# Folder ghorg will clone all repos into. Cloning will result in: GHORG_ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_CLONE_TO/GHORG_OUTPUT_DIR/repo
# See https://github.com/gabrie30/ghorg#changing-clone-directoriesforexample
# default: org/user you are cloning, e.g. 'ghorg clone kubernetes' would create a kubernetes directory inside your ghorg directory
# flag (--output-dir) eg: --output-dir=testing
# Type of entity to clone (user or org)
# flag (--clone-type, -c) eg: --clone-type=user
# Change SCM api base url, this is for on self hosted scm instances only
# For http gitlab instances see GHORG_INSECURE_GITLAB_CLIENT
# default: github/gitlab/bitbucket public apis
# flag (--base-url) eg: --base-url=https://my.self.hosted.scm.instance.com
# Include submodules in all clone and pull operations.
# flag (--include-submodules)
# Allows you to pass arguments to git's filter flag e.g. git clone --filter=<args> this requires git version 2.19 or greater.
# Useful for filtering out binary objects from repos
# Few caveats, only works on inital clones, however if done on inital clone all subsequent clones will also honor the settings.
# More info at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49917616/what-is-the-git-clone-filter-options-syntax
# flag (--git-filter) eg: --git-filter=blob:none
# Deletes all files/directories found in your local clone directory that are not found on the remote (e.g., after remote deletion). With GHORG_SKIP_ARCHIVED set, archived repositories will also be pruned from your local clone.
# Will prompt before deleting any files unless used in combination with --prune-no-confirm
# flag (--prune)
# Skip interactive y/n prompt when pruning clones (can only be used in combination with --prune).
# A comma separated list of topics to filter by, currently github/gitlab/gitea only
# flag (--topics) eg: --topics=frontend
# If any topics exist here, ghorg will only clone repos that match at least one of these topics
# Only clone repos with matching prefix, can be a comma separated list
# flag (--match-prefix) eg: --match-prefix=backend
# Exclude cloning repos with matching prefix, can be a comma separated list
# flag (--exclude-match-prefix) eg: --exclude-match-prefix=backend
# Only clone repos that match name to regex provided
# flag (--match-regex) eg: --match-regex=^foo
# Exclude cloning repos that match name to regex provided
# flag (--exclude-match-regex) eg: --exclude-match-regex=^foo
# Only clones new repos and does not perform a git clean on existing repos. Useful if you don't want to lose changes made to repos in the org/user directory.