{ "private": false, "name": "@tainted/hiawatha", "version": "0.0.1", "description": "Scripts, files, and assets used to build a JumpUSB (https://jumpusb.com)", "license": "MIT", "author": "Brian Zalewski (https://megabyte.space)", "homepage": "https://megabyte.space", "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "git+https://github.com/megabyte-labs/jumpusb.git" }, "bugs": { "email": "help@megabyte.space", "url": "https://gitlab.com/megabyte-labs/jumpusb/-/issues" }, "type": "commonjs", "main": "dist/main.js", "files": [ "dist", "lib" ], "scripts": { "build": "bash start.sh && task npm:build:tsconfig", "bump": "npm run build && npm version patch --no-scripts --no-commit-hooks --no-git-tag-version --force && SKIP_PREPUB=true npm publish", "commit": "bash start.sh && task commit", "fix": "bash start.sh && task fix", "help": "bash start.sh && task --menu", "lint": "bash start.sh && task lint", "preload": "bash start.sh && task preload", "prepare": "bash start.sh && (test -f Taskfile.yml && task npm:prepare) || true", "release": "bash start.sh && task publish:semantic-release", "repair": "bash <(curl -sS https://install.doctor/repair)", "start": "test -z $SKIP_NPM_START && bash start.sh || true", "test": "bash start.sh && task donothing", "unpack": "bash start.sh && task npm:bundle:unpack", "update": "bash start.sh && task update", "vscode": "bash start.sh && task vscode" }, "config": { "commitizen": { "path": "node_modules/git-cz-emoji" } }, "dependencies": { "tslib": "latest" }, "peerDependenciesMeta": { "eslint": { "optional": true } }, "optionalDependencies": {}, "devDependencies": { "@types/node": "^16.11.52", "esbuild": "^0.12.29", "esbuild-node-externals": "^1.4.1", "eslint-config-strict-mode": "latest", "git-cz-emoji": "latest", "jest-preset-ts": "latest", "prettier": "^2.7.1", "prettier-config-sexy-mode": "latest", "semantic-release-config": "latest", "typescript": "^4.7.4", "@commitlint/config-conventional": "latest", "handlebars-helpers": "latest" }, "keywords": [ "common", "configurations", "files", "gitlab-ci", "mblabs", "megabytelabs", "miscellaneous", "npm", "other", "package", "professormanhattan", "shared", "supporting", "taskfiles", "washingtondc" ], "engines": { "node": ">=14.18.0" }, "publishConfig": { "access": "public", "registry": "https://registry.npmjs.org/", "tag": "edge" }, "blueprint": { "description": "A glorious combination of application settings, theme files, and a performant cross-platform, desktop-oriented software installer.", "group": "npm", "name": "Hiawatha Dotfiles", "overview": "Hiawatha Dotfiles is a glorious combination of application settings, theme files, and a performant yet flexible software installer written with [ZX](https://github.com/google/zx). The installer supports almost any operating system, just checkout the [software.yml file](https://gitlab.com/megabyte-labs/hiawatha-dotfiles/-/blob/master/software.yml). It uses [Chezmoi](https://github.com/twpayne/chezmoi) to apply file changes in an interactive way. It is not your typical Chezmoi project - it is built around the philosophy that you should be able to bash all your computers to bits with a hammer and then resurrect them the next day ✝️️ by storing stateful data to an S3 bucket and automating desktop configuration as much as possible.", "repository": { "github": "https://github.com/megabyte-labs/hiawatha-dotfiles", "gitlab": "https://gitlab.com/megabyte-labs/hiawatha-dotfiles" }, "slug": "hiawatha-dotfiles", "subgroup": "misc", "title": "Hiawatha Dotfiles - The Spirit of GitHub" }, "changelog": { "displayTypes": [ "feat", "fix", "perf", "refactor", "revert" ], "showAuthor": true }, "commitlint": { "extends": [], "helpUrl": "https://megabyte.space/docs/contributing/commits" }, "eslintConfig": { "extends": "eslint-config-strict-mode" }, "funding": [ { "type": "opencollective", "url": "https://opencollective.com/megabytelabs" }, { "type": "patreon", "url": "https://www.patreon.com/ProfessorManhattan" } ], "jest": { "preset": "jest-preset-ts", "reporters": [ "default", [ "jest-html-reporters", { "filename": "index.html", "logoImgPath": "./.config/assets/logo-jest-report.png", "openReport": true, "pageTitle": "Code Coverage Report", "publicPath": "./coverage" } ] ] }, "jscpd": { "gitignore": true, "threshold": 0.1 }, "nodemonConfig": { "exec": "tsc -p . && node --inspect-brk dist/main", "ext": "js,jsx,json,ts,tsx,yml", "ignore": [ "src/**/*.spec.ts" ], "watch": [ ".env", "src" ] }, "ntl": { "descriptions": { "build": "Builds the project using the build command specified under scripts in package.json", "bump": "Used to quickly build, increase the package.json version, and publish the package", "commit": "If unsure, use this task to commit your code so that it adheres to our commit rules", "fix": "Run auto-fixing with all available auto-fixers", "help": "Display the Bodega Taskfile.yml interactive help menu", "lint": "Lint the project with all available linters", "preload": "Preload the operating system with commonly used libraries and tools", "prepare": "A hook triggered by running npm install that runs logic such as installing pre-commit hooks", "release": "Publish the software to all supported channels using semantic-release", "repair": "Fixes basic issues in projects that are having trouble running basic commands like 'task start'", "start": "Entrypoint for new developers that installs requirements and then runs 'task start'", "test": "Runs the appropriate test logic by running the test command defined under scripts in package.json", "unpack": "Populates production node_modules from compressed copies saved in the .modules/ folder", "update": "Update and refresh the repository with upstream changes and templated parts" } }, "pnpm": { "allowedVersions": { "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "5", "eslint": "8", "typescript": "4" }, "neverBuiltDependencies": [ "core-js", "core-js-pure", "highlight.js" ], "peerDependencyRules": { "ignoreMissing": [ "eslint", "prettier", "puppeteer" ] } }, "prettier": "prettier-config-sexy-mode", "release": { "branches": [ "main", "master", "next", { "name": "beta", "prerelease": true } ], "extends": "semantic-release-config" }, "volta": { "node": "18.4.0", "yarn": "1.22.19" } }