{{- if ne .host.distro.family "windows" -}} #!/usr/bin/env bash # @file run_onchange_after_40-firefox.tmpl # @brief This script configures system-wide settings, sets up Firefox Profile Switcher, creates various profiles from different sources, and installs a configurable list of Firefox Add-Ons. # @description # The Firefox setup script performs a handful of tasks that automate the setup of Firefox as well as # useful utilities that will benefit Firefox power-users. The script also performs the same logic on # [LibreWolf](https://librewolf.net/) installations. # # ## Features # # * Installs and sets up [Firefox Profile Switcher](https://github.com/null-dev/firefox-profile-switcher) # * Sets up system-wide enterprise settings (with configurations found in `~/.local/share/firefox`) # * Sets up a handful of default profiles to use with the Firefox Profile Switcher # * Automatically installs the plugins defined in the firefoxAddOns key of [`home/.chezmoidata.yaml`](https://github.com/megabyte-labs/install.doctor/blob/master/home/.chezmoidata.yaml) to the Standard and Private profiles # * Configures the default profile to clone its settings from the profile stored in firefoxPublicProfile of `home/.chezmoidata.yaml` # * Optionally, if the Chezmoi encryption key is present, then the default profile will be set to the contents of an encrypted `.tar.gz` that must be stored in the cloud somewhere (with the firefoxPrivateProfile key in `home/.chezmoidata.yaml` defining the URL of the encrypted `.tar.gz`) # # ## Profiles # # The script sets up numerous profiles for user flexibility. They can be switched by using the Firefox Profile Switcher # that this script sets up. The map of the profiles is generated by using the template file stored in `~/.local/share/firefox/profiles.ini`. # The following details the features of each profile: # # | Name | Description | # |------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| # | Factory | Default browser settings (system-wide configurations still apply) | # | default-release | Same as Factory (unmodified and generated by headlessly opening Firefox / LibreWolf) | # | Git (Public) | Pre-configured profile with address stored in `firefoxPublicProfile` | # | Standard | Cloned from the profile above with `firefoxAddOns` also installed | # | Miscellaneous | Cloned from the Factory profile (with the user.js found in `~/.config/firefox` applied) | # | Development | Same as Miscellaneous | # | Automation | Same as Miscellaneous | # | Private | Populated from an encrypted profile stored in the cloud (also installs `firefoxAddOns`) | # # ## Notes # # * The Firefox Profile Switcher is only compatible with Firefox and not LibreWolf # * This script is only designed to properly provision profiles on a fresh installation (so it does not mess around with pre-existing / already configured profiles) # # ## Links # # * [Script on GitHub](https://github.com/megabyte-labs/install.doctor/blob/master/home/.chezmoiscripts/universal/run_onchange_after_40-firefox.tmpl) # * [System-wide configurations](https://github.com/megabyte-labs/install.doctor/tree/master/home/dot_local/share/firefox) as well as the location of the `profile.ini` and some other configurations # * [User-specific configurations](https://github.com/megabyte-labs/install.doctor/blob/master/home/dot_config/firefox/user.js) added to all profiles except Factory {{ includeTemplate "universal/profile" }} {{ includeTemplate "universal/logg" }} # Firefox plugins: {{ list (.firefoxAddOns | toString | replace "[" "" | replace "]" "") | uniq | join " " }} ### Installs the Firefox Profile Connector on Linux systems (Snap / Flatpak installs are not included in this function, but instead inline below) function installFirefoxProfileConnector() { logg info 'Installing the Firefox Profile Connector' if command -v apt-get > /dev/null; then sudo apt-get install -y https://github.com/null-dev/firefox-profile-switcher-connector/releases/latest/download/linux-x64.deb elif command -v dnf > /dev/null; then sudo dnf install -y https://github.com/null-dev/firefox-profile-switcher-connector/releases/latest/download/linux-x64.rpm elif command -v yay > /dev/null; then yay -Ss firefox-profile-switcher-connector else logg warn 'apt-get, dnf, and yay were all unavailable so the Firefox Profile Connector helper executable could not be installed' fi } ### Add Firefox enterprise profile # TODO - figure out how to do this for other installations like Flatpak and macOS and Librewolf for FIREFOX_DIR in '/usr/lib/firefox' '/usr/lib/firefox-esr' '/etc/firefox' '/etc/firefox-esr' '/Applications/Firefox.app/Contents/Resources' '/Applications/LibreWolf.app/Contents/Resources/'; do if [ -d "$FIREFOX_DIR" ] && [ -d "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/firefox" ] && command -v rsync > /dev/null; then sudo rsync -artvu "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/firefox/" "$FIREFOX_DIR" fi done ### Loop through various Firefox profile locations for SETTINGS_DIR in "$HOME/snap/firefox/common/.mozilla/firefox" "$HOME/.var/app/org.mozilla.firefox/.mozilla/firefox" "$HOME/.var/app/io.gitlab.librewolf-community/.librewolf" "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles" "$HOME/Library/Application Support/LibreWolf/Profiles" "$HOME/.mozilla/firefox"; do ### Determine executable to use logg info "Processing Firefox profile location $SETTINGS_DIR" unset FIREFOX_EXE if [ "$SETTINGS_DIR" == "$HOME/.var/app/org.mozilla.firefox" ]; then if ! command -v org.mozilla.firefox > /dev/null; then continue else FIREFOX_EXE="$(which org.mozilla.firefox)" ### Firefox Profile Switcher BASE_DIR="$HOME/.var/app/org.mozilla.firefox" BIN_INSTALL_DIR="$BASE_DIR/data/firefoxprofileswitcher-install" MANIFEST_INSTALL_DIR="$BASE_DIR/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts" DOWNLOAD_URL="https://github.com/null-dev/firefox-profile-switcher-connector/releases/latest/download/linux-x64.deb" ### Ensure Firefox Profile Switcher is not already installed if [ ! -f "$BIN_INSTALL_DIR/usr/bin/ff-pswitch-connector" ] || [ ! -f "$MANIFEST_INSTALL_DIR/ax.nd.profile_switcher_ff.json" ]; then ### Download profile switcher mkdir -p "$BIN_INSTALL_DIR" TMP_FILE="$(mktemp)" logg info 'Downloading Firefox Profile Switch connector' curl -sSL "$DOWNLOAD_URL" -o "$TMP_FILE" ar p "$TMP_FILE" data.tar.xz | tar xfJ - --strip-components=2 -C "$BIN_INSTALL_DIR" usr/bin/ff-pswitch-connector rm -f "$TMP_FILE" ### Create manifest logg info 'Copying profile switcher configuration to manifest directory' mkdir -p "$MANIFEST_INSTALL_DIR" cat "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/firefox/profile-switcher.json" | sed 's/PATH_PLACEHOLDER/'"$BIN_INSTALL_DIR"'/' > "$MANIFEST_INSTALL_DIR/ax.nd.profile_switcher_ff.json" fi fi elif [ "$SETTINGS_DIR" == "$HOME/.var/app/io.gitlab.librewolf-community/.librewolf" ]; then if ! command -v io.gitlab.librewolf-community > /dev/null; then continue else FIREFOX_EXE="$(which io.gitlab.librewolf-community)" fi elif [ "$SETTINGS_DIR" == "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles" ]; then FIREFOX_EXE="/Applications/Firefox.app/Contents/MacOS/firefox" if [ ! -f "$FIREFOX_EXE" ]; then continue else ### Download Firefox Profile Switcher if [ ! -d /usr/local/Cellar/firefox-profile-switcher-connector ]; then logg info 'Ensuring Firefox Profile Switcher is installed' brew install null-dev/firefox-profile-switcher/firefox-profile-switcher-connector fi ### Ensure Firefox Profile Switcher configuration is symlinked if [ ! -d "/Library/Application Support/Mozilla/NativeMessagingHosts/ax.nd.profile_switcher_ff.json" ]; then logg info 'Ensuring Firefox Profile Switcher is configured' sudo mkdir -p "/Library/Applcation Support/Mozilla/NativeMessagingHosts" sudo ln -sf "$(brew ls -l firefox-profile-switcher-connector | grep -i ax.nd.profile_switcher_ff.json | head -n1)" "/Library/Application Support/Mozilla/NativeMessagingHosts/ax.nd.profile_switcher_ff.json" fi fi elif [ "$SETTINGS_DIR" == "$HOME/Library/Application Support/LibreWolf/Profiles" ]; then FIREFOX_EXE="/Applications/LibreWolf.app/Contents/MacOS/librewolf" if [ ! -f "$FIREFOX_EXE" ]; then continue fi elif [ "$SETTINGS_DIR" == "$HOME/snap/firefox/common/.mozilla/firefox" ]; then FIREFOX_EXE="/snap/bin/firefox" if [ ! -f "$FIREFOX_EXE" ]; then continue else ### Firefox Profile Switcher BASE_DIR="$HOME/snap/firefox/common" BIN_INSTALL_DIR="$BASE_DIR/firefoxprofileswitcher-install" MANIFEST_INSTALL_DIR="$BASE_DIR/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts" DOWNLOAD_URL="https://github.com/null-dev/firefox-profile-switcher-connector/releases/latest/download/linux-x64.deb" ### Ensure Firefox Profile Switcher is not already installed if [ ! -f "$BIN_INSTALL_DIR/usr/bin/ff-pswitch-connector" ] || [ ! -f "$MANIFEST_INSTALL_DIR/ax.nd.profile_switcher_ff.json" ]; then ### Download profile switcher mkdir -p "$BIN_INSTALL_DIR" TMP_FILE="$(mktemp)" logg info 'Downloading Firefox Profile Switch connector' curl -sSL "$DOWNLOAD_URL" -o "$TMP_FILE" ar p "$TMP_FILE" data.tar.xz | tar xfJ - --strip-components=2 -C "$BIN_INSTALL_DIR" usr/bin/ff-pswitch-connector rm -f "$TMP_FILE" ### Create manifest logg info 'Copying profile switcher configuration to manifest directory' mkdir -p "$MANIFEST_INSTALL_DIR" cat "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/firefox/profile-switcher.json" | sed 's/PATH_PLACEHOLDER/'"$BIN_INSTALL_DIR"'/' > "$MANIFEST_INSTALL_DIR/ax.nd.profile_switcher_ff.json" fi fi elif [ "$SETTINGS_DIR" == "$HOME/.mozilla/firefox" ]; then if command -v firefox-esr > /dev/null; then FIREFOX_EXE="$(which firefox-esr)" installFirefoxProfileConnector elif command -v firefox > /dev/null && [ "$(which firefox)" != *'snap'* ] && [ "$(which firefox)" != *'flatpak'* ] && [ ! -d /Applications ] && [ ! -d /System ]; then # Conditional check ensures Snap / Flatpak / macOS Firefox versions do not try to install to the wrong folder FIREFOX_EXE="$(which firefox)" installFirefoxProfileConnector else if [ -d /Applications ] && [ -d /System ]; then # Continue on macOS without logging because profiles are not stored here on macOS continue else logg warn 'Unable to register Firefox executable' logg info "Settings directory: $SETTINGS_DIR" continue fi fi fi ### Initiatize Firefox default profiles if command -v "$FIREFOX_EXE" > /dev/null; then ### Create default profile by launching Firefox headlessly logg info "Firefox executable set to $FIREFOX_EXE" if [ ! -d "$SETTINGS_DIR" ]; then logg info 'Running Firefox headlessly to generate default profiles' timeout 8 "$FIREFOX_EXE" --headless logg info 'Finished running Firefox headlessly' fi ### Add the populated profiles.ini logg info "Copying "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/firefox/profiles.ini" to profile directory" if [ -d /Applications ] && [ -d /System ]; then # macOS logg info "Copying ~/.local/share/profiles.ini to $SETTINGS_DIR/../profiles.ini" cp -f "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/firefox/profiles.ini" "$SETTINGS_DIR/../profiles.ini" SETTINGS_INI="$SETTINGS_DIR/../installs.ini" else # Linux logg info "Copying ~/.local/share/profiles.ini to $SETTINGS_DIR/profiles.ini" cp -f "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/firefox/profiles.ini" "$SETTINGS_DIR/profiles.ini" SETTINGS_INI="$SETTINGS_DIR/installs.ini" fi ### Default profile (created by launching Firefox headlessly) # DEFAULT_RELEASE_PROFILE="$(find "$SETTINGS_DIR" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name "*.default-*")" DEFAULT_PROFILE_PROFILE="$SETTINGS_DIR/$(cat "$SETTINGS_INI" | grep 'Default=' | sed 's/.*Profiles\///')" logg info 'Removing previous installs.ini file' rm -f "$SETTINGS_INI" # DEFAULT_PROFILE="$(find "$SETTINGS_DIR" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name "*.default" -not -name "profile.default")" if [ -n "$DEFAULT_RELEASE_PROFILE" ]; then logg info "Syncing $DEFAULT_RELEASE_PROFILE to $SETTINGS_DIR/profile.default" rsync -a "$DEFAULT_RELEASE_PROFILE/" "$SETTINGS_DIR/profile.default" fi ### Miscellaneous default profiles for NEW_PROFILE in "automation" "development" "miscellaneous"; do if [ ! -d "$SETTINGS_DIR/profile.${NEW_PROFILE}" ] && [ -d "$SETTINGS_DIR/profile.default" ]; then logg info "Cloning $NEW_PROFILE from profile.default" rsync -a "$SETTINGS_DIR/profile.default/" "$SETTINGS_DIR/profile.${NEW_PROFILE}" rsync -a "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/firefox/" "$SETTINGS_DIR/profile.${NEW_PROFILE}" cp -f "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/firefox/user.js" "$SETTINGS_DIR/profile.${NEW_PROFILE}" fi done ### Public git profile if [ -d "$SETTINGS_DIR/profile.git" ]; then logg info 'Resetting the Firefox git profile' cd "$SETTINGS_DIR/profile.git" git reset --hard HEAD git clean -fxd logg info 'Pulling latest updates to the Firefox git profile' git pull origin master else logg info 'Cloning the public Firefox git profile' cd "$SETTINGS_DIR" git clone {{ .firefoxPublicProfile }} profile.git fi ### Copy user.js to profile.git profile cp -f "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/firefox/user.js" "$SETTINGS_DIR/profile.git" ### Git profile w/ plugins installed (installation happens below) if [ ! -d "$SETTINGS_DIR/profile.plugins" ]; then logg info "Syncing $SETTINGS_DIR/profile.git to $SETTINGS_DIR/profile.plugins" rsync -a "$SETTINGS_DIR/profile.git/" "$SETTINGS_DIR/profile.plugins" rsync -a "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/firefox/" "$SETTINGS_DIR/profile.plugins" cp -f "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/firefox/user.js" "$SETTINGS_DIR/profile.plugins" fi {{- if and (stat (joinPath .host.home ".config" "age" "chezmoi.txt") (ne .firefoxPrivateProfile false)) }} ### Private hosted profile if [ ! -d "$SETTINGS_DIR/profile.private" ]; then logg info 'Downloading the encrypted Firefox private profile' cd "$SETTINGS_DIR" curl -sSL '{{ .firefoxPrivateProfile }}' -o profile.private.tar.gz.age logg info 'Decrypting the Firefox private profile' chezmoi decrypt profile.private.tar.gz.age > profile.private.tar.gz || EXIT_DECRYPT_CODE=$? if [ -z "$EXIT_DECRYPT_CODE" ]; then rm -f profile.private.tar.gz.age logg info 'Decompressing the Firefox private profile' tar -xzf profile.private.tar.gz logg success 'The Firefox private profile was successfully installed' cp -f "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/firefox/user.js" "$SETTINGS_DIR/profile.private" logg info 'Copied ~/.config/firefox/user.js to profile.private profile' else logg error 'Failed to decrypt the private Firefox profile' fi fi {{- end }} ### Install Firefox addons (using list declared in .chezmoidata.yaml) for SETTINGS_PROFILE in "profile.plugins" "profile.private"; do if [ -d "$SETTINGS_DIR/$SETTINGS_PROFILE" ]; then for FIREFOX_PLUGIN in {{ list (.firefoxAddOns | toString | replace "[" "" | replace "]" "") | uniq | join " " }}; do logg info "Processing the $FIREFOX_PLUGIN Firefox add-on" PLUGIN_HTML="$(mktemp)" curl --silent "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/$FIREFOX_PLUGIN/" > "$PLUGIN_HTML" PLUGIN_TMP="$(mktemp)" cat "$PLUGIN_HTML" | htmlq '#redux-store-state' | sed 's/^//' | sed 's/<\/script>$//' > "$PLUGIN_TMP" PLUGIN_ID="$(jq '.addons.bySlug["'"$FIREFOX_PLUGIN"'"]' "$PLUGIN_TMP")" if [ "$PLUGIN_ID" != 'null' ]; then PLUGIN_FILE_ID="$(jq -r '.addons.byID["'"$PLUGIN_ID"'"].guid' "$PLUGIN_TMP")" if [ "$PLUGIN_FILE_ID" != 'null' ]; then PLUGIN_URL="$(cat "$PLUGIN_HTML" | htmlq '.InstallButtonWrapper-download-link' --attribute href)" PLUGIN_FILENAME="${PLUGIN_FILE_ID}.xpi" PLUGIN_FOLDER="$(echo "$PLUGIN_FILENAME" | sed 's/.xpi$//')" if [ ! -d "$SETTINGS_DIR/$SETTINGS_PROFILE/extensions/$PLUGIN_FOLDER" ]; then logg info 'Downloading add-on XPI file for '"$PLUGIN_FILENAME"' ('"$FIREFOX_PLUGIN"')' if [ ! -d "$SETTINGS_DIR/$SETTINGS_PROFILE/extensions" ]; then mkdir -p "$SETTINGS_DIR/$SETTINGS_PROFILE/extensions" fi curl -sSL "$PLUGIN_URL" -o "$SETTINGS_DIR/$SETTINGS_PROFILE/extensions/$PLUGIN_FILENAME" # Unzipping like this causes Firefox to complain about unsigned plugins # TODO - figure out how to headlessly enable the extensions in such a way that is compatible with Flatpak / Snap # using the /usr/lib/firefox/distribution/policies.json works but this is not compatible with Flatpak / Snap out of the box # it seems since they do not have access to the file system by default. Also, using the policies.json approach forces # all Firefox profiles to use the same extensions. Ideally, we should find a way to enable the extensions scoped # to the user profile. # logg info 'Unzipping '"$PLUGIN_FILENAME"' ('"$FIREFOX_PLUGIN"')' # unzip "$SETTINGS_DIR/$SETTINGS_PROFILE/extensions/$PLUGIN_FILENAME" -d "$SETTINGS_DIR/$SETTINGS_PROFILE/extensions/$PLUGIN_FOLDER" logg success 'Installed `'"$FIREFOX_PLUGIN"'`' fi else logg warn 'A null Firefox add-on filename was detected for `'"$FIREFOX_PLUGIN"'`' fi else logg warn 'A null Firefox add-on ID was detected for `'"$FIREFOX_PLUGIN"'`' fi done fi done fi done {{ end -}}