
253 lines
9.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2023-07-17 13:40:40 -07:00
local present, presence = pcall(require, "presence")
if not present then
presence.setup {
auto_update = true,
neovim_image_text = "NvChad",
main_image = "file",
client_id = "793271441293967371",
log_level = nil,
debounce_timeout = 10,
enable_line_number = false,
blacklist = {},
buttons = true,
show_time = true,
editing_text = "Editing %s",
file_explorer_text = "Browsing %s",
git_commit_text = "Committing changes",
plugin_manager_text = "Managing plugins",
reading_text = "Reading %s",
line_number_text = "Line %s out of %s",
file_assets = {
c = { "C ", "" },
cpp = {
rust = {
html = {
css = {
scss = {
js = {
ts = {
jsx = {
tsx = {
npm = {
debugging = {
docker = {
cl = { "Common Lisp", "lisp" },
clj = {
cljs = { "ClojureScript", "clojurescript" },
ex = {
exs = {
go = {
lua = {
py = {
yaml = { "YAML", "" },
nix = {
norg = {
md = {
["zshrc"] = {
json = { "JSON", "" },
conf = {
"configuration file",
config = {
"Configuration file",
sql = {
shell = {
[".aliases"] = { ".aliases", "shell" },
[".appveyor.yml"] = { "AppVeyor config", "appveyor" },
[".babelrc"] = { "Babel config", "babel" },
[".babelrc.cjs"] = { "Babel config", "babel" },
[".babelrc.js"] = { "Babel config", "babel" },
[".babelrc.json"] = { "Babel config", "babel" },
[".babelrc.mjs"] = { "Babel config", "babel" },
[".bash_login"] = { ".bash_login", "shell" },
[".bash_logout"] = { ".bash_logout", "shell" },
[".bash_profile"] = { ".bash_profile", "shell" },
[".bash_prompt"] = { ".bash_prompt", "shell" },
[".bashrc"] = { ".bashrc", "shell" },
[".cshrc"] = { ".cshrc", "shell" },
[".dockercfg"] = { "Docker", "docker" },
[".dockerfile"] = { "Docker", "docker" },
[".dockerignore"] = { "Docker", "docker" },
[".editorconfig"] = { "EditorConfig", "editorconfig" },
[".eslintignore"] = { "ESLint", "eslint" },
[".eslintrc"] = { "ESLint", "eslint" },
[".eslintrc.cjs"] = { "ESLint", "eslint" },
[".eslintrc.js"] = { "ESLint", "eslint" },
[".eslintrc.json"] = { "ESLint", "eslint" },
[".eslintrc.yaml"] = { "ESLint", "eslint" },
[".eslintrc.yml"] = { "ESLint", "eslint" },
[".gitattributes"] = { "git", "git" },
[".gitconfig"] = { "git", "git" },
[".gitignore"] = { "git", "git" },
[".gitlab-ci.yaml"] = { "GitLab CI", "gitlab" },
[".gitlab-ci.yml"] = { "GitLab CI", "gitlab" },
[".gitmodules"] = { "git", "git" },
[".login"] = { ".login", "shell" },
[".logout"] = { ".login", "shell" },
[".luacheckrc"] = { ".luacheckrc", "lua" },
[".npmignore"] = { "npm config", "npm" },
[".npmrc"] = { "npm config", "npm" },
[".nvmrc"] = { ".nvmrc", "nodejs" },
[".prettierrc"] = { "Prettier", "prettier" },
[".prettierrc.cjs"] = { "Prettier", "prettier" },
[".prettierrc.js"] = { "Prettier", "prettier" },
[".prettierrc.json"] = { "Prettier", "prettier" },
[".prettierrc.json5"] = { "Prettier", "prettier" },
[".prettierrc.toml"] = { "Prettier", "prettier" },
[".prettierrc.yaml"] = { "Prettier", "prettier" },
[".prettierrc.yml"] = { "Prettier", "prettier" },
[".profile"] = { ".profile", "shell" },
[".tcshrc"] = { ".tcshrc", "shell" },
[".terraformrc"] = { "Terraform config", "terraform" },
[".tmux.conf"] = { "tmux", "tmux" },
[".travis.yml"] = { "Travis CI", "travis" },
[".vimrc"] = { ".vimrc", "vim" },
[".watchmanconfig"] = { "Watchman config", "watchman" },
[".yarnrc"] = { "Yarn config", "yarn" },
[".zlogin"] = { ".zlogin", "shell" },
[".zprofile"] = { ".zprofile", "shell" },
[".zshenv"] = { ".zshenv", "shell" },
[".zshrc"] = { ".zshrc", "shell" },
["Brewfile"] = { "Brewfile", "homebrew" },
["Brewfile.lock.json"] = { "Brewfile.lock.json", "homebrew" },
["CHANGELOG"] = { "CHANGELOG", "text" },
["CODE_OF_CONDUCT"] = { "Code of Conduct", "text" },
["COMMIT_EDITMSG"] = { "git", "git" },
["Cargo.lock"] = { "Cargo lockfile", "cargo" },
["Cargo.toml"] = { "Cargo.toml", "cargo" },
["Dockerfile"] = { "Docker", "docker" },
["Gemfile"] = { "Gemfile", "ruby" },
["Gemfile.lock"] = { "Gemfile lockfile", "ruby" },
["LICENSE"] = { "LICENSE", "text" },
["Makefile"] = { "Makefile", "code" },
["Rakefile"] = { "Rakefile", "ruby" },
["abookrc"] = { "abook", "abook" },
["alacritty.yaml"] = { "Alacritty config", "alacritty" },
["alacritty.yml"] = { "Alacritty config", "alacritty" },
["appveyor.yml"] = { "AppVeyor config", "appveyor" },
["babel.config.cjs"] = { "Babel config", "babel" },
["babel.config.js"] = { "Babel config", "babel" },
["babel.config.json"] = { "Babel config", "babel" },
["babel.config.mjs"] = { "Babel config", "babel" },
[""] = { "", "homebrew" },
["docker-compose.yaml"] = { "Docker", "docker" },
["docker-compose.yml"] = { "Docker", "docker" },
["gitconfig"] = { "git", "git" },
["gitlab.rb"] = { "GitLab config", "gitlab" },
["gitlab.yml"] = { "GitLab config", "gitlab" },
["go.mod"] = { "go.mod", "go" },
["go.sum"] = { "go.sum", "go" },
["jest.config.js"] = { "Jest config", "jest" },
["jest.setup.js"] = { "Jest config", "jest" },
["jest.setup.ts"] = { "Jest config", "jest" },
["kitty.conf"] = { "Kitty config", "kitty" },
["next-env.d.ts"] = { "Next.js config", "nextjs" },
["next.config.js"] = { "Next.js config", "nextjs" },
["nginx"] = { "NGINX", "nginx" },
["nginx.conf"] = { "NGINX", "nginx" },
["nuxt.config.js"] = { "Nuxt config", "nuxtjs" },
["prettier.config.cjs"] = { "Prettier", "prettier" },
["prettier.config.js"] = { "Prettier", "prettier" },
["profile"] = { "profile", "shell" },
["renovate.json"] = { "Renovate config", "renovate" },
["requirements.txt"] = { "requirements.txt", "python" },
["tailwind.config.js"] = { "Tailwind", "tailwind" },
["terraform.rc"] = { "Terraform config", "terraform" },
["v.mod"] = { "v.mod", "vlang" },
["watchman.json"] = { "Watchman config", "watchman" },
["webpack.config.js"] = { "Webpack", "webpack" },
["webpack.config.ts"] = { "Webpack", "webpack" },
["yarn.lock"] = { "Yarn lockfile", "yarn" },
["zlogin"] = { "zlogin", "shell" },
["zlogout"] = { "zlogout", "shell" },
["zprofile"] = { "zprofile", "shell" },
["zshenv"] = { "zshenv", "shell" },
["zshrc"] = { "zshrc", "shell" },
workspace_text = function()
return "afk lul"
-- main_image = "",
-- main_image = "",