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# editorconfig2.ps1: Editorconfig Vimscript core CLI, PowerShell version
# Copyright (c) 2018--2019 Chris White. All rights reserved.
# Licensed CC-BY-SA, version 3.0 or any later version, at your option.
# Thanks to
# by Gallagher and Mateti.
#Requires -Version 3
. "$PSScriptRoot\ecvimlib.ps1"
# Argument parsing =================================================== {{{1
$argv = @(de64_args($args))
# Defaults
$report_version = $false
$set_version = ''
$config_name = '.editorconfig'
$extra_info = ''
# Hand-parse - pretend we're sort of like getopt.
$idx = 0
while($idx -lt $argv.count) {
$a = $argv[$idx]
switch -CaseSensitive -Regex ($a) {
'^(-v|--version)$' { $report_version = $true }
'^--dummy$' {
# A dummy option so that I can test list-valued EDITORCONFIG_CMD
'^-f$' {
if($idx -eq ($argv.count-1)) {
throw '-f <filename>: no filename provided'
} else {
$config_name = $argv[$idx]
} #-f
'^-b$' {
if($idx -eq ($argv.count-1)) {
throw '-b <version>: no version provided'
} else {
$set_version = $argv[$idx]
} #-b
'^-x$' {
if($idx -eq ($argv.count-1)) {
throw '-x <extra info>: no info provided'
} else {
$extra_info = $argv[$idx]
} #-x
'^--$' { # End of options, so capture the rest as filenames
while($idx -lt $argv.count) {
$files += $argv[$idx]
default { $files += $a }
} # end foreach argument
# }}}1
# Argument processing ================================================ {{{1
if($debug) {
if($extra_info -ne '') {
echo "--- $extra_info --- " | D
echo "Running in $DIR" | D
echo "Vim executable: $VIM" | D
echo "report version? $report_version" | D
echo "set version to: $set_version" | D
echo "config filename: $config_name" | D
echo "Filenames: $files" | D
echo "Args: $args" | D
echo "Decoded args: $argv" | D
if($report_version) {
echo "EditorConfig VimScript Core Version 0.12.2"
if($files.count -lt 1) {
if($files[0] -eq '-') {
echo "Reading filenames from stdin not yet supported" # TODO
exit 1
# Vim will write the settings into here. Sort of like stdout.
$script_output_fn = ''
if($debug) {
$script_output_fn = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
# Permit throwing in setup commands
$cmd = ''
$cmd += $env:EDITORCONFIG_EXTRA + ' | '
# }}}1
# Build Vim command line ============================================= {{{1
$cmd += 'call editorconfig_core#currbuf_cli({'
# Names
$cmd += "'output':" + (vesc($fn)) + ", "
# filename to put the settings in
if($debug) {
$cmd += " 'dump':" + (vesc($script_output_fn)) + ", "
# where to put debug info
# Filenames to get the settings for
$cmd += "'target':["
ForEach ($item in $files) {
$cmd += (vesc($item)) + ", "
$cmd += "],"
# Job
$cmd += "}, {"
if($config_name) { $cmd += "'config':" + (vesc($config_name)) + ", " }
# config name (e.g., .editorconfig)
if($set_version) { $cmd += "'version':" + (vesc($set_version)) + ", " }
# version number we should behave as
$cmd += "})"
#$cmd =':q!' # DEBUG
if($debug) { echo "Using Vim command ${cmd}" | D }
$vim_args = @(
'-c', "set runtimepath+=${DIR}\..\..",
'-c', $cmd,
'-c', 'quit!' # TODO write a wrapper that will cquit on exception
# Run editorconfig. Thanks for options to
# .
# Add -V1 to the below for debugging output.
# Do not output anything to stdout or stderr,
# since it messes up ctest's interpretation
# of the results.
$basic_args = '-nNes','-i','NONE','-u','NONE','-U','NONE' #, '-V1'
# }}}1
# Run Vim ============================================================ {{{1
if($debug) { echo "Running vim ${VIM}" | D }
$vimstatus = run_process $VIM -stdout $debug -stderr $debug `
-argv ($basic_args+$vim_args)
if($debug) { echo "Done running vim" | D }
if($vimstatus -eq 0) {
cat $fn
# }}}1
# Produce debug output =============================================== {{{1
# Debug output cannot be included on stdout or stderr, because
# ctest's regex check looks both of those places. Therefore, dump to a
# separate debugging file.
if($debug) {
echo "Current directory:" | D
(get-item -path '.').FullName | D
echo "Script directory: $DIR" | D
### echo Vim args: "${vim_args[@]}" >> "$debug"
### #od -c <<<"${vim_args[@]}" >> "$debug"
echo "Vim returned $vimstatus" | D
echo "Vim messages were: " | D
cat $script_output_fn | D
echo "Output was:" | D
# Modified from
Get-Content $script_output_fn -Encoding Byte -ReadCount 16 | `
ForEach-Object {
$output = ""
$chars = ''
foreach ( $byte in $_ ) {
$output += "{0:X2} " -f $byte
if( ($byte -ge 32) -and ($byte -le 127) ) {
$chars += [char]$byte
} else {
$chars += '.'
$output + ' ' + $chars
} | D
del -Force $script_output_fn
} #endif $debug
# }}}1
del -Force $fn
exit $vimstatus
# vi: set fdm=marker: