let s:prettier_job_running = 0 function! prettier#job#async#vim#run(cmd, startSelection, endSelection) abort if s:prettier_job_running == 1 return endif let s:prettier_job_running = 1 let l:bufferName = bufname('%') let l:job = job_start([&shell, &shellcmdflag, a:cmd], { \ 'out_io': 'buffer', \ 'err_cb': {channel, msg -> s:onError(msg)}, \ 'close_cb': {channel -> s:onClose(channel, a:startSelection, a:endSelection, l:bufferName)}}) let l:stdin = job_getchannel(l:job) call ch_sendraw(l:stdin, join(getbufline(bufnr(l:bufferName), a:startSelection, a:endSelection), "\n")) call ch_close_in(l:stdin) endfunction function! s:onError(msg) abort call prettier#job#runner#onError(split(a:msg, '\n')) let s:prettier_job_running = 0 endfunction function! s:onClose(channel, startSelection, endSelection, bufferName) abort let l:out = [] let l:currentBufferName = bufname('%') let l:isInsideAnotherBuffer = a:bufferName != l:currentBufferName ? 1 : 0 let l:buff = ch_getbufnr(a:channel, 'out') let l:out = getbufline(l:buff, 2, '$') execute 'bd!' . l:buff " we have no prettier output so lets exit if len(l:out) == 0 | return | endif " nothing to update if (prettier#utils#buffer#willUpdatedLinesChangeBuffer(l:out, a:startSelection, a:endSelection) == 0) let s:prettier_job_running = 0 redraw! return endif " This is required due to race condition when user quickly switch buffers while the async " cli has not finished running, vim 8.0.1039 has introduced setbufline() which can be used " to fix this issue in a cleaner way, however since we still need to support older vim versions " we will apply a more generic solution if (l:isInsideAnotherBuffer) " Do no try to format buffers that have been closed if (bufloaded(str2nr(a:bufferName))) try silent exec 'sp '. escape(bufname(bufnr(a:bufferName)), ' \') call prettier#utils#buffer#replaceAndSave(l:out, a:startSelection, a:endSelection) catch call prettier#logging#error#log('PARSING_ERROR', a:bufferName) finally " we should then hide this buffer again if a:bufferName == bufname('%') silent hide endif endtry endif else call prettier#utils#buffer#replaceAndSave(l:out, a:startSelection, a:endSelection) endif let s:prettier_job_running = 0 endfunction