scriptencoding utf-8 let g:coc#_context = {'start': 0, 'preselect': -1,'candidates': []} let g:coc_user_config = get(g:, 'coc_user_config', {}) let g:coc_global_extensions = get(g:, 'coc_global_extensions', []) let g:coc_selected_text = '' let g:coc_vim_commands = [] let s:watched_keys = [] let s:is_vim = !has('nvim') let s:error_sign = get(g:, 'coc_status_error_sign', has('mac') ? '❌ ' : 'E') let s:warning_sign = get(g:, 'coc_status_warning_sign', has('mac') ? '⚠️ ' : 'W') let s:select_api = exists('*nvim_select_popupmenu_item') let s:callbacks = {} let s:hide_pum = has('nvim-0.6.1') || has('patch-8.2.3389') function! coc#expandable() abort return coc#rpc#request('snippetCheck', [1, 0]) endfunction function! coc#jumpable() abort return coc#rpc#request('snippetCheck', [0, 1]) endfunction function! coc#expandableOrJumpable() abort return coc#rpc#request('snippetCheck', [1, 1]) endfunction " add vim command to CocCommand list function! coc#add_command(id, cmd, ...) let config = {'id':a:id, 'cmd':a:cmd, 'title': get(a:,1,'')} call add(g:coc_vim_commands, config) if !coc#rpc#ready() | return | endif call coc#rpc#notify('addCommand', [config]) endfunction function! coc#on_enter() call coc#rpc#notify('CocAutocmd', ['Enter', bufnr('%')]) return '' endfunction function! coc#_insert_key(method, key, ...) abort let prefix = '' if get(a:, 1, 1) if pumvisible() if s:hide_pum let prefix = "\\" else let g:coc_disable_space_report = 1 let prefix = "\\" endif endif endif return prefix."\=coc#rpc#".a:method."('doKeymap', ['".a:key."'])\" endfunction function! coc#_complete() abort let items = get(g:coc#_context, 'candidates', []) let preselect = get(g:coc#_context, 'preselect', -1) let startcol = g:coc#_context.start + 1 if s:select_api && len(items) && preselect != -1 noa call complete(startcol, items) call nvim_select_popupmenu_item(preselect, v:false, v:false, {}) " use specific key to preselect item at once call feedkeys("\\" , 'i') else if pumvisible() let g:coc_disable_complete_done = 1 endif call complete(startcol, items) endif return '' endfunction function! coc#_do_complete(start, items, preselect, changedtick) if b:changedtick != a:changedtick return endif let g:coc#_context = { \ 'start': a:start, \ 'candidates': a:items, \ 'preselect': a:preselect \} if mode() =~# 'i' call coc#_complete() endif endfunction function! coc#_cancel(...) call coc#pum#close() endfunction " used for statusline function! coc#status() let info = get(b:, 'coc_diagnostic_info', {}) let msgs = [] if !empty(info) && get(info, 'error', 0) call add(msgs, s:error_sign . info['error']) endif if !empty(info) && get(info, 'warning', 0) call add(msgs, s:warning_sign . info['warning']) endif return coc#compat#trim(join(msgs, ' ') . ' ' . get(g:, 'coc_status', '')) endfunction function! coc#config(section, value) let g:coc_user_config[a:section] = a:value call coc#rpc#notify('updateConfig', [a:section, a:value]) endfunction function! coc#add_extension(...) if a:0 == 0 | return | endif call extend(g:coc_global_extensions, a:000) endfunction function! coc#_watch(key) if s:is_vim | return | endif if index(s:watched_keys, a:key) == -1 call add(s:watched_keys, a:key) call dictwatcheradd(g:, a:key, function('s:GlobalChange')) endif endfunction function! coc#_unwatch(key) if s:is_vim | return | endif let idx = index(s:watched_keys, a:key) if idx != -1 call remove(s:watched_keys, idx) call dictwatcherdel(g:, a:key, function('s:GlobalChange')) endif endfunction function! s:GlobalChange(dict, key, val) call coc#rpc#notify('GlobalChange', [a:key, get(a:val, 'old', v:null), get(a:val, 'new', v:null)]) endfunction function! coc#on_notify(id, method, Cb) let key = a:id. '-'.a:method let s:callbacks[key] = a:Cb call coc#rpc#notify('registerNotification', [a:id, a:method]) endfunction function! coc#do_notify(id, method, result) let key = a:id. '-'.a:method let Fn = s:callbacks[key] if !empty(Fn) call Fn(a:result) endif endfunction function! coc#start(...) let opt = coc#util#get_complete_option() call CocActionAsync('startCompletion', extend(opt, get(a:, 1, {}))) return '' endfunction function! coc#refresh() abort return "\=coc#start()\" endfunction function! coc#_select_confirm() abort call timer_start(10, { -> coc#pum#select_confirm()}) return s:is_vim || has('nvim-0.5.0') ? "\" : "\\" endfunction function! coc#complete_indent() abort let curpos = getcurpos() let indent_len = len(matchstr(getline('.'), '^\s*')) let startofline = &startofline let virtualedit = &virtualedit set nostartofline set virtualedit=all normal! == let &startofline = startofline let &virtualedit = virtualedit let shift = len(matchstr(getline('.'), '^\s*')) - indent_len let curpos[2] += shift let curpos[4] += shift call cursor(curpos[1:]) if shift != 0 if s:is_vim call timer_start(0, { -> execute('redraw')}) endif endif endfunction