scriptencoding utf-8 let s:is_vim = !has('nvim') let s:utf = &encoding =~# '^utf' let s:error_icon = get(g:, 'coc_notify_error_icon', s:utf ? '' : 'E') let s:warning_icon = get(g:, 'coc_notify_warning_icon', s:utf ? '⚠' : 'W') let s:info_icon = get(g:, 'coc_notify_info_icon', s:utf ? '' : 'I') let s:interval = get(g:, 'coc_notify_interval', s:is_vim ? 50 : 20) let s:phl = 'CocNotificationProgress' let s:progress_char = '─' let s:duration = 300.0 let s:winids = [] " Valid notify winids on current tab function! coc#notify#win_list() abort call filter(s:winids, 'coc#float#valid(v:val)') return filter(copy(s:winids), '!empty(getwinvar(v:val,"float"))') endfunction function! coc#notify#close_all() abort for winid in coc#notify#win_list() call coc#notify#close(winid) endfor endfunction " Do action for winid or first notify window with actions. function! coc#notify#do_action(...) abort let winids = a:0 > 0 ? a:000 : coc#notify#win_list() for winid in winids if coc#float#valid(winid) && getwinvar(winid, 'closing', 0) != 1 let actions = getwinvar(winid, 'actions', []) if !empty(actions) let items = map(copy(actions), '(v:key + 1).". ".v:val') let msg = join(getbufline(winbufnr(winid), 1, '$'), ' ') call coc#ui#quickpick(msg, items, {err, res -> s:on_action(err, res, winid) }) break endif endif endfor endfunction " Copy notification contents function! coc#notify#copy() abort let lines = [] for winid in coc#notify#win_list() let key = getwinvar(winid, 'key', v:null) if type(key) == v:t_string call extend(lines, json_decode(key)['lines']) endif endfor if empty(lines) echohl WarningMsg | echon 'No content to copy' | echohl None return endif call setreg('*', join(lines, "\n")) endfunction " Show source name in window function! coc#notify#show_sources() abort if !exists('*getbufline') || !exists('*appendbufline') throw "getbufline and appendbufline functions required, please upgrade your vim." endif let winids = filter(coc#notify#win_list(), 'coc#window#get_var(v:val,"closing") != 1') for winid in winids let key = getwinvar(winid, 'key', v:null) if type(key) == v:t_string let bufnr = winbufnr(winid) let obj = json_decode(key) let sourcename = get(obj, 'source', '') let lnum = get(obj, 'kind', '') ==# 'progress' ? 1 : 0 let content = get(getbufline(bufnr, lnum + 1), 0, '') if empty(sourcename) || content ==# sourcename continue endif call appendbufline(bufnr, lnum, sourcename) call coc#highlight#add_highlight(bufnr, -1, 'Title', lnum, 0, -1) call coc#float#scroll_win(winid, 0, 1) endif endfor redra endfunction function! coc#notify#close_by_source(source) abort let winids = filter(coc#notify#win_list(), 'coc#window#get_var(v:val,"closing") != 1') for winid in winids let key = getwinvar(winid, 'key', v:null) if type(key) == v:t_string let obj = json_decode(key) if get(obj, 'source', '') ==# a:source call coc#notify#close(winid) endif endif endfor endfunction " Cancel auto hide function! coc#notify#keep() abort for winid in coc#notify#win_list() call s:cancel(winid, 'close_timer') endfor endfunction " borderhighlight - border highlight [string] " maxWidth - max content width, default 60 [number] " minWidth - minimal width [number] " maxHeight - max content height, default 10 [number] " highlight - default highlight [string] " winblend - winblend [number] " timeout - auto close timeout, default 5000 [number] " title - title text " marginRight - margin right, default 10 [number] " focusable - focusable [number] " source - source name [string] " kind - kind for create icon [string] " actions - action names [string[]] function! coc#notify#create(lines, config) abort let actions = get(a:config, 'actions', []) let key = json_encode(extend({'lines': a:lines}, a:config)) let winid = s:find_win(key) let kind = get(a:config, 'kind', '') let row = 0 if winid != -1 let row = getwinvar(winid, 'top', 0) call filter(s:winids, 'v:val != '.winid) call coc#float#close(winid, 1) let winid = v:null endif let opts = coc#dict#pick(a:config, ['highlight', 'borderhighlight', 'focusable', 'shadow']) let border = has_key(opts, 'borderhighlight') ? [1, 1, 1, 1] : [] let icon = s:get_icon(kind, get(a:config, 'highlight', 'CocFloating')) let margin = get(a:config, 'marginRight', 10) let maxWidth = min([&columns - margin - 2, get(a:config, 'maxWidth', 80)]) if maxWidth <= 0 throw 'No enough spaces for notification' endif let lines = map(copy(a:lines), 'tr(v:val, "\t", " ")') if has_key(a:config, 'title') if !empty(border) let opts['title'] = a:config['title'] else let lines = [a:config['title']] + lines endif endif let width = max(map(copy(lines), 'strwidth(v:val)')) + (empty(icon) ? 1 : 3) if width > maxWidth let lines = coc#string#reflow(lines, maxWidth) let width = max(map(copy(lines), 'strwidth(v:val)')) + (empty(icon) ? 1 : 3) endif let highlights = [] if !empty(icon) let ic = icon['text'] if empty(lines) call add(lines, ic) else let lines[0] = ic.' '.lines[0] endif call add(highlights, {'lnum': 0, 'hlGroup': icon['hl'], 'colStart': 0, 'colEnd': strlen(ic)}) endif let actionText = join(actions, ' ') call map(lines, 'v:key == 0 ? v:val : repeat(" ", '.(empty(icon) ? 0 : 2).').v:val') let minWidth = get(a:config, 'minWidth', kind ==# 'progress' ? 30 : 10) let width = max(extend(map(lines + [get(opts, 'title', '').' '], 'strwidth(v:val)'), [minWidth, strwidth(actionText) + 1])) let width = min([maxWidth, width]) let height = min([get(a:config, 'maxHeight', 3), len(lines)]) if kind ==# 'progress' let lines = [repeat(s:progress_char, width)] + lines let height = height + 1 endif if !empty(actions) let before = max([width - strwidth(actionText), 0]) let lines = lines + [repeat(' ', before).actionText] let height = height + 1 call s:add_action_highlights(before, height - 1, highlights, actions) endif if row == 0 let wintop = coc#notify#get_top() let row = wintop - height - (empty(border) ? 0 : 2) - 1 if !s:is_vim && !empty(border) let row = row + 1 endif endif let col = &columns - margin - width if s:is_vim && !empty(border) let col = col - 2 endif let winblend = 60 " Avoid animate for transparent background. if get(a:config, 'winblend', 30) == 0 && empty(synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(get(opts, 'highlight', 'CocFloating'))), 'bg', 'gui')) let winblend = 0 endif call extend(opts, { \ 'relative': 'editor', \ 'width': width, \ 'height': height, \ 'col': col, \ 'row': row + 1, \ 'lines': lines, \ 'rounded': 1, \ 'highlights': highlights, \ 'winblend': winblend, \ 'border': border, \ }) let result = coc#float#create_float_win(0, 0, opts) if empty(result) throw 'Unable to create notify window' endif let winid = result[0] let bufnr = result[1] call setwinvar(winid, 'right', 1) call setwinvar(winid, 'kind', 'notification') call setwinvar(winid, 'top', row) call setwinvar(winid, 'key', key) call setwinvar(winid, 'actions', actions) call setwinvar(winid, 'source', get(a:config, 'source', '')) call setwinvar(winid, 'border', !empty(border)) call coc#float#nvim_scrollbar(winid) call add(s:winids, winid) let from = {'row': opts['row'], 'winblend': opts['winblend']} let to = {'row': row, 'winblend': get(a:config, 'winblend', 30)} call timer_start(s:interval, { -> s:animate(winid, from, to, 0)}) if kind ==# 'progress' call timer_start(s:interval, { -> s:progress(winid, width, 0, -1)}) endif if !s:is_vim call coc#compat#buf_add_keymap(bufnr, 'n', '', ':call coc#notify#nvim_click('.winid.')', { \ 'silent': v:true, \ 'nowait': v:true \ }) endif " Enable auto close if empty(actions) && kind !=# 'progress' let timer = timer_start(get(a:config, 'timeout', 10000), { -> coc#notify#close(winid)}) call setwinvar(winid, 'close_timer', timer) endif return [winid, bufnr] endfunction function! coc#notify#nvim_click(winid) abort if getwinvar(a:winid, 'closing', 0) return endif call s:cancel(a:winid, 'close_timer') let actions = getwinvar(a:winid, 'actions', []) if !empty(actions) let character = strpart(getline('.'), col('.') - 1, 1) if character =~# '^\k' let word = expand('') let idx = index(actions, word) if idx != -1 call coc#rpc#notify('FloatBtnClick', [winbufnr(a:winid), idx]) call coc#notify#close(a:winid) endif endif endif endfunction function! coc#notify#on_close(winid) abort if index(s:winids, a:winid) >= 0 call filter(s:winids, 'v:val != '.a:winid) call coc#notify#reflow() endif endfunction function! coc#notify#get_top() abort let mintop = min(map(coc#notify#win_list(), 'coc#notify#get_win_top(v:val)')) if mintop != 0 return mintop endif return &lines - &cmdheight - (&laststatus == 0 ? 0 : 1 ) endfunction function! coc#notify#get_win_top(winid) abort let row = getwinvar(a:winid, 'top', 0) if row == 0 return row endif return row - (s:is_vim ? 0 : getwinvar(a:winid, 'border', 0)) endfunction " Close with timer function! coc#notify#close(winid) abort if !coc#float#valid(a:winid) || coc#window#get_var(a:winid, 'closing', 0) == 1 return endif if !coc#window#visible(a:winid) call coc#float#close(a:winid, 1) return endif let row = coc#window#get_var(a:winid, 'top') if type(row) != v:t_number call coc#float#close(a:winid) return endif call coc#window#set_var(a:winid, 'closing', 1) call s:cancel(a:winid) let winblend = coc#window#get_var(a:winid, 'winblend', 0) let curr = s:is_vim ? {'row': row} : {'winblend': winblend} let dest = s:is_vim ? {'row': row + 1} : {'winblend': winblend == 0 ? 0 : 60} call s:animate(a:winid, curr, dest, 0, 1) endfunction function! s:add_action_highlights(before, lnum, highlights, actions) abort let colStart = a:before for text in a:actions let w = strwidth(text) call add(a:highlights, { \ 'lnum': a:lnum, \ 'hlGroup': 'CocNotificationButton', \ 'colStart': colStart, \ 'colEnd': colStart + w \ }) let colStart = colStart + w + 1 endfor endfunction function! s:on_action(err, idx, winid) abort if !empty(a:err) throw a:err endif if a:idx > 0 call coc#rpc#notify('FloatBtnClick', [winbufnr(a:winid), a:idx - 1]) call coc#notify#close(a:winid) endif endfunction function! s:cancel(winid, ...) abort let name = get(a:, 1, 'timer') let timer = coc#window#get_var(a:winid, name) if !empty(timer) call timer_stop(timer) call coc#window#set_var(a:winid, name, v:null) endif endfunction function! s:progress(winid, total, curr, index) abort if !coc#float#valid(a:winid) return endif if coc#window#visible(a:winid) let total = a:total let idx = float2nr(a:curr/5.0)%total if idx != a:index " update percent let bufnr = winbufnr(a:winid) let percent = coc#window#get_var(a:winid, 'percent') if !empty(percent) let width = strchars(get(getbufline(bufnr, 1), 0, '')) let line = repeat(s:progress_char, width - 4).printf('%4s', percent) let total = width - 4 call setbufline(bufnr, 1, line) endif let message = coc#window#get_var(a:winid, 'message') if !empty(message) let linecount = coc#compat#buf_line_count(bufnr) let hasAction = !empty(coc#window#get_var(a:winid, 'actions', [])) if getbufvar(bufnr, 'message', 0) == 0 call appendbufline(bufnr, linecount - hasAction, message) call setbufvar(bufnr, 'message', 1) call coc#float#change_height(a:winid, 1) let tabnr = coc#window#tabnr(a:winid) call coc#notify#reflow(tabnr) else call setbufline(bufnr, linecount - hasAction, message) endif endif let bytes = strlen(s:progress_char) call coc#highlight#clear_highlight(bufnr, -1, 0, 1) let colStart = bytes * idx if idx + 4 <= total let colEnd = bytes * (idx + 4) call coc#highlight#add_highlight(bufnr, -1, s:phl, 0, colStart, colEnd) else let colEnd = bytes * total call coc#highlight#add_highlight(bufnr, -1, s:phl, 0, colStart, colEnd) call coc#highlight#add_highlight(bufnr, -1, s:phl, 0, 0, bytes * (idx + 4 - total)) endif endif call timer_start(s:interval, { -> s:progress(a:winid, total, a:curr + 1, idx)}) else " Not block CursorHold event call timer_start(&updatetime + 100, { -> s:progress(a:winid, a:total, a:curr, a:index)}) endif endfunction " Optional row & winblend function! s:config_win(winid, props) abort let change_row = has_key(a:props, 'row') if s:is_vim if change_row call popup_move(a:winid, {'line': a:props['row'] + 1}) endif else if change_row let [row, column] = nvim_win_get_position(a:winid) call nvim_win_set_config(a:winid, { \ 'row': a:props['row'], \ 'col': column, \ 'relative': 'editor', \ }) call s:nvim_move_related(a:winid, a:props['row']) endif call coc#float#nvim_set_winblend(a:winid, get(a:props, 'winblend', v:null)) call coc#float#nvim_refresh_scrollbar(a:winid) endif endfunction function! s:nvim_move_related(winid, row) abort let winids = coc#window#get_var(a:winid, 'related') if empty(winids) return endif for winid in winids if nvim_win_is_valid(winid) let [row, column] = nvim_win_get_position(winid) let delta = coc#window#get_var(winid, 'delta', 0) call nvim_win_set_config(winid, { \ 'row': a:row + delta, \ 'col': column, \ 'relative': 'editor', \ }) endif endfor endfunction function! s:animate(winid, from, to, prev, ...) abort if !coc#float#valid(a:winid) return endif let curr = a:prev + s:interval let percent = coc#math#min(curr / s:duration, 1) let props = s:get_props(a:from, a:to, percent) call s:config_win(a:winid, props) let close = get(a:, 1, 0) if percent < 1 call timer_start(s:interval, { -> s:animate(a:winid, a:from, a:to, curr, close)}) elseif close call filter(s:winids, 'v:val != '.a:winid) let tabnr = coc#window#tabnr(a:winid) if tabnr != -1 call coc#float#close(a:winid, 1) call coc#notify#reflow(tabnr) endif endif endfunction function! coc#notify#reflow(...) abort let tabnr = get(a:, 1, tabpagenr()) let winids = filter(copy(s:winids), 'coc#window#tabnr(v:val) == '.tabnr.' && coc#window#get_var(v:val,"closing") != 1') if empty(winids) return endif let animate = tabnr == tabpagenr() let wins = map(copy(winids), {_, val -> { \ 'winid': val, \ 'row': coc#window#get_var(val,'top',0), \ 'top': coc#window#get_var(val,'top',0) - (s:is_vim ? 0 : coc#window#get_var(val, 'border', 0)), \ 'height': coc#float#get_height(val), \ }}) call sort(wins, {a, b -> b['top'] - a['top']}) let bottom = &lines - &cmdheight - (&laststatus == 0 ? 0 : 1 ) let moved = 0 for item in wins let winid = item['winid'] let delta = bottom - (item['top'] + item['height'] + 1) if delta != 0 call s:cancel(winid) let dest = item['row'] + delta call coc#window#set_var(winid, 'top', dest) if animate call s:move_win_timer(winid, {'row': item['row']}, {'row': dest}, 0) else call s:config_win(winid, {'row': dest}) endif let moved = moved + delta endif let bottom = item['top'] + delta endfor endfunction function! s:move_win_timer(winid, from, to, curr) abort if !coc#float#valid(a:winid) return endif if coc#window#get_var(a:winid, 'closing', 0) == 1 return endif let percent = coc#math#min(a:curr / s:duration, 1) let next = a:curr + s:interval if a:curr > 0 call s:config_win(a:winid, s:get_props(a:from, a:to, percent)) endif if percent < 1 let timer = timer_start(s:interval, { -> s:move_win_timer(a:winid, a:from, a:to, next)}) call coc#window#set_var(a:winid, 'timer', timer) endif endfunction function! s:find_win(key) abort for winid in coc#notify#win_list() if getwinvar(winid, 'key', '') ==# a:key return winid endif endfor return -1 endfunction function! s:get_icon(kind, bg) abort if a:kind ==# 'info' return {'text': s:info_icon, 'hl': coc#highlight#compose_hlgroup('CocInfoSign', a:bg)} endif if a:kind ==# 'warning' return {'text': s:warning_icon, 'hl': coc#highlight#compose_hlgroup('CocWarningSign', a:bg)} endif if a:kind ==# 'error' return {'text': s:error_icon, 'hl': coc#highlight#compose_hlgroup('CocErrorSign', a:bg)} endif return v:null endfunction " percent should be float function! s:get_props(from, to, percent) abort let obj = {} for key in keys(a:from) let changed = a:to[key] - a:from[key] if !s:is_vim && key ==# 'row' " Could be float let obj[key] = a:from[key] + changed * a:percent else let obj[key] = a:from[key] + float2nr(round(changed * a:percent)) endif endfor return obj endfunction