# @brief Installs VMWare Workstation Pro on Linux devices, applies a "publicly-retrieved" license key (see disclaimer), and automatically accepts the terms and conditions
# @description
# This script ensures the user included `vmware` in their software installation list. It then checks for presence of the `vmware` utility. If it is not present, then the script:
# 1. Downloads the [VMWare Workstation Pro](https://www.vmware.com/content/vmware/vmware-published-sites/us/products/workstation-pro.html.html) Linux installer
# 2. Installs VMWare Workstation Pro
# 3. Passes options to the installation script that automatically apply a publicly retrived license key and accept the Terms & Conditions
# This script first checks if `vagrant`, `vmware`, and `vagrant-vmware-utility` are available in the `PATH`. If they are present, then the script
# configures the [`vagrant-vmware-utility`](https://developer.hashicorp.com/vagrant/docs/providers/vmware/vagrant-vmware-utility) by generating the required security certificates and enabling the service.
# This system package enables the capability of controlling both VMWare Workstation and VMWare Fusion with Vagrant.
# Since this script runs only when `vagrant`, `vmware`, and `vagrant-vmware-utility` are in the `PATH`, this means that it will run
# when you use an installation template that includes all three pieces of software in the software list defined in
# `home/.chezmoidata.yaml`.
# **DISCLAIMER:** If you plan on using VMWare Workstation for anything but evaluation purposes, then we highly suggest purchasing a copy
# of VMWare Workstation. The "publicly-retrived" license keys are scattered throughout GitHub and we are not exactly
# sure why they work. You can pass in your own key by utilizing the `VMWARE_WORKSTATION_LICENSE_KEY` environment variable. More details on
# using environment variables or repository-housed encrypted secrets can be found in our [Secrets documentation](https://install.doctor/docs/customization/secrets).
# ## VMWare on macOS
# This script only installs VMWare Workstation on Linux. The macOS-variant titled VMWare Fusion can be installed using a Homebrew
# cask so a "work-around" script does not have to be used.
# ## VMWare vs. Parallels vs. VirtualBox vs. KVM vs. Hyper-V
# There are a handful of VM virtualization providers you can choose from. VMWare is a nice compromise between OS compatibility and performance.
# Parallels, on the hand, might be better for macOS since it is designed specifically for macOS. Finally, VirtualBox is a truly free,
# open-source option that does not come with the same optimizations that VMWare and Parallels provide.
# Other virtualization options include KVM (Linux / macOS) and Hyper-V (Windows). These options are better used for headless
logg info 'The Vagrant VMWare Utility command vagrant-vmware-utility service install failed. If it was already set up, there should be a notice above.'