description: This script configures system-wide settings, sets up Firefox Profile Switcher, creates various profiles from different sources, and installs a configurable list of Firefox Add-Ons.
This script configures system-wide settings, sets up Firefox Profile Switcher, creates various profiles from different sources, and installs a configurable list of Firefox Add-Ons.
## Overview
The Firefox setup script performs a handful of tasks that automate the setup of Firefox as well as
useful utilities that will benefit Firefox power-users. The script also performs the same logic on
* Installs and sets up [Firefox Profile Switcher](
* Sets up system-wide enterprise settings (with configurations found in `~/.local/share/firefox`)
* Sets up a handful of default profiles to use with the Firefox Profile Switcher
* Automatically installs the plugins defined in the firefoxAddOns key of [`home/.chezmoidata.yaml`]( to the Standard and Private profiles
* Configures the default profile to clone its settings from the profile stored in firefoxPublicProfile of `home/.chezmoidata.yaml`
* Optionally, if the Chezmoi encryption key is present, then the default profile will be set to the contents of an encrypted `.tar.gz` that must be stored in the cloud somewhere (with the firefoxPrivateProfile key in `home/.chezmoidata.yaml` defining the URL of the encrypted `.tar.gz`)
## Profiles
The script sets up numerous profiles for user flexibility. They can be switched by using the Firefox Profile Switcher
that this script sets up. The map of the profiles is generated by using the template file stored in `~/.local/share/firefox/profiles.ini`.
The following details the features of each profile:
| default-release | Same as Factory (unmodified and generated by headlessly opening Firefox / LibreWolf) |
| Git (Public) | Pre-configured profile with address stored in `firefoxPublicProfile` |
| Standard | Cloned from the profile above with `firefoxAddOns` also installed |
| Miscellaneous | Cloned from the Factory profile (with the user.js found in `~/.config/firefox` applied) |
| Development | Same as Miscellaneous |
| Automation | Same as Miscellaneous |
| Private | Populated from an encrypted profile stored in the cloud (also installs `firefoxAddOns`) |
## Notes
* The Firefox Profile Switcher is only compatible with Firefox and not LibreWolf
* This script is only designed to properly provision profiles on a fresh installation (so it does not mess around with pre-existing / already configured profiles)
* Additional profiles for LibreWolf are not added because the Firefox Profile Switcher is not compatible with LibreWolf
## Links
* [System-wide configurations]( as well as the location of the `profile.ini` and some other configurations
* [User-specific configurations]( added to all profiles except Factory
## Source Code
{{- if ne "windows" -}}
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# @file Firefox Settings / Add-Ons / Profiles
# @brief This script configures system-wide settings, sets up Firefox Profile Switcher, creates various profiles from different sources, and installs a configurable list of Firefox Add-Ons.
# @description
# The Firefox setup script performs a handful of tasks that automate the setup of Firefox as well as
# useful utilities that will benefit Firefox power-users. The script also performs the same logic on
# * Installs and sets up [Firefox Profile Switcher](
# * Sets up system-wide enterprise settings (with configurations found in `~/.local/share/firefox`)
# * Sets up a handful of default profiles to use with the Firefox Profile Switcher
# * Automatically installs the plugins defined in the firefoxAddOns key of [`home/.chezmoidata.yaml`]( to the Standard and Private profiles
# * Configures the default profile to clone its settings from the profile stored in firefoxPublicProfile of `home/.chezmoidata.yaml`
# * Optionally, if the Chezmoi encryption key is present, then the default profile will be set to the contents of an encrypted `.tar.gz` that must be stored in the cloud somewhere (with the firefoxPrivateProfile key in `home/.chezmoidata.yaml` defining the URL of the encrypted `.tar.gz`)
# ## Profiles
# The script sets up numerous profiles for user flexibility. They can be switched by using the Firefox Profile Switcher
# that this script sets up. The map of the profiles is generated by using the template file stored in `~/.local/share/firefox/profiles.ini`.
# The following details the features of each profile:
# | default-release | Same as Factory (unmodified and generated by headlessly opening Firefox / LibreWolf) |
# | Git (Public) | Pre-configured profile with address stored in `firefoxPublicProfile` |
# | Standard | Cloned from the profile above with `firefoxAddOns` also installed |
# | Miscellaneous | Cloned from the Factory profile (with the user.js found in `~/.config/firefox` applied) |
# | Development | Same as Miscellaneous |
# | Automation | Same as Miscellaneous |
# | Private | Populated from an encrypted profile stored in the cloud (also installs `firefoxAddOns`) |
# ## Notes
# * The Firefox Profile Switcher is only compatible with Firefox and not LibreWolf
# * This script is only designed to properly provision profiles on a fresh installation (so it does not mess around with pre-existing / already configured profiles)
# * Additional profiles for LibreWolf are not added because the Firefox Profile Switcher is not compatible with LibreWolf
# ## Links
# * [System-wide configurations]( as well as the location of the `profile.ini` and some other configurations
# * [User-specific configurations]( added to all profiles except Factory
logg warn 'apt-get, dnf, and yay were all unavailable so the Firefox Profile Connector helper executable could not be installed'
### Add Firefox enterprise profile
# TODO - figure out how to do this for other installations like Flatpak and macOS and Librewolf
for FIREFOX_DIR in '/usr/lib/firefox' '/usr/lib/firefox-esr' '/etc/firefox' '/etc/firefox-esr' '/Applications/' '/Applications/'; do
if [ -d "$FIREFOX_DIR" ] && [ -d "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/firefox" ] && command -v rsync > /dev/null; then
### Loop through various Firefox profile locations
for SETTINGS_DIR in "$HOME/snap/firefox/common/.mozilla/firefox" "$HOME/.var/app/org.mozilla.firefox/.mozilla/firefox" "$HOME/.var/app/io.gitlab.librewolf-community/.librewolf" "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles" "$HOME/Library/Application Support/LibreWolf/Profiles" "$HOME/.mozilla/firefox"; do
### Determine executable to use
logg info "Processing Firefox profile location $SETTINGS_DIR"
if [ "$SETTINGS_DIR" == "$HOME/.var/app/org.mozilla.firefox" ]; then
if ! command -v org.mozilla.firefox > /dev/null; then