{{- if ne .host.distro.family "windows" -}} #!/usr/bin/env bash # @file Android SDK Pre-Install # @brief Pre-installs a list of Android SDKs and Tools # @description # This script pre-installs Android SDKs and Tools defined in [`.chezmoidata.yaml`](https://github.com/megabyte-labs/install.doctor/tree/master/home/.chezmoidata.yaml) # so that the user does not have to do anything on launching Android Studio for the first time. {{ includeTemplate "universal/profile" }} {{ includeTemplate "universal/logg" }} ### Run `sdkmanager`, if it is installed, to install SDKs and Tools if command -v vim > /dev/null; then {{ range .androidSDKs }} echo 'y' | $HOME/android-sdk/cmdline-tools/latest/bin/sdkmanager --install "{{ . }}" 2>&1 /dev/null {{ end }} fi {{ end -}}