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# =============================================================================
# Utility functions for zoxide.
# pwd based on the value of _ZO_RESOLVE_SYMLINKS.
function __zoxide_pwd() {
\builtin pwd -L
# cd + custom logic based on the value of _ZO_ECHO.
function __zoxide_cd() {
# shellcheck disable=SC2164
\builtin cd -- "$@"
# =============================================================================
# Hook configuration for zoxide.
# Hook to add new entries to the database.
function __zoxide_hook() {
\builtin local -r retval="$?"
\builtin local pwd_tmp
if [[ ${__zoxide_oldpwd} != "${pwd_tmp}" ]]; then
\command zoxide add -- "${__zoxide_oldpwd}"
return "${retval}"
# Initialize hook.
if [[ ${PROMPT_COMMAND:=} != *'__zoxide_hook'* ]]; then
# =============================================================================
# When using zoxide with --no-cmd, alias these internal functions as desired.
# Jump to a directory using only keywords.
function __zoxide_z() {
# shellcheck disable=SC2199
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
__zoxide_cd ~
elif [[ $# -eq 1 && $1 == '-' ]]; then
__zoxide_cd "${OLDPWD}"
elif [[ $# -eq 1 && -d $1 ]]; then
__zoxide_cd "$1"
elif [[ ${@: -1} == "${__zoxide_z_prefix}"* ]]; then
# shellcheck disable=SC2124
\builtin local result="${@: -1}"
__zoxide_cd "${result:${#__zoxide_z_prefix}}"
\builtin local result
# shellcheck disable=SC2312
result="$(\command zoxide query --exclude "$(__zoxide_pwd)" -- "$@")" &&
__zoxide_cd "${result}"
# Jump to a directory using interactive search.
function __zoxide_zi() {
\builtin local result
result="$(\command zoxide query -i -- "$@")" && __zoxide_cd "${result}"
# =============================================================================
# Commands for zoxide. Disable these using --no-cmd.
\builtin unalias z &>/dev/null || \builtin true
function z() {
__zoxide_z "$@"
\builtin unalias zi &>/dev/null || \builtin true
function zi() {
__zoxide_zi "$@"
# Load completions.
# - Bash 4.4+ is required to use `@Q`.
# - Completions require line editing. Since Bash supports only two modes of
# line editing (`vim` and `emacs`), we check if either them is enabled.
# - Completions don't work on `dumb` terminals.
if [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]:-0} -eq 4 && ${BASH_VERSINFO[1]:-0} -ge 4 || ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]:-0} -ge 5 ]] &&
[[ :"${SHELLOPTS}": =~ :(vi|emacs): && ${TERM} != 'dumb' ]]; then
# Use `printf '\e[5n'` to redraw line after fzf closes.
\builtin bind '"\e[0n": redraw-current-line' &>/dev/null
function __zoxide_z_complete() {
# Only show completions when the cursor is at the end of the line.
[[ ${#COMP_WORDS[@]} -eq $((COMP_CWORD + 1)) ]] || return
# If there is only one argument, use `cd` completions.
if [[ ${#COMP_WORDS[@]} -eq 2 ]]; then
\builtin mapfile -t COMPREPLY < <(
\builtin compgen -A directory -- "${COMP_WORDS[-1]}" || \builtin true
# If there is a space after the last word, use interactive selection.
elif [[ -z ${COMP_WORDS[-1]} ]]; then
\builtin local result
# shellcheck disable=SC2312
result="$(\command zoxide query --exclude "$(__zoxide_pwd)" -i -- "${COMP_WORDS[@]:1:${#COMP_WORDS[@]}-2}")" &&
\builtin printf '\e[5n'
\builtin complete -F __zoxide_z_complete -o filenames -- z
\builtin complete -r zi &>/dev/null || \builtin true
# =============================================================================
# To initialize zoxide, add this to your configuration (usually ~/.bashrc):
# eval "$(zoxide init bash)"