2023-12-09 22:48:07 -08:00

192 lines
4.1 KiB

import {CamelCase, PascalCase} from 'type-fest';
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
type EmptyTuple = [];
Return a default type if input type is nil.
@template T - Input type.
@template U - Default type.
type WithDefault<T, U extends T> = T extends undefined | void | null ? U : T;
Check if an element is included in a tuple.
TODO: Remove this once https://github.com/sindresorhus/type-fest/pull/217 is merged.
type IsInclude<List extends readonly unknown[], Target> = List extends undefined
? false
: List extends Readonly<EmptyTuple>
? false
: List extends readonly [infer First, ...infer Rest]
? First extends Target
? true
: IsInclude<Rest, Target>
: boolean;
Append a segment to dot-notation path.
type AppendPath<S extends string, Last extends string> = S extends ''
? Last
: `${S}.${Last}`;
Convert keys of an object to camelcase strings.
type CamelCaseKeys<
T extends Record<string, any> | readonly any[],
Deep extends boolean,
IsPascalCase extends boolean,
Exclude extends readonly unknown[],
StopPaths extends readonly string[],
Path extends string = ''
> = T extends readonly any[]
// Handle arrays or tuples.
? {
[P in keyof T]: CamelCaseKeys<
: T extends Record<string, any>
// Handle objects.
? {
[P in keyof T & string as [IsInclude<Exclude, P>] extends [true]
? P
: [IsPascalCase] extends [true]
? PascalCase<P>
: CamelCase<P>]: [IsInclude<StopPaths, AppendPath<Path, P>>] extends [
? T[P]
: [Deep] extends [true]
? CamelCaseKeys<
AppendPath<Path, P>
: T[P];
// Return anything else as-is.
: T;
declare namespace camelcaseKeys {
interface Options {
Recurse nested objects and objects in arrays.
@default false
readonly deep?: boolean;
Exclude keys from being camel-cased.
If this option can be statically determined, it's recommended to add `as const` to it.
@default []
readonly exclude?: ReadonlyArray<string | RegExp>;
Exclude children at the given object paths in dot-notation from being camel-cased. For example, with an object like `{a: {b: '🦄'}}`, the object path to reach the unicorn is `'a.b'`.
If this option can be statically determined, it's recommended to add `as const` to it.
@default []
a_b: 1,
a_c: {
c_d: 1,
c_e: {
e_f: 1
}, {
deep: true,
stopPaths: [
// {
// aB: 1,
// aC: {
// cD: 1,
// cE: {
// e_f: 1
// }
// }
// }
readonly stopPaths?: readonly string[];
Uppercase the first character as in `bye-bye` → `ByeBye`.
@default false
readonly pascalCase?: boolean;
Convert object keys to camel case using [`camelcase`](https://github.com/sindresorhus/camelcase).
@param input - Object or array of objects to camel-case.
import camelcaseKeys = require('camelcase-keys');
// Convert an object
camelcaseKeys({'foo-bar': true});
//=> {fooBar: true}
// Convert an array of objects
camelcaseKeys([{'foo-bar': true}, {'bar-foo': false}]);
//=> [{fooBar: true}, {barFoo: false}]
camelcaseKeys({'foo-bar': true, nested: {unicorn_rainbow: true}}, {deep: true});
//=> {fooBar: true, nested: {unicornRainbow: true}}
// Convert object keys to pascal case
camelcaseKeys({'foo-bar': true, nested: {unicorn_rainbow: true}}, {deep: true, pascalCase: true});
//=> {FooBar: true, Nested: {UnicornRainbow: true}}
import minimist = require('minimist');
const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2));
//=> {_: [], 'foo-bar': true}
//=> {_: [], fooBar: true}
declare function camelcaseKeys<
T extends Record<string, any> | readonly any[],
Options extends camelcaseKeys.Options = camelcaseKeys.Options
input: T,
options?: Options
): CamelCaseKeys<
WithDefault<Options['deep'], false>,
WithDefault<Options['pascalCase'], false>,
WithDefault<Options['exclude'], EmptyTuple>,
WithDefault<Options['stopPaths'], EmptyTuple>
export = camelcaseKeys;