# @brief Installs CloudFlare WARP, ensures proper security certificates are in place, and connects the device to CloudFlare WARP.
# @description
# This script is intended to connect the device to CloudFlare's Zero Trust network with nearly all of its features unlocked.
# Homebrew is used to install the `warp-cli` on macOS. On Linux, it can install `warp-cli` on most Debian systems and some RedHat
# systems. CloudFlare WARP's [download page](https://pkg.cloudflareclient.com/packages/cloudflare-warp) is somewhat barren.
# ## MDM Configuration
# If CloudFlare WARP successfully installs, it first applies MDM configurations (managed configurations). If you would like CloudFlare
# WARP to connect completely headlessly (while losing some "user-posture" settings), then you can populate the following three secrets:
# 1. `CLOUDFLARE_TEAMS_CLIENT_ID` - The ID from a CloudFlare Teams service token. See [this article](https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/identity/service-tokens/).
# 2. `CLOUDFLARE_TEAMS_CLIENT_SECRET` - The secret from a CloudFlare Teams service token.
# 3. `CLOUDFLARE_TEAMS_ORG` - The ID of your Zero Trust organization. This variable must be passed in as an environment variable and is housed in the `home/.chezmoi.yaml.tmpl` file. If you do not want to pass an environment variable, you can change the default value in `home/.chezmoi.yaml.tmpl` on your own fork.
# The two variables above can be passed in using either of the methods described in the [Secrets documentation](https://install.doctor/docs/customization/secrets).
# ## Headless CloudFlare WARP Connection
# Even if you do not provide the two variables mentioned above, the script will still headlessly connect your device to the public CloudFlare WARP
# network, where you will get some of the benefits of a VPN for free. Otherwise, if they were passed in, then the script
# finishes by connecting to CloudFlare Teams.
# ## Application Certificates
# This script applies the techniques described on the [CloudFlare Zero Trust Install certificate manually page](https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/connections/connect-devices/warp/user-side-certificates/install-cloudflare-cert/)
# to configure the following utilities that leverage seperate certificate authorities:
# * Python
# * NPM
# * Git
# * Google Cloud SDK
# * Google Drive for desktop
# Settings used to configure Firefox are housed inside of the Firefox configuration files stored as seperate configuration files
# outside of this script. **Note: The scripts that enable CloudFlare certificates for all these programs are currently commented out
# in this script.**
# ## Notes
# According to CloudFlare Teams [documentation on MDM deployment](https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/connections/connect-devices/warp/deployment/mdm-deployment/),
# on macOS the `com.cloudflare.warp.plist` file gets erased on reboot. Also, according to the documentation, the only way around this is to leverage
logg info 'Updating the OpenSSL CA Store to include the Cloudflare certificate'
echo| sudo tee -a "$SSL_CERT_PATH" < "$HOME/.local/etc/ssl/cloudflare/Cloudflare_CA.pem" > /dev/null
echo""| sudo tee -a "$SSL_CERT_PATH"
logg warn 'Session is SSH so adding Cloudflare encryption key to trusted certificates via the security program is being bypassed since it requires Touch ID / Password verification.'
logg info 'dpkg-reconfigure executable detected so using Debian/Ubuntu method of updating system trusted certificates to include CloudFlare Teams certificate'
logg info 'update-ca-trust executable detected so using CentOS/Fedora method of updating system trusted certificates to include CloudFlare Teams certificate'
sudo update-ca-trust
logg warn '/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors does not exist so skipping the system certificate update process'
ifcommand -v warp-cli > /dev/null;then
### Application certificate configuration
# Application-specific certificate authority modification is currently commented out because
# it is merely for traffic inspection and `npm install` fails when configured to use the CloudFlare