This commit is contained in:
Brian Zalewski 2023-07-19 05:00:10 +00:00
parent c6110fbfca
commit 2d7618ddcf
18 changed files with 17 additions and 740 deletions

View file

@ -119,6 +119,8 @@
{{- $sambaNetBiosName := (default $hostname (env "SAMBA_NETBIOS_NAME")) -}}
{{- $sambaWorkGroupName := (default "BETELGEUSE" (env "SAMBA_WORKGROUP")) -}}
{{- $wazuhManager := (default (print "wazuh." $domain) (env "WAZUH_MANAGER")) -}}
encryption: "age"
identity: "{{ .chezmoi.homeDir }}/.config/age/chezmoi.txt"
@ -173,6 +175,7 @@ data:
restricted: {{ $restricted }}
softwareGroup: "{{ $softwareGroup }}"
type: "{{ $chassisType }}"
wazuhManager: "{{ $wazuhManager }}"
work: {{ $work }}
{{- range $toolchain, $enabled := $toolchainsEnabled }}

View file

@ -312,15 +312,19 @@
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
{{- if and (not .host.headless) (ne .chezmoi.os "windows") }}
### Neovim
type = "git-repo"
url = ""
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
clone.args = ["--depth", "1"]
pull.args = ["--ff-only"]
type = "git-repo"
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "{{ $refreshPeriod }}"
clone.args = ["--depth", "1"]
pull.args = ["--ff-only"]
{{- end }}
{{- if and (eq .chezmoi.os "linux") (not .host.headless) }}
### Rofi

View file

@ -386,6 +386,7 @@ export WAKATIME_HOME="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/wakatime"
export WAKATIME_API_KEY="{{ if and (stat (joinPath .host.home ".config" "age" "chezmoi.txt")) (stat (joinPath .chezmoi.sourceDir ".chezmoitemplates" "secrets" "WAKATIME_API_KEY")) }}{{ includeTemplate "secrets/VAGRANT_CLOUD_TOKEN" | decrypt | trim }}{{ else }}{{ env "WAKATIME_API_KEY" }}{{ end }}"
### Wazuh
export WAZUH_MANAGER="{{ .host.wazuhManager }}"
if [ -d /Library/Ossec/bin ]; then
export PATH="$PATH:/Library/Ossec/bin"
elif [ -d /var/ossec/bin ]; then

View file

@ -155,20 +155,7 @@ fi
# fi
### VIM
export GVIMINIT='let $MYGVIMRC="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim/gvimrc" | source $MYGVIMRC'
export VIMINIT='let $MYVIMRC="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim/vimrc" | source $MYVIMRC'
### NVIM
set runtimepath^=~/.vim runtimepath+=~/.vim/after
let &packpath = &runtimepath
source ~/.vimrc
if command -v nvim > /dev/null && cat ~/.config/nvim/init.lua | grep 'set runtimepath^=~/.vim runtimepath+=~/.vim/after' > /dev/null; then
### Setup Neovim to work with Vim setup and plugins
echo -e "$VIM_NEOVIM_INTEGRATION\n$(cat ~/.config/nvim/init.lua)" > ~/.config/nvim/init.lua || echo ''
if -d ~/.var/app/io.neovim.nvim/config/nvim; then
echo -e "$VIM_NEOVIM_INTEGRATION\n$(cat ~/.var/app/io.neovim.nvim/config/nvim/init.lua)" > ~/.var/app/io.neovim.nvim/config/nvim/init.lua || echo ''
export GVIMINIT='source $MYGVIMRC'
export MYGVIMRC="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/vim/gvimrc"
export VIMINIT='source $MYVIMRC'
export MYVIMRC="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/vim/vimrc"

View file

@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
---Make changes to default lua table of nvchad
local M = {}
-- Path to overriding theme and highlights files
local highlights = require "custom.configs.highlights"
M.ui = {
theme = "sweetpastel",
transparency = true,
statusline = {
theme = "minimal", -- default/vscode/vscode_colored/minimal
separator_style = "round", -- default/round/block/arrow
overriden_modules = nil,
-- lazyload it when there are 1+ buffers
tabufline = {
show_numbers = false,
enabled = true,
lazyload = true,
overriden_modules = nil,
cmp = {
icons = true,
lspkind_text = true,
style = "default", -- default/flat_light/flat_dark/atom/atom_colored
border_color = "default", -- only applicable for "default" style, use color names from base30 variables
selected_item_bg = "colored", -- colored / simple
hl_override = highlights.override,
hl_add = highlights.add,
telescope = {
style = "bordered",
}, -- borderless / bordered
nvdash = {
load_on_startup = true,
header = {
lsp = {
-- show function signatures i.e args as you type
signature = {
disabled = false,
silent = true, -- silences 'no signature help available' message from appearing
M.plugins = "custom.plugins"
M.mappings = require "custom.mappings"
M.settings = "custom.extras"
return M

View file

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-- This file contains changable values for custom functions
local M = {}
M.settings = {
cc_size = "80", -- Color column neither pass list or string
so_size = 10, -- Scrolloff amount
blacklist = {
}, -- Where to disable scrolloff and colorcolumn
discord_rpc = 2, -- Value on how many nvim processes load presence.lua (1 - neovide, 2 - neovim)
return M

View file

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
panel = {
enabled = true,
auto_refresh = false,
keymap = {
jump_prev = "[[",
jump_next = "]]",
accept = "<CR>",
refresh = "gr",
open = "<M-CR>"
layout = {
position = "bottom", -- | top | left | right
ratio = 0.4
suggestion = {
enabled = true,
auto_trigger = true,
debounce = 75,
keymap = {
accept = "<M-l>",
accept_word = false,
accept_line = false,
next = "<M-]>",
prev = "<M-[>",
dismiss = "<C-]>",
filetypes = {
yaml = false,
markdown = false,
help = false,
gitcommit = false,
gitrebase = false,
hgcommit = false,
svn = false,
cvs = false,
["."] = false,
copilot_node_command = 'node', -- Node.js version must be > 16.x
server_opts_overrides = {},

View file

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-- To find any highlight groups: "<cmd> Telescope highlights"
-- Each highlight group can take a table with variables fg, bg, bold, italic, etc
-- base30 variable names can also be used as colors
local M = {}
---@type Base46HLGroupsList
M.override = {
Visual = {
bg = "one_bg",
Comment = {
italic = true,
NvDashAscii = {
bg = "none",
fg = "blue",
NvDashButtons = {
fg = "grey_fg",
bg = "none",
ColorColumn = {
bg = "NONE",
NvimTreeRootFolder = {
fg = "darker_black",
bg = "darker_black",
TBTabTitle = {
bg = "darker_black",
return M

View file

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
local on_attach = require("plugins.configs.lspconfig").on_attach
local capabilities = require("plugins.configs.lspconfig").capabilities
local lspconfig = require "lspconfig"
local servers = { "html", "cssls", "tsserver", "astro", "tailwindcss" }
for _, lsp in ipairs(servers) do
lspconfig[lsp].setup {
on_attach = on_attach,
capabilities = capabilities,

View file

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
local null_ls = require "null-ls"
local format = null_ls.builtins.formatting
local lint = null_ls.builtins.diagnostics
local sources = {
-- webdev stuff
format.deno_fmt, -- choosed deno for ts/js files cuz its very fast!
format.prettier.with { filetypes = { "html", "markdown", "css", "astro" } }, -- so prettier works only on these filetypes
-- Lua
null_ls.setup {
debug = true,
sources = sources,

View file

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
local M = {}
M.treesitter = {
ensure_installed = {
M.mason = {
ensure_installed = {
-- lua stuff
-- web dev stuff
-- git support in nvimtree
M.nvimtree = {
filters = {
dotfiles = true,
custom = { "node_modules" },
git = {
enable = true,
renderer = {
highlight_git = true,
icons = {
show = {
git = true,
M.cmp = {
sources = {
name = "nvim_lsp",
priority = 10,
keyword_length = 6,
group_index = 1,
max_item_count = 15,
return M

View file

@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
local present, presence = pcall(require, "presence")
if not present then
presence.setup {
auto_update = true,
neovim_image_text = "NvChad",
main_image = "file",
client_id = "793271441293967371",
log_level = nil,
debounce_timeout = 10,
enable_line_number = false,
blacklist = {},
buttons = true,
show_time = true,
editing_text = "Editing %s",
file_explorer_text = "Browsing %s",
git_commit_text = "Committing changes",
plugin_manager_text = "Managing plugins",
reading_text = "Reading %s",
line_number_text = "Line %s out of %s",
file_assets = {
c = { "C ", "" },
cpp = {
rust = {
html = {
css = {
scss = {
js = {
ts = {
jsx = {
tsx = {
npm = {
debugging = {
docker = {
cl = { "Common Lisp", "lisp" },
clj = {
cljs = { "ClojureScript", "clojurescript" },
ex = {
exs = {
go = {
lua = {
py = {
yaml = { "YAML", "" },
nix = {
norg = {
md = {
["zshrc"] = {
json = { "JSON", "" },
conf = {
"configuration file",
config = {
"Configuration file",
sql = {
shell = {
[".aliases"] = { ".aliases", "shell" },
[".appveyor.yml"] = { "AppVeyor config", "appveyor" },
[".babelrc"] = { "Babel config", "babel" },
[".babelrc.cjs"] = { "Babel config", "babel" },
[".babelrc.js"] = { "Babel config", "babel" },
[".babelrc.json"] = { "Babel config", "babel" },
[".babelrc.mjs"] = { "Babel config", "babel" },
[".bash_login"] = { ".bash_login", "shell" },
[".bash_logout"] = { ".bash_logout", "shell" },
[".bash_profile"] = { ".bash_profile", "shell" },
[".bash_prompt"] = { ".bash_prompt", "shell" },
[".bashrc"] = { ".bashrc", "shell" },
[".cshrc"] = { ".cshrc", "shell" },
[".dockercfg"] = { "Docker", "docker" },
[".dockerfile"] = { "Docker", "docker" },
[".dockerignore"] = { "Docker", "docker" },
[".editorconfig"] = { "EditorConfig", "editorconfig" },
[".eslintignore"] = { "ESLint", "eslint" },
[".eslintrc"] = { "ESLint", "eslint" },
[".eslintrc.cjs"] = { "ESLint", "eslint" },
[".eslintrc.js"] = { "ESLint", "eslint" },
[".eslintrc.json"] = { "ESLint", "eslint" },
[".eslintrc.yaml"] = { "ESLint", "eslint" },
[".eslintrc.yml"] = { "ESLint", "eslint" },
[".gitattributes"] = { "git", "git" },
[".gitconfig"] = { "git", "git" },
[".gitignore"] = { "git", "git" },
[".gitlab-ci.yaml"] = { "GitLab CI", "gitlab" },
[".gitlab-ci.yml"] = { "GitLab CI", "gitlab" },
[".gitmodules"] = { "git", "git" },
[".login"] = { ".login", "shell" },
[".logout"] = { ".login", "shell" },
[".luacheckrc"] = { ".luacheckrc", "lua" },
[".npmignore"] = { "npm config", "npm" },
[".npmrc"] = { "npm config", "npm" },
[".nvmrc"] = { ".nvmrc", "nodejs" },
[".prettierrc"] = { "Prettier", "prettier" },
[".prettierrc.cjs"] = { "Prettier", "prettier" },
[".prettierrc.js"] = { "Prettier", "prettier" },
[".prettierrc.json"] = { "Prettier", "prettier" },
[".prettierrc.json5"] = { "Prettier", "prettier" },
[".prettierrc.toml"] = { "Prettier", "prettier" },
[".prettierrc.yaml"] = { "Prettier", "prettier" },
[".prettierrc.yml"] = { "Prettier", "prettier" },
[".profile"] = { ".profile", "shell" },
[".tcshrc"] = { ".tcshrc", "shell" },
[".terraformrc"] = { "Terraform config", "terraform" },
[".tmux.conf"] = { "tmux", "tmux" },
[".travis.yml"] = { "Travis CI", "travis" },
[".vimrc"] = { ".vimrc", "vim" },
[".watchmanconfig"] = { "Watchman config", "watchman" },
[".yarnrc"] = { "Yarn config", "yarn" },
[".zlogin"] = { ".zlogin", "shell" },
[".zprofile"] = { ".zprofile", "shell" },
[".zshenv"] = { ".zshenv", "shell" },
[".zshrc"] = { ".zshrc", "shell" },
["Brewfile"] = { "Brewfile", "homebrew" },
["Brewfile.lock.json"] = { "Brewfile.lock.json", "homebrew" },
["CHANGELOG"] = { "CHANGELOG", "text" },
["CODE_OF_CONDUCT"] = { "Code of Conduct", "text" },
["COMMIT_EDITMSG"] = { "git", "git" },
["Cargo.lock"] = { "Cargo lockfile", "cargo" },
["Cargo.toml"] = { "Cargo.toml", "cargo" },
["Dockerfile"] = { "Docker", "docker" },
["Gemfile"] = { "Gemfile", "ruby" },
["Gemfile.lock"] = { "Gemfile lockfile", "ruby" },
["LICENSE"] = { "LICENSE", "text" },
["Makefile"] = { "Makefile", "code" },
["Rakefile"] = { "Rakefile", "ruby" },
["abookrc"] = { "abook", "abook" },
["alacritty.yaml"] = { "Alacritty config", "alacritty" },
["alacritty.yml"] = { "Alacritty config", "alacritty" },
["appveyor.yml"] = { "AppVeyor config", "appveyor" },
["babel.config.cjs"] = { "Babel config", "babel" },
["babel.config.js"] = { "Babel config", "babel" },
["babel.config.json"] = { "Babel config", "babel" },
["babel.config.mjs"] = { "Babel config", "babel" },
[""] = { "", "homebrew" },
["docker-compose.yaml"] = { "Docker", "docker" },
["docker-compose.yml"] = { "Docker", "docker" },
["gitconfig"] = { "git", "git" },
["gitlab.rb"] = { "GitLab config", "gitlab" },
["gitlab.yml"] = { "GitLab config", "gitlab" },
["go.mod"] = { "go.mod", "go" },
["go.sum"] = { "go.sum", "go" },
["jest.config.js"] = { "Jest config", "jest" },
["jest.setup.js"] = { "Jest config", "jest" },
["jest.setup.ts"] = { "Jest config", "jest" },
["kitty.conf"] = { "Kitty config", "kitty" },
["next-env.d.ts"] = { "Next.js config", "nextjs" },
["next.config.js"] = { "Next.js config", "nextjs" },
["nginx"] = { "NGINX", "nginx" },
["nginx.conf"] = { "NGINX", "nginx" },
["nuxt.config.js"] = { "Nuxt config", "nuxtjs" },
["prettier.config.cjs"] = { "Prettier", "prettier" },
["prettier.config.js"] = { "Prettier", "prettier" },
["profile"] = { "profile", "shell" },
["renovate.json"] = { "Renovate config", "renovate" },
["requirements.txt"] = { "requirements.txt", "python" },
["tailwind.config.js"] = { "Tailwind", "tailwind" },
["terraform.rc"] = { "Terraform config", "terraform" },
["v.mod"] = { "v.mod", "vlang" },
["watchman.json"] = { "Watchman config", "watchman" },
["webpack.config.js"] = { "Webpack", "webpack" },
["webpack.config.ts"] = { "Webpack", "webpack" },
["yarn.lock"] = { "Yarn lockfile", "yarn" },
["zlogin"] = { "zlogin", "shell" },
["zlogout"] = { "zlogout", "shell" },
["zprofile"] = { "zprofile", "shell" },
["zshenv"] = { "zshenv", "shell" },
["zshrc"] = { "zshrc", "shell" },
workspace_text = function()
return "afk lul"
-- main_image = "",
-- main_image = "",

View file

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
---@diagnostic disable: need-check-nil
local create_cmd = vim.api.nvim_create_user_command
local create_autocmd = vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd
local settings = require("custom.config").settings
create_autocmd({ "UIEnter" }, {
once = true,
callback = function()
local function getcmd_output()
local handle = io.popen "pgrep nvim | wc -l"
local output = handle:read "*a"
return output
if tonumber(getcmd_output()) == settings.discord_rpc then
require("lazy").load { plugins = { "presence.nvim" } }

View file

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-- To find any highlight groups: "<cmd> Telescope highlights"
-- Each highlight group can take a table with variables fg, bg, bold, italic, etc
-- base30 variable names can also be used as colors
local M = {}
---@type Base46HLGroupsList
M.override = {
CursorLine = {
bg = "black2",
Comment = {
italic = true,
---@type HLTable
M.add = {
NvimTreeOpenedFolderName = { fg = "green", bold = true },
return M

View file

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
require "custom.extras"
local opt = vim.opt
local g = vim.g
-- Vim options
-- opt.timeoutlen = 10 -- Which-key timeout in ms
opt.backup = false
opt.swapfile = false
opt.encoding = "utf-8"
opt.fileencoding = "utf-8"
opt.shiftwidth = 2

View file

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
---@type MappingsTable
local M = {}
M.general = {
n = {
[";"] = { ":", "enter command mode", opts = { nowait = true } },
M.nvimtree = {
n = {
-- toggle
["<leader>n"] = { "<cmd> NvimTreeToggle <CR>", "toggle nvimtree" },
-- focus
["<leader>e"] = { "<cmd> NvimTreeFocus <CR>", "focus nvimtree" },
M.twilight = {
n = {
["<leader>tw"] = { "<cmd>Twilight<cr>", "toggle twilight" },
-- more keybinds!
return M

View file

@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
---@diagnostic disable: different-requires
local overrides = require "custom.configs.overrides"
---@type NvPluginSpec[]
local plugins = {
-- Override plugin definition options
event = "VeryLazy",
dependencies = {
-- format & linting
config = function()
require "custom.configs.null-ls"
config = function()
require "plugins.configs.lspconfig"
require "custom.configs.lspconfig"
opts = {
lightbulb = { enable = false },
symbol_in_winbar = { enable = false },
config = true,
event = "VeryLazy",
ft = { "markdown", "lua", "javascript", "typescript", "typescriptreact", "javascriptreact", "html", "css", "astro" },
config = function()
require("nvim-surround").setup {}
opts = overrides.treesitter,
opts = overrides.mason,
opts = overrides.nvimtree,
-- Install a plugin
event = "InsertEnter",
config = function()
event = "VeryLazy",
ft = { "markdown", "lua", "javascript", "typescript", "typescriptreact", "javascriptreact", "html", "css", "astro" },
treesitter = true,
dimming = {
alpha = 0.25,
cmd = "Copilot",
event = "InsertEnter",
config = function()
require "custom.configs.copilot"
event = "VeryLazy",
run = "cd app && pnpm install",
setup = function()
vim.g.mkdp_filetypes = { "markdown" }
ft = { "markdown" },
event = "VeryLazy",
config = function()
require "custom.configs.presence"
return plugins

View file

@ -9595,6 +9595,8 @@ softwarePackages:
_name: Wazuh
_service:windows: wazuh-agent
_service:linux: wazuh-agent
_when:darwin: '! test -f /Library/Ossec/bin/agent-auth'
_when:linux: '! test -f /var/ossec/bin/agent-auth'
_when:windows: '! test -f "C:\Program Files (x86)\ossec-agent\agent-auth.exe"'