# @brief Stores secret environment variables into the System keyring
# @description
# This script imports secret environment variables into the System keyring if `envchain` is installed.
# Secrets stored in the folder 'home/.chezmoitemplates/secrets' following the Install Doctor method are
# imported into the System keyring by this script. There is only one namespace called `default` where the
# secrets are stored. Executing `envchain default env` displays all the environment variables and their values.
# ## Secrets
# For more information about storing secrets like SSH keys and API keys, refer to our [Secrets documentation](https://install.doctor/docs/customization/secrets).
# * Create seperate environments based on encrypted secret type (e.g. Allow `envchain cloudflare env` instead of `envchain default env` for everything)
gum log -sl warn 'Unable to import any variables into envchain because ~/.config/age/chezmoi.txt was not created by the secrets encryption process yet'