#!/bin/bash ################################################################# # # # GNOME Shell Extension Installer v1.2.1 # # # # A simple (scriptable) way to install GNOME Shell Extensions! # # # # Author: Cyrus Frost # # License: MIT # # # # https://github.com/cyfrost/install-gnome-extensions # # # ################################################################# #vars script_revision="v1.2.1" args_count="$#" dependencies=(wget curl jq unzip tput sed egrep sed awk gnome-shell cut basename) deps_install_apt="sudo apt install -y wget curl jq unzip sed" deps_install_dnf="sudo dnf install -y wget curl jq unzip sed" EXTENSIONS_TO_INSTALL=() OVERWRITE_EXISTING=false ENABLE_ALL=false INSTALLED_EXT_COUNT='' INSTALLED_EXTs='' # message colors. info_text_blue=$(tput setaf 7) normal_text=$(tput sgr0) error_text=$(tput setaf 1) status_text_yellow=$(tput setaf 3) # Bail immediately if running as root. function CheckIfRunningAsRoot() { if [ "$(id -u)" = 0 ]; then printf " %s Running this script as root is discouraged and won't work since it needs user directories to operate. Retry as normal user. Note: If you're trying to install extensions for another user on this computer, try 'su ' and proceed. Abort. %s" "$error_text" "$normal_text" exit 1 fi } # Bail immediately if running as root. CheckIfRunningAsRoot # Trap SIGINT and SIGTERM. function _term() { printf "\n\n%s" "$normal_text" trap - INT TERM # clear the trap kill -- -$$ } # Trap SIGINT and SIGTERM for cleanup. trap _term INT TERM # This function can check for binaries/commands to be available in Env PATH and report otherwise. function CheckDependencies() { # echo -en "\n${info_text_blue}Checking dependencies...${normal_text}"; dependencies=("$@") for name in "${dependencies[@]}"; do command -v "$name" >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo -en "${error_text}\n[Error] Command not found: \"$name\"${normal_text}" deps=1 } done [[ $deps -ne 1 ]] || { echo -en "${error_text}\n\nOne or more dependencies is unavailable. Please make sure the above commands are available and re-run this script.\n\n${status_text_yellow}For Ubuntu and similar distros, try: $deps_install_apt\n\nFor Fedora and similar distros, try: $deps_install_dnf\n\n${normal_text}" exit 1 } } # Fail if dependencies unmet. CheckDependencies "${dependencies[@]}" function confirm_action() { while true; do printf "\n%s" "$normal_text" read -r -p "$1" -n 1 yn case $yn in [Yy]*) return 0 ;; [Nn]*) return 1 ;; *) printf "\nPlease answer with 'y' or 'n'." ;; esac done } # check if current (active) desktop instance is GNOME. function IsEnvGNOME() { if [ "$XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP" = "" ]; then desktop=$(echo "$XDG_DATA_DIRS" | grep -Po '(xfce|kde|gnome)' | tail -n 1) #sed 's/.*\(xfce\|kde\|gnome\).*/\1/') else desktop=$XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP fi desktop=${desktop,,} if [[ $desktop == *"gnome"* ]]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } function enable_extension() { ext_uuid="$1" gnome-extensions enable "$ext_uuid" >/dev/null 2>&1 } function disable_extension() { ext_uuid="$1" gnome-extensions disable "$ext_uuid" >/dev/null 2>&1 } function get_installed_extensions_list() { user_extensions_path="/home/$USER/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions" array=() while IFS="" read -r line; do array+=("$line"); done < <(find "$user_extensions_path" -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -not -path '*/\.*' -printf "%f\n") ext_list=$(printf "'%s'," "${array[@]}") ext_list=${ext_list%,} INSTALLED_EXT_COUNT="${#array[@]}" INSTALLED_EXTs=$(printf '%s\n' "${array[@]}") # echo $ext_list } function install_shell_extensions() { for ext_id in "${EXTENSIONS_TO_INSTALL[@]}"; do request_url="https://extensions.gnome.org/extension-info/?pk=$ext_id&shell_version=$GNOME_SHELL_VERSION" http_response="$(curl -s -o /dev/null -I -w "%{http_code}" "$request_url")" if [ "$http_response" = 404 ]; then printf "\n%sError: No extension exists matching the ID: %s and GNOME Shell version %s (Skipping this).\n" "$error_text" "$ext_id" "$GNOME_SHELL_VERSION" continue fi printf "%s\n" "$normal_text" ext_info="$(curl -s "$request_url")" extension_name="$(echo "$ext_info" | jq -r '.name')" direct_dload_url="$(echo "$ext_info" | jq -r '.download_url')" ext_uuid="$(echo "$ext_info" | jq -r '.uuid')" ext_version="$(echo "$ext_info" | jq -r '.version')" ext_homepage="$(echo "$ext_info" | jq -r '.link')" ext_description="$(echo "$ext_info" | jq -r '.description')" download_url="https://extensions.gnome.org"$direct_dload_url target_installation_dir="/home/$USER/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/$ext_uuid" printf "%s\nDownloading and installing extension \"%s\"%s" "$status_text_yellow" "$extension_name" "$normal_text" printf "%s" "$info_text_blue" printf "\nDescription: %s" "$ext_description" printf "\nExtension ID: %s" "$ext_id" printf "\nExtension Version: v%s" "$ext_version" printf "\nHomepage: https://extensions.gnome.org%s" "$ext_homepage" printf "\nUUID: \"%s\"" "$ext_uuid" printf "\nInstalling to: \"%s\"" "$target_installation_dir" if [ -d "$target_installation_dir" ] && [ "$OVERWRITE_EXISTING" = "false" ]; then confirm_action "${normal_text}This extension is already installed. Do you want to overwrite it? (y/n): " || continue fi printf "\n%sPlease wait...\n" "$info_text_blue" filename="$(basename "$download_url")" wget -q "$download_url" \ && mkdir -p "$target_installation_dir" \ && unzip -o -q "$filename" -d "$target_installation_dir" \ && sleep 1 \ && rm "$filename" schemas_dir="$target_installation_dir/schemas" if [ -d "$schemas_dir" ]; then printf "%sInstall GLib Schemas for dconf storage, this step will require sudo access...\n" "$info_text_blue" cd "$schemas_dir" || { echo "$0: Directory do not exist" exit 1 } sudo cp ./*.xml "/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/" sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/ >/dev/null 2>&1 fi if [ ! "$ENABLE_ALL" = "false" ]; then enable_extension "$ext_uuid" fi printf "%sDone!\n%s" "$info_text_blue" "$normal_text" done printf "\n" } # Check if arg is number. function IsNumber() { re='^[0-9]+$' if [[ "$1" =~ $re ]]; then return 0 fi return 1 } function print_usage() { print_banner # -u, --update Updates existing extensions to latest available versions. printf " Usage: ./install-gnome-extensions.sh [options] | [links_file] Options: -e, --enable Enable extension after installing it. -o, --overwrite Overwrites existing extensions. -l. --list Lists the UUIDs of installed extensions. -f, --file Specify a file containing extension links to install. -h, --help Display this help message. Example usages: --------------- 1) ./install-gnome-extensions.sh 6 8 19 --enable Installs and enables extensions with IDs 6, 8, and 19. 2) ./install-gnome-extensions.sh -e --file links.txt Installs and enables the extensions from the URLs specified in \"links.txt\" file. " } function print_banner() { printf "%s =========================================================== GNOME Shell Extensions Installer %s A simple (scriptable) way to install GNOME Shell extensions. https://github.com/cyfrost/install-gnome-extensions ===========================================================\n" "$normal_text" "$script_revision" } function trim_file() { file="$1" sed -i '/^[[:blank:]]*$/ d' "$file" && awk '{$1=$1};1' "$file" >tmp && mv tmp "$file" } function install_exts_from_links_file() { file="$1" if [ ! -f "$file" ] || [ ! -s "$file" ]; then printf "\n%sError: Supplied argument (\"%s\") is either not a valid file or is empty. %s\n\nPlease gather all extension links in a text file (line-by-line) and try again.\n\nSample usage: ./install-gnome-extensions --file links.txt\n\n" "$error_text" "$1" "$normal_text" exit 1 fi trim_file "$file" printf "\nParsing file \"%s\" for extension links...\n" "$file" while IFS="" read -r p || [ -n "$p" ]; do url="$(echo "$p" | sed '/^[[:space:]]*$/d')" ext_id="$(echo "$url" | tr '\n' ' ' | sed -e 's/[^0-9]/ /g' -e 's/^ *//g' -e 's/ *$//g' | tr -s ' ' | awk '{print $1;}')" IsNumber "$ext_id" && EXTENSIONS_TO_INSTALL+=("$ext_id") || printf "\n%sError: Invalid URL: %s (Skipping this).%s" "$error_text" "$url" "$normal_text" done <"$file" printf "\n" } function begin_install() { exts_list="$(printf '%s, ' "${EXTENSIONS_TO_INSTALL[@]}")" exts_list=${exts_list%, } print_banner printf "\n%s[Info] Detected GNOME Shell version: %s\n\nInstalling %s extensions (%s)...\n%s" "$info_text_blue" "$GNOME_SHELL_VERSION" "$extensions_count" "$exts_list" "$normal_text" install_shell_extensions printf "\n%sComplete!\n\n" "$normal_text" IsEnvGNOME || printf "%sPlease login to GNOME desktop to see the installed/enabled extensions.\n\n" "$normal_text" } # Obtain GNOME Shell version. GNOME_SHELL_VERSION="$(gnome-shell --version | cut --delimiter=' ' --fields=3 | cut --delimiter='.' --fields=1,2)" while test $# -gt 0; do case "$1" in -e | --enable) ENABLE_ALL=true ;; # -u|--update) # UPDATE=true # ;; -o | --overwrite) OVERWRITE_EXISTING=true ;; -h | --help) print_usage exit 0 ;; -l | --list) get_installed_extensions_list printf "\n============================\nInstalled extensions (UUIDs)\n============================\n\n%s\n\n%s extensions are installed.\n\nDone!\n\n" "$INSTALLED_EXTs" "$INSTALLED_EXT_COUNT" exit 0 ;; -f | --file) install_exts_from_links_file "$2" ;; esac IsNumber "$1" && EXTENSIONS_TO_INSTALL+=("$1") shift done extensions_count="${#EXTENSIONS_TO_INSTALL[@]}" if [ "$args_count" -eq 0 ]; then printf "\n%sInvalid usage.\n%s" "$error_text" "$normal_text" print_usage elif [ "$extensions_count" -eq 0 ]; then printf "\n%sError: Could not find any valid extension IDs or URLs for installation.\n%s\n" "$error_text" "$normal_text" exit 1 else begin_install fi