1245 lines
33 KiB
1245 lines
33 KiB
const { TemplatePath } = require("@11ty/eleventy-utils");
const { performance } = require("perf_hooks");
const pkg = require("../package.json");
const TemplateData = require("./TemplateData");
const TemplateWriter = require("./TemplateWriter");
const EleventyExtensionMap = require("./EleventyExtensionMap");
const EleventyErrorHandler = require("./EleventyErrorHandler");
const EleventyBaseError = require("./EleventyBaseError");
const EleventyServe = require("./EleventyServe");
const EleventyWatch = require("./EleventyWatch");
const EleventyWatchTargets = require("./EleventyWatchTargets");
const EleventyFiles = require("./EleventyFiles");
const ConsoleLogger = require("./Util/ConsoleLogger");
const PathPrefixer = require("./Util/PathPrefixer");
const TemplateConfig = require("./TemplateConfig");
const FileSystemSearch = require("./FileSystemSearch");
const PathNormalizer = require("./Util/PathNormalizer.js");
const simplePlural = require("./Util/Pluralize");
const checkPassthroughCopyBehavior = require("./Util/PassthroughCopyBehaviorCheck");
const debug = require("debug")("Eleventy");
const eventBus = require("./EventBus");
* @module 11ty/eleventy/Eleventy
* Runtime of eleventy.
* @param {String} input - Where to read files from.
* @param {String} output - Where to write rendered files to.
* @returns {module:11ty/eleventy/Eleventy~Eleventy}
class Eleventy {
constructor(input, output, options = {}, eleventyConfig = null) {
if (!eleventyConfig) {
this.eleventyConfig = new TemplateConfig(null, options.configPath);
} else {
this.eleventyConfig = eleventyConfig;
if (options.configPath) {
* @member {String} - The top level directory the site pretends to reside in
* @default "/"
this.pathPrefix = options.pathPrefix || "/";
if (this.pathPrefix || this.pathPrefix === "") {
* @member {Object} - Options object passed to the Eleventy constructor
* @default {}
this.options = options;
/* Programmatic API config */
if (options.config && typeof options.config === "function") {
// TODO use return object here?
* @member {String} - The path to Eleventy's config file.
* @default null
this.configPath = options.configPath;
* @member {String} - Called via CLI (`cli`) or Programmatically (`script`)
* @default "script"
this.source = options.source || "script";
* @member {Boolean} - Running in serverless mode
* @default false
if ("isServerless" in options) {
this.isServerless = !!options.isServerless;
} else {
this.isServerless = !!process.env.AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME;
* @member {String} - One of build, serve, or watch
* @default "build"
this.runMode = options.runMode || "build";
* @member {Object} - Initialize Eleventy environment variables
* @default null
// both this.isServerless and this.runMode need to be set before this
this.env = this.getEnvironmentVariableValues();
* @member {Object} - Initialize Eleventy’s configuration, including the user config file
this.config = this.eleventyConfig.getConfig();
* @member {Object} - Singleton BenchmarkManager instance
this.bench = this.config.benchmarkManager;
* @member {Boolean} - Was verbose mode overwritten?
* @default false
this.verboseModeSetViaCommandLineParam = false;
* @member {Boolean} - Is Eleventy running in verbose mode?
* @default true
if (options.quietMode === true || options.quietMode === false) {
// Set via --quiet
this.verboseModeSetViaCommandLineParam = true;
} else {
// Fall back to configuration
* @member {Boolean} - Is Eleventy running in dry mode?
* @default false
this.isDryRun = false;
* @member {Boolean} - Does the init() method still need to be run (or hasn’t finished yet)
* @default true
this.needsInit = true;
* @member {Boolean} - Explicit input directory (usually used when input is a single file/serverless)
if (options.inputDir) {
if (performance) {
// TODO this doesn’t reset in serverless mode correctly (cumulative from start of --serve/watch)
debug("Eleventy warm up time (in ms) %o", performance.now());
/** @member {Number} - The timestamp of Eleventy start. */
this.start = this.getNewTimestamp();
* @member {Array<String>} - Subset of template types.
* @default null
this.formatsOverride = null;
/** @member {Object} - tbd. */
this.eleventyServe = new EleventyServe();
this.eleventyServe.config = this.config;
this.eleventyServe.eleventyConfig = this.eleventyConfig;
/** @member {String} - Holds the path to the input directory. */
this.rawInput = input;
/** @member {String} - Holds the path to the output directory. */
this.rawOutput = output;
/** @member {Object} - tbd. */
this.watchManager = new EleventyWatch();
/** @member {Object} - tbd. */
this.watchTargets = new EleventyWatchTargets();
this.watchTargets.watchJavaScriptDependencies = this.config.watchJavaScriptDependencies;
/** @member {Object} - tbd. */
this.fileSystemSearch = new FileSystemSearch();
this.isIncremental = false;
this.programmaticApiIncrementalFile = undefined;
this.isRunInitialBuild = true;
getNewTimestamp() {
if (performance) {
return performance.now();
return new Date().getTime();
/** @type {String} */
get input() {
return this.rawInput || this.config.dir.input;
/** @type {String} */
get inputDir() {
if (this._inputDir) {
// set manually via setter
return this._inputDir;
return TemplatePath.getDir(this.input);
setInputDir(dir) {
this._inputDir = dir;
/** @type {String} */
get outputDir() {
return this.rawOutput || this.config.dir.output;
* Updates the dry-run mode of Eleventy.
* @method
* @param {Boolean} isDryRun - Shall Eleventy run in dry mode?
setDryRun(isDryRun) {
this.isDryRun = !!isDryRun;
* Sets the incremental build mode.
* @method
* @param {Boolean} isIncremental - Shall Eleventy run in incremental build mode and only write the files that trigger watch updates
setIncrementalBuild(isIncremental) {
this.isIncremental = !!isIncremental;
this.watchManager.incremental = !!isIncremental;
* Set whether or not to do an initial build
* @method
* @param {Boolean} ignoreInitialBuild - Shall Eleventy ignore the default initial build before watching in watch/serve mode?
* @default true
setIgnoreInitial(ignoreInitialBuild) {
this.isRunInitialBuild = !ignoreInitialBuild;
* Updates the path prefix used in the config.
* @method
* @param {String} pathPrefix - The new path prefix.
setPathPrefix(pathPrefix) {
if (pathPrefix || pathPrefix === "") {
this.config = this.eleventyConfig.getConfig();
* Updates the watch targets.
* @method
* @param {} watchTargets - The new watch targets.
setWatchTargets(watchTargets) {
this.watchTargets = watchTargets;
* Restarts Eleventy.
* @async
* @method
async restart() {
this.start = this.getNewTimestamp();
* Logs some statistics after a complete run of Eleventy.
* @method
* @returns {String} ret - The log message.
logFinished() {
if (!this.writer) {
throw new Error(
"Did you call Eleventy.init to create the TemplateWriter instance? Hint: you probably didn’t."
let ret = [];
let writeCount = this.writer.getWriteCount();
let skippedCount = this.writer.getSkippedCount();
let copyCount = this.writer.getCopyCount();
let slashRet = [];
if (copyCount) {
slashRet.push(`Copied ${copyCount} ${simplePlural(copyCount, "file", "files")}`);
`Wrote ${writeCount} ${simplePlural(writeCount, "file", "files")}${
skippedCount ? ` (skipped ${skippedCount})` : ""
if (slashRet.length) {
ret.push(slashRet.join(" / "));
let versionStr = `v${pkg.version}`;
let time = ((this.getNewTimestamp() - this.start) / 1000).toFixed(2);
ret.push(`in ${time} ${simplePlural(time, "second", "seconds")}`);
if (writeCount >= 10) {
ret.push(`(${((time * 1000) / writeCount).toFixed(1)}ms each, ${versionStr})`);
} else {
return ret.join(" ");
_cache(key, inst) {
if (!this._privateCaches) {
this._privateCaches = new Map();
if (!("caches" in inst)) {
throw new Error("To use _cache you need a `caches` getter object");
// Restore from cache
if (this._privateCaches.has(key)) {
let c = this._privateCaches.get(key);
for (let cacheKey in c) {
inst[cacheKey] = c[cacheKey];
} else {
// Set cache
let c = {};
for (let cacheKey of inst.caches || []) {
c[cacheKey] = inst[cacheKey];
this._privateCaches.set(key, c);
* Starts Eleventy.
* @async
* @method
* @returns {} - tbd.
async init(options = {}) {
options = Object.assign({ viaConfigReset: false }, options);
await this.config.events.emit("eleventy.config", this.eleventyConfig);
if (this.env) {
await this.config.events.emit("eleventy.env", this.env);
this.config.inputDir = this.inputDir;
let formats = this.formatsOverride || this.config.templateFormats;
this.extensionMap = new EleventyExtensionMap(formats, this.eleventyConfig);
await this.config.events.emit("eleventy.extensionmap", this.extensionMap);
// eleventyServe is always available, even when not in --serve mode
// this.eleventyServe.setWatcherOptions(this.getChokidarConfig());
this.templateData = new TemplateData(this.inputDir, this.eleventyConfig);
this.templateData.extensionMap = this.extensionMap;
if (this.env) {
this.templateData.environmentVariables = this.env;
this.eleventyFiles = new EleventyFiles(
this.eleventyFiles.setInput(this.inputDir, this.input);
this.eleventyFiles.extensionMap = this.extensionMap;
// This needs to be set before init or it’ll construct a new one
this.eleventyFiles.templateData = this.templateData;
if (checkPassthroughCopyBehavior(this.config, this.runMode)) {
this.writer = new TemplateWriter(
if (!options.viaConfigReset) {
this._cache("TemplateWriter", this.writer);
this.writer.setInput(this.inputDir, this.input);
this.writer.logger = this.logger;
this.writer.extensionMap = this.extensionMap;
let dirs = {
input: this.inputDir,
data: this.templateData.getDataDir(),
includes: this.eleventyFiles.getIncludesDir(),
layouts: this.eleventyFiles.getLayoutsDir(),
output: this.outputDir,
Input (Dir): ${dirs.input}
Input (File): ${this.rawInput}
Data: ${dirs.data}
Includes: ${dirs.includes}
Layouts: ${dirs.layouts}
Output: ${dirs.output}
Template Formats: ${formats.join(",")}
Verbose Output: ${this.verboseMode}`);
this.config.events.emit("eleventy.directories", dirs);
this.needsInit = false;
// These are all set as initial global data under eleventy.env.* (see TemplateData->environmentVariables)
getEnvironmentVariableValues() {
let values = {
source: this.source,
runMode: this.runMode,
let configPath = this.eleventyConfig.getLocalProjectConfigFile();
if (configPath) {
let absolutePathToConfig = TemplatePath.absolutePath(configPath);
values.config = absolutePathToConfig;
// TODO(zachleat): if config is not in root (e.g. using --config=)
let root = TemplatePath.getDirFromFilePath(absolutePathToConfig);
values.root = root;
values.source = this.source;
values.isServerless = this.isServerless;
return values;
* Set process.ENV variables for use in Eleventy projects
* @method
initializeEnvironmentVariables(env) {
process.env.ELEVENTY_ROOT = env.root;
debug("Setting process.env.ELEVENTY_ROOT: %o", env.root);
process.env.ELEVENTY_SOURCE = env.source;
process.env.ELEVENTY_RUN_MODE = env.runMode;
// https://github.com/11ty/eleventy/issues/1957
// Note: when using --serve, ELEVENTY_SERVERLESS is also set in Serverless.js
// Careful here, setting to false will cast to string "false" which is truthy.
if (env.isServerless) {
process.env.ELEVENTY_SERVERLESS = true;
debug("Setting process.env.ELEVENTY_SERVERLESS: %o", true);
/* Setter for verbose mode */
set verboseMode(value) {
this._isVerboseMode = !!value;
if (this.writer) {
if (this.logger) {
this.logger.isVerbose = this._isVerboseMode;
if (this.errorHandler) {
this.errorHandler.isVerbose = this._isVerboseMode;
/* Getter for verbose mode */
get verboseMode() {
return this._isVerboseMode;
/* Getter for Logger */
get logger() {
if (!this._logger) {
this._logger = new ConsoleLogger();
this._logger.isVerbose = this.verboseMode;
return this._logger;
/* Setter for Logger */
set logger(logger) {
this._logger = logger;
disableLogger() {
/* Getter for error handler */
get errorHandler() {
if (!this._errorHandler) {
this._errorHandler = new EleventyErrorHandler();
this._errorHandler.isVerbose = this.verboseMode;
this._errorHandler.logger = this.logger;
return this._errorHandler;
* Updates the verbose mode of Eleventy.
* @method
* @param {Boolean} isVerbose - Shall Eleventy run in verbose mode?
setIsVerbose(isVerbose) {
// Debug mode should always run quiet (all output goes to debug logger)
if (process.env.DEBUG) {
isVerbose = false;
if (this.logger) {
this.logger.isVerbose = isVerbose;
this.verboseMode = isVerbose;
// Set verbose mode in config file
this.eleventyConfig.verbose = this.verboseMode;
* Updates the template formats of Eleventy.
* @method
* @param {String} formats - The new template formats.
setFormats(formats) {
if (formats && formats !== "*") {
this.formatsOverride = formats.split(",");
* Updates the run mode of Eleventy.
* @method
* @param {String} runMode - One of "build", "watch", or "serve"
setRunMode(runMode) {
this.runMode = runMode;
* Set the file that needs to be rendered/compiled/written for an incremental build.
* This method is part of the programmatic API and is not used internally.
* @method
* @param {String} incrementalFile - File path (added or modified in a project)
setIncrementalFile(incrementalFile) {
if (incrementalFile) {
// This is used for collections-friendly serverless mode.
this.programmaticApiIncrementalFile = incrementalFile;
* Reads the version of Eleventy.
* @static
* @returns {String} - The version of Eleventy.
static getVersion() {
return pkg.version;
* @deprecated since 1.0.1, use static Eleventy.getVersion()
getVersion() {
return Eleventy.getVersion();
* Shows a help message including usage.
* @static
* @returns {String} - The help message.
static getHelp() {
return `Usage: eleventy
eleventy --input=. --output=./_site
eleventy --serve
Input template files (default: \`.\`)
Write HTML output to this folder (default: \`_site\`)
Run web server on --port (default 8080) and watch them too
Run the --serve web server on this port (default 8080)
Wait for files to change and automatically rewrite (no web server)
Start without a build; build when files change. Works best with watch/serve/incremental.
Whitelist only certain template types (default: \`*\`)
Don’t print all written files (off by default)
Override the eleventy config file path (default: \`.eleventy.js\`)
Change all url template filters to use this subdirectory.
Don’t write any files. Useful with \`DEBUG=Eleventy* npx eleventy\`
Change the output to JSON or NDJSON (default: \`fs\`)
* @deprecated since 1.0.1, use static Eleventy.getHelp()
getHelp() {
return Eleventy.getHelp();
* Resets the config of Eleventy.
* @method
resetConfig() {
this.env = this.getEnvironmentVariableValues();
this.config = this.eleventyConfig.getConfig();
this.eleventyServe.config = this.config;
this.eleventyServe.eleventyConfig = this.eleventyConfig;
// only use config quietMode if --quiet not set on CLI
if (!this.verboseModeSetViaCommandLineParam) {
* tbd.
* @private
* @method
* @param {String} changedFilePath - File that triggered a re-run (added or modified)
async _addFileToWatchQueue(changedFilePath, isResetConfig) {
// Currently this is only for 11ty.js deps but should be extended with usesGraph
let usedByDependants = [];
if (this.watchTargets) {
usedByDependants = this.watchTargets.getDependantsOf(
// Note: this is a sync event!
eventBus.emit("eleventy.resourceModified", changedFilePath, usedByDependants, {
viaConfigReset: isResetConfig,
shouldTriggerConfigReset(changedFiles) {
let configFilePaths = new Set(this.eleventyConfig.getLocalProjectConfigFiles());
for (let filePath of changedFiles) {
if (configFilePaths.has(filePath)) {
return true;
for (const configFilePath of configFilePaths) {
// Any dependencies of the config file changed
let configFileDependencies = new Set(this.watchTargets.getDependenciesOf(configFilePath));
for (let filePath of changedFiles) {
if (configFileDependencies.has(filePath)) {
return true;
return false;
// Checks the build queue to see if any configuration related files have changed
_shouldResetConfig(activeQueue = []) {
if (!activeQueue.length) {
return false;
return this.shouldTriggerConfigReset(
activeQueue.map((path) => {
return PathNormalizer.normalizeSeperator(TemplatePath.addLeadingDotSlash(path));
* tbd.
* @private
* @method
async _watch(isResetConfig = false) {
if (this.watchManager.isBuildRunning()) {
let queue = this.watchManager.getActiveQueue();
await this.config.events.emit("beforeWatch", queue);
await this.config.events.emit("eleventy.beforeWatch", queue);
// Clear `require` cache for all files that triggered the rebuild
// reset and reload global configuration
if (isResetConfig) {
await this.restart();
await this.init({ viaConfigReset: isResetConfig });
let incrementalFile = this.watchManager.getIncrementalFile();
if (incrementalFile) {
let writeResults = await this.write();
let passthroughCopyResults;
let templateResults;
if (!writeResults.error) {
[passthroughCopyResults, ...templateResults] = writeResults;
await this._initWatchDependencies();
// Add new deps to chokidar
// Is a CSS input file and is not in the includes folder
// TODO check output path file extension of this template (not input path)
// TODO add additional API for this, maybe a config callback?
let onlyCssChanges = this.watchManager.hasAllQueueFiles((path) => {
return (
path.endsWith(".css") &&
// TODO how to make this work with relative includes?
!TemplatePath.startsWithSubPath(path, this.eleventyFiles.getIncludesDir())
if (writeResults.error) {
error: writeResults.error,
} else {
let normalizedPathPrefix = PathPrefixer.normalizePathPrefix(this.config.pathPrefix);
await this.eleventyServe.reload({
files: this.watchManager.getActiveQueue(),
subtype: onlyCssChanges ? "css" : undefined,
build: {
templates: templateResults
.filter((entry) => !!entry)
.map((entry) => {
entry.url = PathPrefixer.joinUrlParts(normalizedPathPrefix, entry.url);
return entry;
let queueSize = this.watchManager.getPendingQueueSize();
if (queueSize > 0) {
`You saved while Eleventy was running, let’s run again. (${queueSize} change${
queueSize !== 1 ? "s" : ""
await this._watch();
} else {
* tbd.
* @returns {} - tbd.
get watcherBench() {
return this.bench.get("Watcher");
* Set up watchers and benchmarks.
* @async
* @method
async initWatch() {
this.watchManager = new EleventyWatch();
this.watchManager.incremental = this.isIncremental;
// Watch the local project config file
// Template and Directory Data Files
this.watchTargets.add(await this.eleventyFiles.getGlobWatcherTemplateDataFiles());
let benchmark = this.watcherBench.get(
"Watching JavaScript Dependencies (disable with `eleventyConfig.setWatchJavaScriptDependencies(false)`)"
await this._initWatchDependencies();
* Starts watching dependencies.
* @private
* @async
* @method
async _initWatchDependencies() {
if (!this.watchTargets.watchJavaScriptDependencies) {
let dataDir = TemplatePath.stripLeadingDotSlash(this.templateData.getDataDir());
function filterOutGlobalDataFiles(path) {
return !dataDir || !TemplatePath.stripLeadingDotSlash(path).startsWith(dataDir);
// Template files .11ty.js
let templateFiles = this.eleventyFiles.getWatchPathCache();
// Config file dependencies
// Deps from Global Data (that aren’t in the global data directory, everything is watched there)
let globalDataDeps = this.templateData.getWatchPathCache();
this.watchTargets.addDependencies(globalDataDeps, filterOutGlobalDataFiles);
await this.eleventyFiles.getWatcherTemplateJavaScriptDataFiles()
* Returns all watched files.
* @async
* @method
* @returns {} targets - The watched files.
async getWatchedFiles() {
return this.watchTargets.getTargets();
getChokidarConfig() {
let ignores = this.eleventyFiles.getGlobWatcherIgnores();
debug("Ignoring watcher changes to: %o", ignores);
let configOptions = this.config.chokidarConfig;
// can’t override these yet
// TODO maybe if array, merge the array?
delete configOptions.ignored;
return Object.assign(
ignored: ignores,
ignoreInitial: true,
awaitWriteFinish: {
stabilityThreshold: 150,
pollInterval: 25,
* Start the watching of files
* @async
* @method
async watch() {
// We use a string module name and try/catch here to hide this from the zisi and esbuild serverless bundlers
let chokidar;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-catch
try {
let moduleName = "chokidar";
chokidar = require(moduleName);
} catch (e) {
throw e;
// Note that watching indirectly depends on this for fetching dependencies from JS files
// See: TemplateWriter:pathCache and EleventyWatchTargets
let result = await this.write();
if (result.error) {
// initial build failed—quit watch early
return Promise.reject(result.error);
let initWatchBench = this.watcherBench.get("Start up --watch");
await this.initWatch();
// TODO improve unwatching if JS dependencies are removed (or files are deleted)
let rawFiles = await this.getWatchedFiles();
debug("Watching for changes to: %o", rawFiles);
let watcher = chokidar.watch(rawFiles, this.getChokidarConfig());
this.watcher = watcher;
let watchDelay;
let watchRun = async (path) => {
path = TemplatePath.normalize(path);
try {
let isResetConfig = this._shouldResetConfig([path]);
this._addFileToWatchQueue(path, isResetConfig);
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
watchDelay = setTimeout(async () => {
this._watch(isResetConfig).then(resolve, reject);
}, this.config.watchThrottleWaitTime);
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof EleventyBaseError) {
this.errorHandler.error(e, "Eleventy watch error");
} else {
this.errorHandler.fatal(e, "Eleventy fatal watch error");
watcher.on("change", async (path) => {
this.logger.forceLog(`File changed: ${path}`);
await watchRun(path);
watcher.on("add", async (path) => {
this.logger.forceLog(`File added: ${path}`);
await watchRun(path);
watcher.on("unlink", (path) => {
// this.logger.forceLog(`File removed: ${path}`);
process.on("SIGINT", () => this.stopWatch());
stopWatch() {
debug("Cleaning up chokidar and server instances, if they exist.");
* Serve Eleventy on this port.
* @param {Number} port - The HTTP port to serve Eleventy from.
async serve(port) {
// Port is optional and in this case likely via --port on the command line
// May defer to configuration API options `port` property
return this.eleventyServe.serve(port);
* Writes templates to the file system.
* @async
* @method
* @returns {Promise<{}>}
async write() {
return this.executeBuild();
* Renders templates to a JSON object.
* @async
* @method
* @returns {Promise<{}>}
async toJSON() {
return this.executeBuild("json");
* Returns a stream of new line delimited (NDJSON) objects
* @async
* @method
* @returns {Promise<{ReadableStream}>}
async toNDJSON() {
return this.executeBuild("ndjson");
* tbd.
* @async
* @method
* @returns {Promise<{}>} ret - tbd.
async executeBuild(to = "fs") {
if (this.needsInit) {
if (!this._initing) {
this._initing = this.init();
await this._initing;
this.needsInit = false;
if (!this.writer) {
new Error(
"Eleventy didn’t run init() properly and wasn’t able to create a TemplateWriter."
"Problem writing Eleventy templates"
if (this.programmaticApiIncrementalFile) {
let ret;
let hasError = false;
try {
let eventsArg = {
inputDir: this.config.inputDir,
dir: this.config.dir,
runMode: this.runMode,
outputMode: to,
incremental: this.isIncremental,
await this.config.events.emit("beforeBuild", eventsArg);
await this.config.events.emit("eleventy.before", eventsArg);
let promise;
if (to === "fs") {
promise = this.writer.write();
} else if (to === "json") {
promise = this.writer.getJSON("json");
} else if (to === "ndjson") {
promise = this.writer.getJSON("ndjson");
} else {
throw new Error(
`Invalid argument for \`Eleventy->executeBuild(${to})\`, expected "json", "ndjson", or "fs".`
ret = await promise;
// Passing the processed output to the eleventy.after event is new in 2.0
let [passthroughCopyResults, ...templateResults] = ret;
if (to === "fs") {
eventsArg.results = templateResults.flat().filter((entry) => !!entry);
} else {
eventsArg.results = templateResults.filter((entry) => !!entry);
if (to === "ndjson") {
// return a stream
// TODO this might output the ndjson rows only after all the templates have been written to the stream?
ret = this.logger.closeStream(to);
eventsArg.uses = this.eleventyConfig.usesGraph.map;
await this.config.events.emit("afterBuild", eventsArg);
await this.config.events.emit("eleventy.after", eventsArg);
} catch (e) {
hasError = true;
ret = {
error: e,
// Issue #2405
if (this.source === "script") {
this.errorHandler.error(e, "Problem writing Eleventy templates");
throw e;
} else {
this.errorHandler.fatal(e, "Problem writing Eleventy templates");
} finally {
if (to === "fs") {
this.logger.message(this.logFinished(), "info", hasError ? "red" : "green", true);
debug("Finished writing templates.");
Getting frustrated? Have a suggestion/feature request/feedback?
I want to hear it! Open an issue: https://github.com/11ty/eleventy/issues/new`);
return ret;
module.exports = Eleventy;
module.exports.EleventyServerless = require("./Serverless");
module.exports.EleventyServerlessBundlerPlugin = require("./Plugins/ServerlessBundlerPlugin");
module.exports.EleventyRenderPlugin = require("./Plugins/RenderPlugin");
module.exports.EleventyEdgePlugin = require("./Plugins/EdgePlugin");
module.exports.EleventyI18nPlugin = require("./Plugins/I18nPlugin");
module.exports.EleventyHtmlBasePlugin = require("./Plugins/HtmlBasePlugin");