'use strict'; const { detachNodeFromParent } = require('../lib/xast.js'); const { elemsGroups } = require('./_collections.js'); exports.name = 'removeEmptyContainers'; exports.description = 'removes empty container elements'; /** * Remove empty containers. * * @see https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/intro.html#TermContainerElement * * @example * * * @example * * * @author Kir Belevich * * @type {import('./plugins-types').Plugin<'removeEmptyContainers'>} */ exports.fn = () => { return { element: { exit: (node, parentNode) => { // remove only empty non-svg containers if ( node.name === 'svg' || elemsGroups.container.includes(node.name) === false || node.children.length !== 0 ) { return; } // empty patterns may contain reusable configuration if ( node.name === 'pattern' && Object.keys(node.attributes).length !== 0 ) { return; } // The may not have content, but the filter may cause a rectangle // to be created and filled with pattern. if (node.name === 'g' && node.attributes.filter != null) { return; } // empty hides masked element if (node.name === 'mask' && node.attributes.id != null) { return; } if (parentNode.type === 'element' && parentNode.name === 'switch') { return; } detachNodeFromParent(node, parentNode); }, }, }; };