79 lines
2.6 KiB
79 lines
2.6 KiB
import type {CodeKeywordDefinition, ErrorObject, KeywordErrorDefinition} from "../../types"
import type {KeywordCxt} from "../../compile/validate"
import {checkDataTypes, getSchemaTypes, DataType} from "../../compile/validate/dataType"
import {_, str, Name} from "../../compile/codegen"
import {useFunc} from "../../compile/util"
import equal from "../../runtime/equal"
export type UniqueItemsError = ErrorObject<
{i: number; j: number},
boolean | {$data: string}
const error: KeywordErrorDefinition = {
message: ({params: {i, j}}) =>
str`must NOT have duplicate items (items ## ${j} and ${i} are identical)`,
params: ({params: {i, j}}) => _`{i: ${i}, j: ${j}}`,
const def: CodeKeywordDefinition = {
keyword: "uniqueItems",
type: "array",
schemaType: "boolean",
$data: true,
code(cxt: KeywordCxt) {
const {gen, data, $data, schema, parentSchema, schemaCode, it} = cxt
if (!$data && !schema) return
const valid = gen.let("valid")
const itemTypes = parentSchema.items ? getSchemaTypes(parentSchema.items) : []
cxt.block$data(valid, validateUniqueItems, _`${schemaCode} === false`)
function validateUniqueItems(): void {
const i = gen.let("i", _`${data}.length`)
const j = gen.let("j")
cxt.setParams({i, j})
gen.assign(valid, true)
gen.if(_`${i} > 1`, () => (canOptimize() ? loopN : loopN2)(i, j))
function canOptimize(): boolean {
return itemTypes.length > 0 && !itemTypes.some((t) => t === "object" || t === "array")
function loopN(i: Name, j: Name): void {
const item = gen.name("item")
const wrongType = checkDataTypes(itemTypes, item, it.opts.strictNumbers, DataType.Wrong)
const indices = gen.const("indices", _`{}`)
gen.for(_`;${i}--;`, () => {
gen.let(item, _`${data}[${i}]`)
gen.if(wrongType, _`continue`)
if (itemTypes.length > 1) gen.if(_`typeof ${item} == "string"`, _`${item} += "_"`)
.if(_`typeof ${indices}[${item}] == "number"`, () => {
gen.assign(j, _`${indices}[${item}]`)
gen.assign(valid, false).break()
.code(_`${indices}[${item}] = ${i}`)
function loopN2(i: Name, j: Name): void {
const eql = useFunc(gen, equal)
const outer = gen.name("outer")
gen.label(outer).for(_`;${i}--;`, () =>
gen.for(_`${j} = ${i}; ${j}--;`, () =>
gen.if(_`${eql}(${data}[${i}], ${data}[${j}])`, () => {
gen.assign(valid, false).break(outer)
export default def