61 lines
1.8 KiB
61 lines
1.8 KiB
*vim-carbon-now-sh.txt* Open selected text in https://carbon.now.sh
Open selected text in https://carbon.now.sh
Author: Kristijan <husakkristijan at gmail.com>
License: MIT
vim-carbon-now-sh *vim-carbon-now-sh*
1. Introduction |vim-carbon-now-sh-introduction|
2. Install |vim-carbon-now-sh-install|
3. Commands |vim-carbon-now-sh-commands|
4. Settings |vim-carbon-now-sh-settings|
1. Introduction *vim-carbon-now-sh-introduction*
(n)vim implementation plugin for opening selected content in https://carbon.now.sh
2. Install *vim-carbon-now-sh-install*
Install with `Plug`
`Plug 'kristijanhusak/vim-carbon-now-sh'`
Add mapping:
`vnoremap <F5> :CarbonNowSh`
3. Commands *vim-carbon-now-sh-commands*
CarbonNowSh *:CarbonNowSh*
Used for sending seleted text to https://carbon.now.sh
4. Settings *vim-carbon-now-sh-settings*
Options passed as query string when opening
https://carbon.now.sh. Must not contain `?`.
Default value: `{}`
Protocol, host name, and port for the carbon.now.sh
instance to send code snippets to. Note: no trailing slash.
Default value: 'https://carbon.now.sh'
Browser used to open url. If nothing is set, it tries to
detect default browser by operating system.
Default value: ''