--- # +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ # |G|E|N|E|R|A|L| |C|O|N|F|I|G|U|R|A|T|I|O|N| # +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ # Which provider to clone from (github, gitlab, gitea or bitbucket) # default: github # flag (--scm, -s) eg: --scm=gitlab GHORG_SCM_TYPE: gitlab # How you'd like to clone the repos (https or ssh) # default: https # flag (--protocol) eg: --protocol=https GHORG_CLONE_PROTOCOL: https # This is where your ghorg directory will be created, use absolute pathing, shell expansions will not work. # The ghorg directory is the home for all ghorg clones # See https://github.com/gabrie30/ghorg#changing-clone-directories for example # default: YOUR_HOME_DIR/ghorg # flag (--path, -p) eg: --path=/tmp/ghorg GHORG_ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_CLONE_TO: ~/.local/ghorg # Folder ghorg will clone all repos into. Cloning will result in: GHORG_ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_CLONE_TO/GHORG_OUTPUT_DIR/repo # See https://github.com/gabrie30/ghorg#changing-clone-directories for example # default: org/user you are cloning, e.g. 'ghorg clone kubernetes' would create a kubernetes directory inside your ghorg directory # flag (--output-dir) eg: --output-dir=testing # GHORG_OUTPUT_DIR: # Type of entity to clone (user or org) # flag (--clone-type, -c) eg: --clone-type=user GHORG_CLONE_TYPE: org # Change SCM api base url, this is for on self hosted scm instances only # For http gitlab instances see GHORG_INSECURE_GITLAB_CLIENT # default: github/gitlab/bitbucket public apis # flag (--base-url) eg: --base-url=https://my.self.hosted.scm.instance.com GHORG_SCM_BASE_URL: # Include submodules in all clone and pull operations. # flag (--include-submodules) GHORG_INCLUDE_SUBMODULES: true # Allows you to pass arguments to git's filter flag e.g. git clone --filter= this requires git version 2.19 or greater. # Useful for filtering out binary objects from repos # Few caveats, only works on inital clones, however if done on inital clone all subsequent clones will also honor the settings. # More info at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49917616/what-is-the-git-clone-filter-options-syntax # flag (--git-filter) eg: --git-filter=blob:none # GHORG_GIT_FILTER: # Deletes all files/directories found in your local clone directory that are not found on the remote (e.g., after remote deletion). With GHORG_SKIP_ARCHIVED set, archived repositories will also be pruned from your local clone. # Will prompt before deleting any files unless used in combination with --prune-no-confirm # flag (--prune) GHORG_PRUNE: true # Skip interactive y/n prompt when pruning clones (can only be used in combination with --prune). # flag (--prune-no-confirm) GHORG_PRUNE_NO_CONFIRM: true # Color output (enabled, disabled) # flag (--color) eg: --color=disabled GHORG_COLOR: enabled # Skip archived repos, currently github/gitlab/gitea only # flag (--skip-archived) GHORG_SKIP_ARCHIVED: true # Skip repos that are forks, currently github/gitlab/gitea only # flag (--skip-forks) GHORG_SKIP_FORKS: false # Backup mode, clone as mirror, no working copy (ignores branch parameter) # flag (--backup) GHORG_BACKUP: true # Max goroutines created while cloning # flag (--concurrency) GHORG_CONCURRENCY: 25 # A comma separated list of topics to filter by, currently github/gitlab/gitea only # flag (--topics) eg: --topics=frontend # If any topics exist here, ghorg will only clone repos that match at least one of these topics # GHORG_TOPICS: # Only clone repos with matching prefix, can be a comma separated list # flag (--match-prefix) eg: --match-prefix=backend # GHORG_MATCH_PREFIX: # Exclude cloning repos with matching prefix, can be a comma separated list # flag (--exclude-match-prefix) eg: --exclude-match-prefix=backend # GHORG_EXCLUDE_MATCH_PREFIX: # Only clone repos that match name to regex provided # flag (--match-regex) eg: --match-regex=^foo # GHORG_MATCH_REGEX: # Exclude cloning repos that match name to regex provided # flag (--exclude-match-regex) eg: --exclude-match-regex=^foo # GHORG_EXCLUDE_MATCH_REGEX: # Only clones new repos and does not perform a git clean on existing repos. Useful if you don't want to lose changes made to repos in the org/user directory. # flag (--no-clean) GHORG_NO_CLEAN: false # Additionally clone the wiki page for repo # flag (--clone-wiki) GHORG_CLONE_WIKI: false # Fetches all remote branches for each repo by running a git fetch --all # flag (--fetch-all) GHORG_FETCH_ALL: false # If you want to set a path other than $HOME/.config/ghorg/ghorgignore for your ghorgignore # flag (--ghorgignore-path) # GHORG_IGNORE_PATH: # Only emit critical output. # flag (--quiet) GHORG_QUIET: false # Perform a dry run of the clone; fetches repos but does not clone them. # flag (--dry-run) GHORG_DRY_RUN: false # Branch ghorg resets and leaves checked out # default: default branch # NOTE: if no default branch is found on the repo, will fallback to using master # flag (--branch, -b) eg: --branch=develop # GHORG_BRANCH: # Allows you to control the exit code when ghorg runs into a problem (info level message) cloning a repo from the remote. # Info messages will appear after a clone is complete, similar to success messages # flag (--exit-code-on-clone-infos) GHORG_EXIT_CODE_ON_CLONE_INFOS: 0 # Allows you to control the exit code when ghorg runs into a problem (issue level message) cloning a repo from the remote. # Issue messages will appear after a clone is complete, similar to success messages. # flag (--exit-code-on-clone-issues) GHORG_EXIT_CODE_ON_CLONE_ISSUES: 1 # Specifies the location of your ghorg conf.yaml, allowing you to have many configuration files, or none at all # default: ghorg looks in $HOME/.config/ghorg/conf.yaml, if not set in that location nor as a commandline flag, ghorg will use all default values # NOTE: this cannot be set in the configuration file. Its supported through CLI flag and ENV var only. # flag (--config) # GHORG_CONFIG: # +-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ # |G|I|T|H|U|B| |S|P|E|C|I|F|I|C| # +-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ # Add your GitHub token # flag (--token, -t) eg: --token=bGVhdmUgYSBjb21tZW50IG9uIGlzc3VlIDY2 GHORG_GITHUB_TOKEN: {{ if (stat (joinPath .chezmoi.sourceDir ".chezmoitemplates" "secrets" "GITHUB_READ_TOKEN")) }}{{ includeTemplate "secrets/GITHUB_READ_TOKEN" | decrypt }}{{ else }}{{ env "GITHUB_READ_TOKEN" }}{{ end }} # +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ # |G|I|T|L|A|B| |S|P|E|C|I|F|I|C| # +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ # Add your GitLab token # flag (--token, -t) eg: --token=bGVhdmUgYSBjb21tZW50IG9uIGlzc3VlIDY2 GHORG_GITLAB_TOKEN: {{ if (stat (joinPath .chezmoi.sourceDir ".chezmoitemplates" "secrets" "GITLAB_READ_TOKEN")) }}{{ includeTemplate "secrets/GITLAB_READ_TOKEN" | decrypt }}{{ else }}{{ env "GITLAB_READ_TOKEN" }}{{ end }} # clones repos in a directory structure that matches gitlab namespaces eg company/unit/subunit/app would clone into ghorg/org/unit/subunit/app # flag (--preserve-dir) GHORG_PRESERVE_DIRECTORY_STRUCTURE: true # Skip TLS certificate verification for hosted gitlab instances # flag (--insecure-gitlab-client) GHORG_INSECURE_GITLAB_CLIENT: # Exclude gitlab groups by regex # flag (--gitlab-group-exclude-match-regex) GHORG_GITLAB_GROUP_EXCLUDE_MATCH_REGEX: # +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ # |G|I|T|E|A| |S|P|E|C|I|F|I|C| # +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ # Add your Gitea token # Settings -> Applications -> Generate Token # flag (--token, -t) eg: --token=bGVhdmUgYSBjb21tZW50IG9uIGlzc3VlIDY2 GHORG_GITEA_TOKEN: # +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ # |B|I|T|B|U|C|K|E|T| |S|P|E|C|I|F|I|C| # +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ # When using this OAuth/PAT token, do not set the bitbucket username flag. Do not set both this value and the GHORG_BITBUCKET_APP_PASSWORD # https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucketserver/personal-access-tokens-939515499.html # flag (--token, -t) eg: --token=bGVhdmUgYSBjb21tZW50IG9uIGlzc3VlIDY2 GHORG_BITBUCKET_OAUTH_TOKEN: # Add your Bitbucket app password. Do not set both this value and the GHORG_BITBUCKET_OAUTH_TOKEN # https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucket/app-passwords-828781300.html # flag (--token, -t) eg: --token=bGVhdmUgYSBjb21tZW50IG9uIGlzc3VlIDY2 GHORG_BITBUCKET_APP_PASSWORD: # Used with GHORG_BITBUCKET_APP_PASSWORD. Should not be set when using GHORG_BITBUCKET_OAUTH_TOKEN # flag (--bitbucket-username) eg: --bitbucket-username=user123 GHORG_BITBUCKET_USERNAME: # +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ # |G|H|O|R|G| |R|E|C|L|O|N|E| # +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ # Configuration for ghorg reclone command # See https://github.com/gabrie30/ghorg#reclone-command for more information on how to setup and use # If set allows you to specify the location of your reclone.yaml # Defaults to $HOME/.config/ghorg/reclone.yaml # flag (--reclone-path) GHORG_RECLONE_PATH: # Get more verbose logging with reclone command # flag (--verbose) GHORG_RECLONE_VERBOSE: false # Quiet logging output with reclone command # flag (--quiet) GHORG_RECLONE_QUIET: false