'use strict'; const optionsMatches = require('./utils/optionsMatches'); const putIfAbsent = require('./utils/putIfAbsent'); const validateDisableSettings = require('./validateDisableSettings'); /** @typedef {import('postcss').Comment} PostcssComment */ /** @typedef {import('stylelint').DisabledRange} DisabledRange */ /** @typedef {import('stylelint').DisableReportRange} DisableReportRange */ /** * @param {import('stylelint').LintResult[]} results */ module.exports = function needlessDisables(results) { for (const result of results) { const settings = validateDisableSettings(result._postcssResult, 'reportNeedlessDisables'); if (!settings) continue; const [enabled, options, stylelintResult] = settings; const rangeData = stylelintResult.disabledRanges; if (!rangeData) continue; const disabledWarnings = stylelintResult.disabledWarnings || []; // A map from `stylelint-disable` comments to the set of rules that // are usefully disabled by each comment. We track this // comment-by-comment rather than range-by-range because ranges that // disable *all* rules are duplicated for each rule they apply to in // practice. /** @type {Map>}} */ const usefulDisables = new Map(); for (const warning of disabledWarnings) { const rule = warning.rule; const ruleRanges = rangeData[rule]; if (ruleRanges) { for (const range of ruleRanges) { if (isWarningInRange(warning, range)) { putIfAbsent(usefulDisables, range.comment, () => new Set()).add(rule); } } } for (const range of rangeData.all || []) { if (isWarningInRange(warning, range)) { putIfAbsent(usefulDisables, range.comment, () => new Set()).add(rule); } } } const allRangeComments = new Set((rangeData.all || []).map((range) => range.comment)); for (const [rule, ranges] of Object.entries(rangeData)) { for (const range of ranges) { if (rule !== 'all' && allRangeComments.has(range.comment)) continue; if (enabled === optionsMatches(options, 'except', rule)) continue; const useful = usefulDisables.get(range.comment) || new Set(); // Only emit a warning if this range's comment isn't useful for this rule. // For the special rule "all", only emit a warning if it's not useful for // *any* rules, because it covers all of them. if (rule === 'all' ? useful.size !== 0 : useful.has(rule)) continue; // If the comment doesn't have a location, we can't report a useful error. // In practice we expect all comments to have locations, though. if (!range.comment.source || !range.comment.source.start) continue; result.warnings.push({ text: `Needless disable for "${rule}"`, rule: '--report-needless-disables', line: range.comment.source.start.line, column: range.comment.source.start.column, endLine: range.comment.source.end && range.comment.source.end.line, endColumn: range.comment.source.end && range.comment.source.end.column, severity: options.severity, }); } } } }; /** * @param {import('stylelint').DisabledWarning} warning * @param {DisabledRange} range * @return {boolean} */ function isWarningInRange(warning, range) { const line = warning.line; // Need to check if range.end exist, because line number type cannot be compared to undefined return ( range.start <= line && ((range.end !== undefined && range.end >= line) || range.end === undefined) ); }