const fs = require('fs') const { execSync } = require('child_process') function getTaskIncludeKey(path) { return path .replace('.config/taskfiles/', '') .replace('local/', '') .replace('/Taskfile-', ':') .replace('/Taskfile.yml', '') .replace('Taskfile-', '') .replace('.yml', '') } module.exports.register = function (Handlebars) { /** * Import [handlebars-helpers]( */ require('handlebars-helpers')({ handlebars: Handlebars }) /** * Used to generate the includes: section of the main Taskfile.yml * in the root of every repository */ Handlebars.registerHelper('bodegaIncludes', (pattern, options) => { const readdir = Handlebars.helpers.readdir const files = readdir('.config/taskfiles/') const tasks = Handlebars.helpers.each([...files, './local'], { fn: (file) => { if (fs.lstatSync(file).isDirectory()) { return readdir(file).filter((taskfile) => taskfile.match(/.*Taskfile.*.yml/gu)) } else { return [] } } }) return tasks .replaceAll('.config/taskfiles/', ',.config/taskfiles/') .replaceAll('local/', ',local/') .split(',') .map((path) => ({ key: getTaskIncludeKey(path), taskPath: './' + path, optional: path.includes('local/Taskfile-') })) .filter((x) => !!x.key) .sort((a, b) => a.key.localeCompare(b.key)) }) /** * Used for returning input from synchronous commands (i.e. bash commands) */ Handlebars.registerHelper('execSync', function (input, options) { const output = execSync(input) return output }) /** * Used for generating Homebrew resource stanzas for Python packages. * For more information, see: */ Handlebars.registerHelper('poet', function (input, options) { const formulae = execSync('poetry run poet -f ' + input) return formulae }) }