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silent! cd /testplugin/test
silent file top/middle/bottom/dummy.txt
function! CheckTempFile(filename) abort
" Check every part of the temporary filename, except the random part.
AssertEqual fnamemodify(tempname(), ':h'), fnamemodify(a:filename, ':h:h')
AssertEqual 'dummy.txt', fnamemodify(a:filename, ':t')
runtime autoload/ale/command.vim
function! ale#command#CreateTempFile(buffer, temporary_file, input) abort
return !empty(a:temporary_file)
unlet! g:result
unlet! g:match
delfunction CheckTempFile
runtime autoload/ale/command.vim
Execute(FormatCommand should do nothing to basic command strings):
\ ['', 'awesome-linter do something', 0],
\ ale#command#FormatCommand(bufnr('%'), '', 'awesome-linter do something', 0, v:null, v:null, [])
Execute(FormatCommand should handle %%, and ignore other percents):
\ ['', '% %%d %%f %x %', 0],
\ ale#command#FormatCommand(bufnr('%'), '', '%% %%%d %%%f %x %', 0, v:null, v:null, [])
Execute(FormatCommand should convert %s to the current filename):
\ [
\ '',
\ 'foo ' . ale#Escape(expand('%:p')) . ' bar ' . ale#Escape(expand('%:p')),
\ 0,
\ ],
\ ale#command#FormatCommand(bufnr('%'), '', 'foo %s bar %s', 0, v:null, v:null, [])
Execute(FormatCommand should convert %t to a new temporary filename):
let g:result = ale#command#FormatCommand(bufnr('%'), '', 'foo %t bar %t', 0, v:null, v:null, [])
call CheckTempFile(g:result[0])
let g:match = matchlist(g:result[1], '\v^foo (.*) bar (.*)$')
Assert !empty(g:match), 'No match found! Result was: ' . g:result[1]
" The first item of the result should be a temporary filename, and it should
" be the same as the escaped name in the command string.
AssertEqual ale#Escape(g:result[0]), g:match[1]
" The two temporary filenames formatted in should be the same.
AssertEqual g:match[1], g:match[2]
Execute(FormatCommand should not convert %t to a new temporary filename when the input is given as v:false):
let g:result = ale#command#FormatCommand(bufnr('%'), '', 'foo %t bar %t', 0, v:false, v:null, [])
AssertEqual ['', 'foo %t bar %t', 0], g:result
Execute(FormatCommand should signal that files are created when temporary files are needed):
\ 1,
\ ale#command#FormatCommand(bufnr('%'), '', 'foo %t', 0, v:null, v:null, [])[2]
\ 0,
\ ale#command#FormatCommand(bufnr('%'), '', 'foo %s', 0, v:null, v:null, [])[2]
Execute(FormatCommand should let you combine %s and %t):
let g:result = ale#command#FormatCommand(bufnr('%'), '', 'foo %t bar %s', 0, v:null, v:null, [])
call CheckTempFile(g:result[0])
let g:match = matchlist(g:result[1], '\v^foo (.*) bar (.*)$')
Assert !empty(g:match), 'No match found! Result was: ' . g:result[1]
" The first item of the result should be a temporary filename, and it should
" be the same as the escaped name in the command string.
AssertEqual ale#Escape(g:result[0]), g:match[1]
" The second item should be equal to the original filename.
AssertEqual ale#Escape(expand('%:p')), g:match[2]
Execute(FormatCommand should replace %e with the escaped executable):
if has('win32')
\ ['', 'foo foo', 0],
\ ale#command#FormatCommand(bufnr('%'), 'foo', '%e %e', 0, v:null, v:null, [])
\ ['', '"foo bar"', 0],
\ ale#command#FormatCommand(bufnr('%'), 'foo bar', '%e', 0, v:null, v:null, [])
\ ['', '%e %e', 0],
\ ale#command#FormatCommand(bufnr('%'), '', '%e %e', 0, v:null, v:null, [])
\ ['', '''foo'' ''foo''', 0],
\ ale#command#FormatCommand(bufnr('%'), 'foo', '%e %e', 0, v:null, v:null, [])
\ ['', '''foo bar''', 0],
\ ale#command#FormatCommand(bufnr('%'), 'foo bar', '%e', 0, v:null, v:null, [])
\ ['', '%e %e', 0],
\ ale#command#FormatCommand(bufnr('%'), '', '%e %e', 0, v:null, v:null, [])
Execute(EscapeCommandPart should escape all percent signs):
AssertEqual '%%s %%t %%%% %%s %%t %%%%', ale#engine#EscapeCommandPart('%s %t %% %s %t %%')
Execute(EscapeCommandPart should pipe in temporary files appropriately):
let g:result = ale#command#FormatCommand(bufnr('%'), '', 'foo bar', 1, v:null, v:null, [])
call CheckTempFile(g:result[0])
let g:match = matchlist(g:result[1], '\v^foo bar \< (.*)$')
Assert !empty(g:match), 'No match found! Result was: ' . g:result[1]
AssertEqual ale#Escape(g:result[0]), g:match[1]
let g:result = ale#command#FormatCommand(bufnr('%'), '', 'foo bar %t', 1, v:null, v:null, [])
call CheckTempFile(g:result[0])
let g:match = matchlist(g:result[1], '\v^foo bar (.*)$')
Assert !empty(g:match), 'No match found! Result was: ' . g:result[1]
AssertEqual ale#Escape(g:result[0]), g:match[1]
Execute(FormatCommand should apply filename modifiers to the current file):
\ ale#Escape(expand('%:p:h'))
\ . ' ' . ale#Escape('dummy.txt')
\ . ' ' . ale#Escape(expand('%:p:h:t'))
\ . ' ' . ale#Escape('txt')
\ . ' ' . ale#Escape(expand('%:p:r')),
\ ale#command#FormatCommand(bufnr(''), '', '%s:h %s:t %s:h:t %s:e %s:r', 0, v:null, v:null, [])[1]
Execute(FormatCommand should apply filename modifiers to the temporary file):
let g:result = ale#command#FormatCommand(bufnr(''), '', '%t:h %t:t %t:h:t %t:e %t:r', 0, v:null, v:null, [])
\ ale#Escape(fnamemodify(g:result[0], ':h'))
\ . ' ' . ale#Escape('dummy.txt')
\ . ' ' . ale#Escape(fnamemodify(g:result[0], ':h:t'))
\ . ' ' . ale#Escape('txt')
\ . ' ' . ale#Escape(fnamemodify(g:result[0], ':r')),
\ g:result[1]
Execute(FormatCommand should apply filename mappings the current file):
let g:result = ale#command#FormatCommand(bufnr('%'), '', '%s', 0, v:null, v:null, [
\ [expand('%:p:h'), '/foo/bar'],
Assert g:result[1] =~# '/foo/bar'
Execute(FormatCommand should apply filename mappings to temporary files):
let g:result = ale#command#FormatCommand(bufnr('%'), '', '%t', 0, v:null, v:null, [
\ [fnamemodify(tempname(), ':h:h'), '/foo/bar']
Assert g:result[1] =~# '/foo/bar'
Execute(FormatCommand should apply filename modifiers to mapped filenames):
let g:result = ale#command#FormatCommand(bufnr('%'), '', '%s:h', 0, v:null, v:null, [
\ [expand('%:p:h'), '/foo/bar'],
AssertEqual ale#Escape('/foo/bar'), g:result[1]
let g:result = ale#command#FormatCommand(bufnr('%'), '', '%t:h:h:h', 0, v:null, v:null, [
\ [fnamemodify(tempname(), ':h:h'), '/foo/bar']
AssertEqual ale#Escape('/foo/bar'), g:result[1]
Execute(FormatCommand should apply regular cwd paths):
\ 'cd ' . (has('unix') ? '' : '/d ') . ale#Escape('/foo /bar') . ' && abc',
\ ale#command#FormatCommand(bufnr('%'), '', 'abc', 0, v:null, '/foo /bar', [])[1]
Execute(FormatCommand should apply cwd subsitution and formatting):
call ale#test#SetFilename('foo.txt')
\ 'cd ' . (has('unix') ? '' : '/d ') . ale#Escape(getcwd()) . ' && abc',
\ ale#command#FormatCommand(bufnr('%'), '', 'abc', 0, v:null, '%s:h', [])[1]