,KAEzB,CAACC,EAAYC,KA+BX,GAzBEA,GACCA,EAAevB,WACfuB,EAAevB,UAAUwB,gBACzBD,EAAevB,UAAUwB,eAAetB,aAGlBF,UAAUwB,eAAetB,IAK1BH,EAAM0B,gBAC5BF,EACArB,EACA,CACE3B,OAAQ4C,EACRO,SAAU5C,GAEZ,CACEP,OAAQ6C,EACRM,SAAUC,EACVC,UAAU,IAIQ,OAGjBpD,MAAMC,QAAQ0C,KAEjBA,EAAa,CAACA,IAGhB,QAAiC,IAC5BpC,KACAqC,IAECzD,gBACJA,EAAeC,gBACfA,EAAeC,eACfA,EAAcC,aACdA,EAAYI,QACZA,EAAOE,WACPA,EAAUC,YACVA,EAAWN,gBACXA,EAAeC,gBACfA,GACE6D,aD+MNxD,EACAD,EACA0D,GAKA,GAA2B,qBACzB,SAGF,GAA2B,mBAAU,CACnC,MAEA,IACEC,EAAqBC,QAAQC,QAAQ5D,GACrC,MAAOmC,GACPuB,EAAqBC,QAAQC,QAC3BC,EAAK1C,KAAK2C,QAAQC,MAAO/D,IAK7B,eAAe0D,GAUjB,OAPK3D,GAAc0D,GAEjBO,QAAQC,6EACkEpC,WC3O5CqC,CAC5BlE,EACAD,EACAiD,EAAQmB,OA4B2B3E,EAAiB,GAAK,OACxBC,EAAe,GAAK,KACvD,MAEA,GAAIH,EAAiB,CACnB,QAAuC,GACvC2D,EAAKmB,YAAY,QAAUC,IACzB,MAAMC,OAAEA,GAAWD,IACNC,EAAOC,MAAM,KAAK,GAAGC,OAElCC,EAAqBC,KAAKC,KAG5BC,EAAkB,oBAAoBH,EAAqBtD,KAAK,UAIlE2B,EAAW+B,QAASvD,IAClB,MAAkCA,EA8ElC,WACEwD,EACAC,EACAC,EACAC,GAAa,GAEb,MAAQ/F,MAAOgG,EAAWC,KAAMC,GAAaN,IAC/BE,GAAiBE,EAG/B,OAAe,KACC,KACG,KACF,EA6BjB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