
783 lines
27 KiB
Raw Normal View History

function! SetUp()
let g:ycm_use_clangd = 1
call youcompleteme#test#setup#SetUp()
nmap <leader><leader>w <Plug>(YCMFindSymbolInWorkspace)
nmap <leader><leader>d <Plug>(YCMFindSymbolInDocument)
function! TearDown()
function! Test_WorkspaceSymbol_Basic()
call youcompleteme#test#setup#OpenFile(
\ '/test/testdata/cpp/', {} )
let original_win = winnr()
let b = bufnr()
let l = winlayout()
let popup_id = -1
function! PutQuery( ... )
" Wait for the current buffer to be a prompt buffer
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 'prompt', &buftype ) } )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 'i', mode() ) } )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_true(
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().id != -1 ) } )
" TODO: Wait for the popup to be displayed, and check the contents
call FeedAndCheckAgain( 'thisisathing', funcref( 'SelectItem' ) )
function SelectItem( ... )
let id = youcompleteme#finder#GetState().id
call WaitForAssert( { ->
\ assert_equal( ' [X] Search for symbol: thisisathing ',
\ popup_getoptions( id ).title ) },
\ 10000 )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 1, line( '$', id ) ) } )
call feedkeys( "\<CR>" )
" <Leader> is \ - this calls <Plug>(YCMFindSymbolInWorkspace)
call FeedAndCheckMain( '\\w', funcref( 'PutQuery' ) )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( l, winlayout() ) } )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( original_win, winnr() ) } )
call assert_equal( b, bufnr() )
call assert_equal( [ 0, 5, 7, 0 ], getpos( '.' ) )
delfunct PutQuery
delfunct SelectItem
silent %bwipe!
function! Test_DocumentSymbols_Basic()
call youcompleteme#test#setup#OpenFile(
\ '/test/testdata/cpp/', {} )
let original_win = winnr()
let b = bufnr()
let l = winlayout()
let popup_id = -1
function! PutQuery( ... )
" Wait for the current buffer to be a prompt buffer
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 'prompt', &buftype ) } )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 'i', mode() ) } )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_true(
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().id != -1 ) } )
" TODO: Wait for the popup to be displayed, and check the contents
call FeedAndCheckAgain( 'thisisathing', funcref( 'SelectItem' ) )
function SelectItem( ... )
let id = youcompleteme#finder#GetState().id
call WaitForAssert( { ->
\ assert_equal( ' [X] Search for symbol: thisisathing ',
\ popup_getoptions( id ).title ) },
\ 10000 )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 1, line( '$', id ) ) } )
call feedkeys( "\<CR>" )
" <Leader> is \ - this calls <Plug>(YCMFindSymbolInDocument)
call FeedAndCheckMain( '\\d', funcref( 'PutQuery' ) )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( l, winlayout() ) } )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( original_win, winnr() ) } )
call assert_equal( b, bufnr() )
" NOTE: cland returns the position of the decl here not the identifier. This
" is why it's position 3 not 7 as in the Test_WorkspaceSymbol_Basic
call assert_equal( [ 0, 5, 3, 0 ], getpos( '.' ) )
delfunct PutQuery
delfunct SelectItem
silent %bwipe!
function! Test_Cancel_DocumentSymbol()
call youcompleteme#test#setup#OpenFile(
\ '/test/testdata/cpp/', {} )
let original_win = winnr()
let b = bufnr()
let l = winlayout()
" Jump to a different position so that we can ensure we return to the same
" place
normal! G
let p = getpos( '.' )
let popup_id = -1
function! PutQuery( ... )
" Wait for the current buffer to be a prompt buffer
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 'prompt', &buftype ) } )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 'i', mode() ) } )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_true(
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().id != -1 ) } )
call FeedAndCheckAgain( 'thisisathing', funcref( 'SelectItem' ) )
function SelectItem( ... )
let id = youcompleteme#finder#GetState().id
call WaitForAssert( { ->
\ assert_equal( ' [X] Search for symbol: thisisathing ',
\ popup_getoptions( id ).title ) },
\ 10000 )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 1, line( '$', id ) ) } )
" Cancel - this should stopinsert
call feedkeys( "\<C-c>" )
" <Leader> is \ - this calls <Plug>(YCMFindSymbolInDocument)
call FeedAndCheckMain( '\\d', funcref( 'PutQuery' ) )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( l, winlayout() ) } )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( original_win, winnr() ) } )
call assert_equal( b, bufnr() )
" Retuned to just where we started
call assert_equal( p, getpos( '.' ) )
delfunct PutQuery
delfunct SelectItem
silent %bwipe!
function! Test_EmptySearch()
call youcompleteme#test#setup#OpenFile(
\ '/test/testdata/cpp/', {} )
let original_win = winnr()
let b = bufnr()
let l = winlayout()
let popup_id = -1
function! PutQuery( ... )
" Wait for the current buffer to be a prompt buffer
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 'prompt', &buftype ) } )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 'i', mode() ) } )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_true(
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().id != -1 ) } )
" TODO: Wait for the popup to be displayed, and check the contents
call FeedAndCheckAgain( 'nothingshouldmatchthis',
\ funcref( 'SelectNothing' ) )
function SelectNothing( ... )
let id = youcompleteme#finder#GetState().id
call WaitForAssert( { ->
\ assert_equal( ' [X] Search for symbol: nothingshouldmatchthis ',
\ popup_getoptions( id ).title ) },
\ 10000 )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 1, line( '$', id ) ) } )
call assert_equal( 'No results', getbufline( winbufnr( id ), '$' )[ 0 ] )
call FeedAndCheckAgain( "\<CR>notarealthing",
\ funcref( 'ChangeSearch' ) )
function ChangeSearch( ... )
let id = youcompleteme#finder#GetState().id
" Hitting enter with nothing to select clears the prompt, because prompt
" buffer
call WaitForAssert( { ->
\ assert_equal( ' [X] Search for symbol: notarealthing ',
\ popup_getoptions( id ).title ) },
\ 10000 )
call assert_equal( 'No results', getbufline( winbufnr( id ), '$' )[ 0 ] )
call assert_equal( -1, youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected )
call FeedAndCheckAgain( "\<C-u>tiat", funcref( 'TestUpDownSelect' ) )
let popup_id = -1
function TestUpDownSelect( ... ) closure
let popup_id = youcompleteme#finder#GetState().id
call WaitForAssert( { ->
\ assert_equal( ' [X] Search for symbol: tiat ',
\ popup_getoptions( popup_id ).title ) },
\ 10000 )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 2, line( '$', popup_id ) ) } )
" FIXME: Doing all these tests with only 2 entries means that it's not
" really checking the behaviour completely accurately, we should at least
" use 3, but that would require crafting a new test file, which is nonzero
" effort. Well, it's probably as much effort as writing this comment...
" Check down movement
call assert_equal( 0, youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected )
call assert_equal( 'this_is_a_thing',
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().results[
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected ] )
call feedkeys( "\<C-j>", 'xt' )
call assert_equal( 1, youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected )
call assert_equal( 'that_is_a_thing',
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().results[
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected ] )
call feedkeys( "\<Down>", 'xt' )
call assert_equal( 0, youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected )
call assert_equal( 'this_is_a_thing',
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().results[
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected ] )
call feedkeys( "\<Tab>", 'xt' )
call assert_equal( 1, youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected )
call assert_equal( 'that_is_a_thing',
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().results[
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected ] )
call feedkeys( "\<C-n>", 'xt' )
call assert_equal( 0, youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected )
call assert_equal( 'this_is_a_thing',
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().results[
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected ] )
" Check up movement and wrapping
call feedkeys( "\<C-k>", 'xt' )
call assert_equal( 1, youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected )
call assert_equal( 'that_is_a_thing',
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().results[
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected ] )
call feedkeys( "\<Up>", 'xt' )
call assert_equal( 0, youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected )
call assert_equal( 'this_is_a_thing',
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().results[
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected ] )
call feedkeys( "\<S-Tab>", 'xt' )
call assert_equal( 1, youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected )
call assert_equal( 'that_is_a_thing',
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().results[
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected ] )
call feedkeys( "\<C-p>", 'xt' )
call assert_equal( 0, youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected )
call assert_equal( 'this_is_a_thing',
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().results[
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected ] )
call feedkeys( "\<Tab>", 'xt' )
call assert_equal( 1, youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected )
call assert_equal( 'that_is_a_thing',
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().results[
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected ] )
call feedkeys( "\<Home>", 'xt' )
call assert_equal( 0, youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected )
call assert_equal( 'this_is_a_thing',
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().results[
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected ] )
call feedkeys( "\<End>", 'xt' )
call assert_equal( 1, youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected )
call assert_equal( 'that_is_a_thing',
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().results[
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected ] )
call feedkeys( "\<End>", 'xt' )
call assert_equal( 1, youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected )
call assert_equal( 'that_is_a_thing',
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().results[
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected ] )
call feedkeys( "\<PageUp>", 'xt' )
call assert_equal( 0, youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected )
call assert_equal( 'this_is_a_thing',
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().results[
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected ] )
call feedkeys( "\<PageDown>", 'xt' )
call assert_equal( 1, youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected )
call assert_equal( 'that_is_a_thing',
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().results[
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected ] )
call feedkeys( "\<CR>" )
" <Leader> is \ - this calls <Plug>(YCMFindSymbolInWorkspace)
call FeedAndCheckMain( '\\w', funcref( 'PutQuery' ) )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( {}, popup_getpos( popup_id ) ) } )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( l, winlayout() ) } )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( original_win, winnr() ) } )
call assert_equal( b, bufnr() )
call assert_equal( [ 0, 5, 28, 0 ], getpos( '.' ) )
" We pop up a notification with some text in it
if exists( '*popup_list' )
call assert_equal( 1, len( popup_list() ) )
" Old vim doesn't have popup_list, so hit-test the top-right corner which is
" where we pup the popu
let notification_id = popup_locate( 1, &columns - 1 )
call assert_equal( [ 'Added 2 entries to quickfix list.' ],
\ getbufline( winbufnr( notification_id ), 1, '$' ) )
" Wait for the notification to clear
call WaitForAssert(
\ { -> assert_equal( {}, popup_getpos( notification_id ) ) },
\ 10000 )
delfunct PutQuery
delfunct SelectNothing
delfunct ChangeSearch
delfunct TestUpDownSelect
silent %bwipe!
function! Test_LeaveWindow_CancelSearch()
call youcompleteme#test#setup#OpenFile(
\ '/test/testdata/cpp/', {} )
let original_win = winnr()
let b = bufnr()
let l = winlayout()
" Jump to a different position so that we can ensure we return to the same
" place
normal! G
let p = getpos( '.' )
let popup_id = -1
function! PutQuery( ... )
" Wait for the current buffer to be a prompt buffer
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 'prompt', &buftype ) } )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 'i', mode() ) } )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_true(
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().id != -1 ) } )
call feedkeys( "\<C-w>w" )
" <Leader> is \ - this calls <Plug>(YCMFindSymbolInWorkspace)
call FeedAndCheckMain( '\\w', funcref( 'PutQuery' ) )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( l, winlayout() ) } )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( original_win, winnr() ) } )
call assert_equal( b, bufnr() )
" Retuned to just where we started
call assert_equal( p, getpos( '.' ) )
" No notifiaction
if exists( '*popup_list' )
call assert_equal( 0, len( popup_list() ) )
delfunct PutQuery
silent %bwipe!
function! SetUp_Test_NoFileType_NoCompletionIn_PromptBuffer()
call youcompleteme#test#setup#PushGlobal( 'ycm_filetype_whitelist', {
\ '*': 1,
\ 'ycm_nofiletype': 1
\ } )
function! TearDown_Test_NoFileType_NoCompletionIn_PromptBuffer()
call youcompleteme#test#setup#PopGlobal( 'ycm_filetype_whitelist' )
function! Test_NoFileType_NoCompletionIn_PromptBuffer()
call youcompleteme#test#setup#OpenFile(
\ '/test/testdata/cpp/', {} )
call test_override( 'char_avail', 1 )
call feedkeys(
\ 'iThis is some text and so is thisisathing this_is_a_thing',
\ 'xt' )
wincmd w
let original_win = winnr()
let b = bufnr()
let l = winlayout()
let popup_id = -1
function! PutQuery( ... )
" Wait for the current buffer to be a prompt buffer
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 'prompt', &buftype ) } )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 'i', mode() ) } )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_true(
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().id != -1 ) } )
" TODO: Wait for the popup to be displayed, and check the contents
call FeedAndCheckAgain( 'thisisathing', funcref( 'CheckNoPopup' ) )
function! CheckNoPopup( ... )
let id = youcompleteme#finder#GetState().id
call WaitForAssert( { ->
\ assert_equal( ' [X] Search for symbol: thisisathing ',
\ popup_getoptions( id ).title ) },
\ 10000 )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 1, line( '$', id ) ) } )
call assert_equal( 'this_is_a_thing',
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().results[
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected ] )
" Check there is no PUM - we disable completion in the prompt buffer
call assert_false( pumvisible() )
call feedkeys( "\<CR>" )
" <Leader> is \ - this calls <Plug>(YCMFindSymbolInWorkspace)
call FeedAndCheckMain( '\\w', funcref( 'PutQuery' ) )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( l, winlayout() ) } )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( original_win, winnr() ) } )
call assert_equal( b, bufnr() )
call assert_equal( [ 0, 5, 7, 0 ], getpos( '.' ) )
call test_override( 'ALL', 0 )
silent %bwipe!
delfunct! PutQuery
delfunct! CheckNoPopup
function! Test_MultipleFileTypes()
call youcompleteme#test#setup#OpenFile(
\ '/test/testdata/cpp/', {} )
call youcompleteme#test#setup#OpenFile( '/test/testdata/python/', {} )
wincmd w
let original_win = winnr()
let b = bufnr()
let l = winlayout()
function! PutQuery( ... )
" Wait for the current buffer to be a prompt buffer
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 'prompt', &buftype ) } )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 'i', mode() ) } )
let popup_id = youcompleteme#finder#GetState().id
call WaitForAssert( { ->
\ assert_equal( ' [X] Search for symbol: thiswillnotmatchanything ',
\ popup_getoptions( popup_id ).title ) },
\ 10000 )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_true(
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().id != -1 ) } )
let id = youcompleteme#finder#GetState().id
call assert_equal( 'No results', getbufline( winbufnr( id ), '$' )[ 0 ] )
call FeedAndCheckAgain( "\<C-u>thisisathing", funcref( 'CheckCpp' ) )
function! CheckCpp( ... )
let popup_id = youcompleteme#finder#GetState().id
" Python can be _really_ slow
call WaitForAssert( { ->
\ assert_equal( ' [X] Search for symbol: thisisathing ',
\ popup_getoptions( popup_id ).title ) },
\ 10000 )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 1, line( '$', popup_id ) ) } )
call assert_equal( 0, youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected )
call assert_equal( 'this_is_a_thing',
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().results[
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected ] )
" Wait for the current buffer to be a prompt buffer
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 'prompt', &buftype ) } )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 'i', mode() ) } )
call FeedAndCheckAgain(
\ "\<C-u>Really_Long_Method",
\ funcref( 'CheckPython' ) )
function! CheckPython( ... )
let popup_id = youcompleteme#finder#GetState().id
" Python can be _really_ slow
call WaitForAssert( { ->
\ assert_equal( ' [X] Search for symbol: Really_Long_Method ',
\ popup_getoptions( popup_id ).title ) },
\ 10000 )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 2, line( '$', popup_id ) ) },
\ 10000 )
call assert_equal( 0, youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected )
call assert_equal( 'def Really_Long_Method',
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().results[
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected ].description )
" Toggle single-filetype mode
call FeedAndCheckAgain( "\<C-f>", funcref( 'CheckCppAgain' ) )
function! CheckCppAgain( ... )
let popup_id = youcompleteme#finder#GetState().id
" Python can be _really_ slow
call WaitForAssert( { ->
\ assert_equal( ' [X] Search for symbol: Really_Long_Method ',
\ popup_getoptions( popup_id ).title ) },
\ 10000 )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_true(
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().id != -1 ) } )
let id = youcompleteme#finder#GetState().id
call assert_equal( 'No results', getbufline( winbufnr( id ), '$' )[ 0 ] )
" And back to multiple filetypes
call FeedAndCheckAgain( "\<C-f>", funcref( 'CheckPythonAgain' ) )
function! CheckPythonAgain( ... )
let popup_id = youcompleteme#finder#GetState().id
" Python can be _really_ slow
call WaitForAssert( { ->
\ assert_equal( ' [X] Search for symbol: Really_Long_Method ',
\ popup_getoptions( popup_id ).title ) },
\ 10000 )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 2, line( '$', popup_id ) ) },
\ 10000 )
call assert_equal( 0, youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected )
call assert_equal( 'def Really_Long_Method',
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().results[
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected ].description )
call feedkeys( "\<C-c>" )
" <Leader> is \ - this calls <Plug>(YCMFindSymbolInWorkspace)
call FeedAndCheckMain( '\\wthiswillnotmatchanything', funcref( 'PutQuery' ) )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( l, winlayout() ) } )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( original_win, winnr() ) } )
call assert_equal( b, bufnr() )
function! Test_MultipleFileTypes_CurrentNotSemantic()
call youcompleteme#test#setup#OpenFile(
\ '/test/testdata/cpp/', {} )
call youcompleteme#test#setup#OpenFile( '/test/testdata/python/', {} )
" Current buffer is a ycm_nofiletype, which ycm is blacklisted in
" but otherwise we behave the same as before with the exception that we open
" the python file in the current window
let original_win = winnr()
let b = bufnr()
let l = winlayout()
function! PutQuery( ... )
" Wait for the current buffer to be a prompt buffer
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 'prompt', &buftype ) } )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 'i', mode() ) } )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_true(
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().id != -1 ) } )
let popup_id = youcompleteme#finder#GetState().id
call WaitForAssert( { ->
\ assert_equal( ' [X] Search for symbol: thiswillnotmatchanything ',
\ popup_getoptions( popup_id ).title ) },
\ 10000 )
let id = youcompleteme#finder#GetState().id
call assert_equal( 'No results', getbufline( winbufnr( id ), '$' )[ 0 ] )
call FeedAndCheckAgain( "\<C-u>thisisathing", funcref( 'CheckCpp' ) )
function! CheckCpp( ... )
let popup_id = youcompleteme#finder#GetState().id
" Python can be _really_ slow
call WaitForAssert( { ->
\ assert_equal( ' [X] Search for symbol: thisisathing ',
\ popup_getoptions( popup_id ).title ) },
\ 10000 )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 1, line( '$', popup_id ) ) } )
call assert_equal( 0, youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected )
call assert_equal( 'this_is_a_thing',
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().results[
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected ] )
" Wait for the current buffer to be a prompt buffer
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 'prompt', &buftype ) } )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 'i', mode() ) } )
call FeedAndCheckAgain(
\ "\<C-u>Really_Long_Method",
\ funcref( 'CheckPython' ) )
function! CheckPython( ... )
let popup_id = youcompleteme#finder#GetState().id
" Python can be _really_ slow
call WaitForAssert( { ->
\ assert_equal( ' [X] Search for symbol: Really_Long_Method ',
\ popup_getoptions( popup_id ).title ) },
\ 10000 )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 2, line( '$', popup_id ) ) },
\ 10000 )
call assert_equal( 0, youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected )
call assert_equal( 'def Really_Long_Method',
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().results[
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected ].description )
call feedkeys( "\<CR>")
" <Leader> is \ - this calls <Plug>(YCMFindSymbolInWorkspace)
call FeedAndCheckMain( '\\wthiswillnotmatchanything', funcref( 'PutQuery' ) )
" We pop up a notification with some text in it
if exists( '*popup_list' )
call assert_equal( 1, len( popup_list() ) )
" Old vim doesn't have popup_list, so hit-test the top-right corner which is
" where we pup the popu
let notification_id = popup_locate( 1, &columns - 1 )
call assert_equal( [ 'Added 2 entries to quickfix list.' ],
\ getbufline( winbufnr( notification_id ), 1, '$' ) )
" Wait for the notification to clear
call WaitForAssert(
\ { -> assert_equal( {}, popup_getpos( notification_id ) ) },
\ 10000 )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( l, winlayout() ) } )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( original_win, winnr() ) } )
call assert_equal( bufnr( '' ), bufnr() )
call assert_equal( [ 0, 16, 5, 0 ], getpos( '.' ) )
function! Test_WorkspaceSymbol_NormalModeChange()
call youcompleteme#test#setup#OpenFile(
\ '/test/testdata/cpp/', {} )
let original_win = winnr()
let b = bufnr()
let l = winlayout()
let popup_id = -1
function! PutQuery( ... )
" Wait for the current buffer to be a prompt buffer
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 'prompt', &buftype ) } )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 'i', mode() ) } )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_true(
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().id != -1 ) } )
let popup_id = youcompleteme#finder#GetState().id
call WaitForAssert( { ->
\ assert_equal( ' [X] Search for symbol: thiswillnotmatchanything ',
\ popup_getoptions( popup_id ).title ) },
\ 10000 )
let id = youcompleteme#finder#GetState().id
call assert_equal( 'No results', getbufline( winbufnr( id ), '$' )[ 0 ] )
call FeedAndCheckAgain( "\<C-u>thisisathing", funcref( 'ChangeQuery' ) )
function ChangeQuery( ... )
let id = youcompleteme#finder#GetState().id
call WaitForAssert( { ->
\ assert_equal( ' [X] Search for symbol: thisisathing ',
\ popup_getoptions( id ).title ) },
\ 10000 )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 1, line( '$', id ) ) } )
call assert_equal( 0, youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected )
call assert_equal( 'this_is_a_thing',
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().results[
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected ] )
" Wait for the current buffer to be a prompt buffer
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 'prompt', &buftype ) } )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 'i', mode() ) } )
call FeedAndCheckAgain( "\<Esc>bcwthatisathing",
\ funcref( 'SelectNewItem' ) )
function SelectNewItem( ... )
let id = youcompleteme#finder#GetState().id
call WaitForAssert( { ->
\ assert_equal( ' [X] Search for symbol: thatisathing ',
\ popup_getoptions( id ).title ) },
\ 10000 )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( 1, line( '$', id ) ) } )
call assert_equal( 0, youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected )
call assert_equal( 'that_is_a_thing',
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().results[
\ youcompleteme#finder#GetState().selected ] )
call feedkeys( "\<CR>" )
" <Leader> is \ - this calls <Plug>(YCMFindSymbolInWorkspace)
call FeedAndCheckMain( '\\wthiswillnotmatchanything', funcref( 'PutQuery' ) )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( l, winlayout() ) } )
call WaitForAssert( { -> assert_equal( original_win, winnr() ) } )
call assert_equal( b, bufnr() )
call assert_equal( [ 0, 5, 28, 0 ], getpos( '.' ) )
delfunct PutQuery
delfunct SelectNewItem
delfunct ChangeQuery
silent %bwipe!